
00x00000000ERROR_SUCCESSThe operation completed successfully.
10x00000001ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTIONIncorrect function.
20x00000002ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUNDThe system cannot find the file specified.
30x00000003ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUNDThe system cannot find the path specified.
40x00000004ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILESThe system cannot open the file.
50x00000005ERROR_ACCESS_DENIEDAccess is denied.
60x00000006ERROR_INVALID_HANDLEThe handle is invalid.
70x00000007ERROR_ARENA_TRASHEDThe storage control blocks were destroyed.
80x00000008ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORYNot enough storage is available to process this command.
90x00000009ERROR_INVALID_BLOCKThe storage control block address is invalid.
100x0000000AERROR_BAD_ENVIRONMENTThe environment is incorrect.
110x0000000BERROR_BAD_FORMATAn attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.
120x0000000CERROR_INVALID_ACCESSThe access code is invalid.
130x0000000DERROR_INVALID_DATAThe data is invalid.
140x0000000EERROR_OUTOFMEMORYNot enough storage is available to complete this operation.
150x0000000FERROR_INVALID_DRIVEThe system cannot find the drive specified.
160x00000010ERROR_CURRENT_DIRECTORYThe directory cannot be removed.
170x00000011ERROR_NOT_SAME_DEVICEThe system cannot move the file to a different disk drive.
180x00000012ERROR_NO_MORE_FILESThere are no more files.
190x00000013ERROR_WRITE_PROTECTThe media is write protected.
200x00000014ERROR_BAD_UNITThe system cannot find the device specified.
210x00000015ERROR_NOT_READYThe device is not ready.
220x00000016ERROR_BAD_COMMANDThe device does not recognize the command.
230x00000017ERROR_CRCData error (cyclic redundancy check).
240x00000018ERROR_BAD_LENGTHThe program issued a command but the command length is incorrect.
250x00000019ERROR_SEEKThe drive cannot locate a specific area or track on the disk.
260x0000001AERROR_NOT_DOS_DISKThe specified disk or diskette cannot be accessed.
270x0000001BERROR_SECTOR_NOT_FOUNDThe drive cannot find the sector requested.
280x0000001CERROR_OUT_OF_PAPERThe printer is out of paper.
290x0000001DERROR_WRITE_FAULTThe system cannot write to the specified device.
300x0000001EERROR_READ_FAULTThe system cannot read from the specified device.
310x0000001FERROR_GEN_FAILUREA device attached to the system is not functioning.
320x00000020ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATIONThe process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
330x00000021ERROR_LOCK_VIOLATIONThe process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file.
340x00000022ERROR_WRONG_DISKThe wrong diskette is in the drive. Insert %2 (Volume Serial Number: %3) into drive %1.
360x00000024ERROR_SHARING_BUFFER_EXCEEDEDToo many files opened for sharing.
380x00000026ERROR_HANDLE_EOFReached the end of the file.
390x00000027ERROR_HANDLE_DISK_FULLThe disk is full.
500x00000032ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTEDThe request is not supported.
510x00000033ERROR_REM_NOT_LISTThe remote computer is not available.
520x00000034ERROR_DUP_NAMEA duplicate name exists on the network.
530x00000035ERROR_BAD_NETPATHThe network path was not found.
540x00000036ERROR_NETWORK_BUSYThe network is busy.
550x00000037ERROR_DEV_NOT_EXISTThe specified network resource or device is no longer available.
560x00000038ERROR_TOO_MANY_CMDSThe network BIOS command limit has been reached.
570x00000039ERROR_ADAP_HDW_ERRA network adapter hardware error occurred.
580x0000003AERROR_BAD_NET_RESPThe specified server cannot perform the requested operation.
590x0000003BERROR_UNEXP_NET_ERRAn unexpected network error occurred.
600x0000003CERROR_BAD_REM_ADAPThe remote adapter is not compatible.
610x0000003DERROR_PRINTQ_FULLThe printer queue is full.
620x0000003EERROR_NO_SPOOL_SPACESpace to store the file waiting to be printed is not available on the server.
630x0000003FERROR_PRINT_CANCELLEDYour file waiting to be printed was deleted.
640x00000040ERROR_NETNAME_DELETEDThe specified network name is no longer available.
650x00000041ERROR_NETWORK_ACCESS_DENIEDNetwork access is denied.
660x00000042ERROR_BAD_DEV_TYPEThe network resource type is not correct.
670x00000043ERROR_BAD_NET_NAMEThe network name cannot be found.
680x00000044ERROR_TOO_MANY_NAMESThe name limit for the local computer network adapter card was exceeded.
690x00000045ERROR_TOO_MANY_SESSThe network BIOS session limit was exceeded.
700x00000046ERROR_SHARING_PAUSEDThe remote server has been paused or is in the process of being started.
710x00000047ERROR_REQ_NOT_ACCEPNo more connections can be made to this remote computer at this time because there are already as many connections as the computer can accept.
720x00000048ERROR_REDIR_PAUSEDThe specified printer or disk device has been paused.
800x00000050ERROR_FILE_EXISTSThe file exists.
820x00000052ERROR_CANNOT_MAKEThe directory or file cannot be created.
830x00000053ERROR_FAIL_I24Fail on INT 24.
840x00000054ERROR_OUT_OF_STRUCTURESStorage to process this request is not available.
850x00000055ERROR_ALREADY_ASSIGNEDThe local device name is already in use.
860x00000056ERROR_INVALID_PASSWORDThe specified network password is not correct.
870x00000057ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERThe parameter is incorrect.
880x00000058ERROR_NET_WRITE_FAULTA write fault occurred on the network.
890x00000059ERROR_NO_PROC_SLOTSThe system cannot start another process at this time.
1000x00000064ERROR_TOO_MANY_SEMAPHORESCannot create another system semaphore.
1010x00000065ERROR_EXCL_SEM_ALREADY_OWNEDThe exclusive semaphore is owned by another process.
1020x00000066ERROR_SEM_IS_SETThe semaphore is set and cannot be closed.
1030x00000067ERROR_TOO_MANY_SEM_REQUESTSThe semaphore cannot be set again.
1040x00000068ERROR_INVALID_AT_INTERRUPT_TIMECannot request exclusive semaphores at interrupt time.
1050x00000069ERROR_SEM_OWNER_DIEDThe previous ownership of this semaphore has ended.
1060x0000006AERROR_SEM_USER_LIMITInsert the diskette for drive %1.
1070x0000006BERROR_DISK_CHANGEThe program stopped because an alternate diskette was not inserted.
1080x0000006CERROR_DRIVE_LOCKEDThe disk is in use or locked by another process.
1090x0000006DERROR_BROKEN_PIPEThe pipe has been ended.
1100x0000006EERROR_OPEN_FAILEDThe system cannot open the device or file specified.
1110x0000006FERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOWThe file name is too long.
1120x00000070ERROR_DISK_FULLThere is not enough space on the disk.
1130x00000071ERROR_NO_MORE_SEARCH_HANDLESNo more internal file identifiers available.
1140x00000072ERROR_INVALID_TARGET_HANDLEThe target internal file identifier is incorrect.
1170x00000075ERROR_INVALID_CATEGORYThe IOCTL call made by the application program is not correct.
1180x00000076ERROR_INVALID_VERIFY_SWITCHThe verify - on - write switch parameter value is not correct.
1190x00000077ERROR_BAD_DRIVER_LEVELThe system does not support the command requested.
1200x00000078ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTEDThis function is not supported on this system.
1210x00000079ERROR_SEM_TIMEOUTThe semaphore timeout period has expired.
1220x0000007AERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFERThe data area passed to a system call is too small.
1230x0000007BERROR_INVALID_NAMEThe filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
1240x0000007CERROR_INVALID_LEVELThe system call level is not correct.
1250x0000007DERROR_NO_VOLUME_LABELThe disk has no volume label.
1260x0000007EERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUNDThe specified module could not be found.
1270x0000007FERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUNDThe specified procedure could not be found.
1280x00000080ERROR_WAIT_NO_CHILDRENThere are no child processes to wait for.
1290x00000081ERROR_CHILD_NOT_COMPLETEThe %1 application cannot be run in Win32 mode.
1300x00000082ERROR_DIRECT_ACCESS_HANDLEAttempt to use a file handle to an open disk partition for an operation other than raw disk I/O.
1310x00000083ERROR_NEGATIVE_SEEKAn attempt was made to move the file pointer before the beginning of the file.
1320x00000084ERROR_SEEK_ON_DEVICEThe file pointer cannot be set on the specified device or file.
1330x00000085ERROR_IS_JOIN_TARGETA JOIN or SUBST command cannot be used for a drive that contains previously joined drives.
1340x00000086ERROR_IS_JOINEDAn attempt was made to use a JOIN or SUBST command on a drive that has already been joined.
1350x00000087ERROR_IS_SUBSTEDAn attempt was made to use a JOIN or SUBST command on a drive that has already been substituted.
1360x00000088ERROR_NOT_JOINEDThe system tried to delete the JOIN of a drive that is not joined.
1370x00000089ERROR_NOT_SUBSTEDThe system tried to delete the substitution of a drive that is not substituted.
1380x0000008AERROR_JOIN_TO_JOINThe system tried to join a drive to a directory on a joined drive.
1390x0000008BERROR_SUBST_TO_SUBSTThe system tried to substitute a drive to a directory on a substituted drive.
1400x0000008CERROR_JOIN_TO_SUBSTThe system tried to join a drive to a directory on a substituted drive.
1410x0000008DERROR_SUBST_TO_JOINThe system tried to SUBST a drive to a directory on a joined drive.
1420x0000008EERROR_BUSY_DRIVEThe system cannot perform a JOIN or SUBST at this time.
1430x0000008FERROR_SAME_DRIVEThe system cannot join or substitute a drive to or for a directory on the same drive.
1440x00000090ERROR_DIR_NOT_ROOTThe directory is not a subdirectory of the root directory.
1450x00000091ERROR_DIR_NOT_EMPTYThe directory is not empty.
1460x00000092ERROR_IS_SUBST_PATHThe path specified is being used in a substitute.
1470x00000093ERROR_IS_JOIN_PATHNot enough resources are available to process this command.
1480x00000094ERROR_PATH_BUSYThe path specified cannot be used at this time.
1490x00000095ERROR_IS_SUBST_TARGETAn attempt was made to join or substitute a drive for which a directory on the drive is the target of a previous substitute.
1500x00000096ERROR_SYSTEM_TRACESystem trace information was not specified in your CONFIG.SYS file, or tracing is disallowed.
1510x00000097ERROR_INVALID_EVENT_COUNTThe number of specified semaphore events for DosMuxSemWait is not correct.
1520x00000098ERROR_TOO_MANY_MUXWAITERSDosMuxSemWait did not execute; too many semaphores are already set.
1530x00000099ERROR_INVALID_LIST_FORMATThe DosMuxSemWait list is not correct.
1540x0000009AERROR_LABEL_TOO_LONGThe volume label you entered exceeds the label character limit of the target file system.
1550x0000009BERROR_TOO_MANY_TCBSCannot create another thread.
1560x0000009CERROR_SIGNAL_REFUSEDThe recipient process has refused the signal.
1570x0000009DERROR_DISCARDEDThe segment is already discarded and cannot be locked.
1580x0000009EERROR_NOT_LOCKEDThe segment is already unlocked.
1590x0000009FERROR_BAD_THREADID_ADDRThe address for the thread ID is not correct.
1600x000000A0ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTSThe argument string passed to DosExecPgm is not correct.
1610x000000A1ERROR_BAD_PATHNAMEThe specified path is invalid.
1620x000000A2ERROR_SIGNAL_PENDINGA signal is already pending.
1640x000000A4ERROR_MAX_THRDS_REACHEDNo more threads can be created in the system.
1670x000000A7ERROR_LOCK_FAILEDUnable to lock a region of a file.
1700x000000AAERROR_BUSYThe requested resource is in use.
1730x000000ADERROR_CANCEL_VIOLATIONA lock request was not outstanding for the supplied cancel region.
1740x000000AEERROR_ATOMIC_LOCKS_NOT_SUPPORTEDThe file system does not support atomic changes to the lock type.
1800x000000B4ERROR_INVALID_SEGMENT_NUMBERThe system detected a segment number that was not correct.
1820x000000B6ERROR_INVALID_ORDINALThe operating system cannot run %1.
1830x000000B7ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTSCannot create a file when that file already exists.
1860x000000BAERROR_INVALID_FLAG_NUMBERThe flag passed is not correct.
1870x000000BBERROR_SEM_NOT_FOUNDThe specified system semaphore name was not found.
1880x000000BCERROR_INVALID_STARTING_CODESEGThe operating system cannot run %1.
1890x000000BDERROR_INVALID_STACKSEGThe operating system cannot run %1.
1900x000000BEERROR_INVALID_MODULETYPEThe operating system cannot run %1.
1910x000000BFERROR_INVALID_EXE_SIGNATURECannot run %1 in Win32 mode.
1920x000000C0ERROR_EXE_MARKED_INVALIDThe operating system cannot run %1.
1930x000000C1ERROR_BAD_EXE_FORMAT%1 is not a valid Win32 application.
1940x000000C2ERROR_ITERATED_DATA_EXCEEDS_64kThe operating system cannot run %1.
1950x000000C3ERROR_INVALID_MINALLOCSIZEThe operating system cannot run %1.
1960x000000C4ERROR_DYNLINK_FROM_INVALID_RINGThe operating system cannot run this application program.
1970x000000C5ERROR_IOPL_NOT_ENABLEDThe operating system is not presently configured to run this application.
1980x000000C6ERROR_INVALID_SEGDPLThe operating system cannot run %1.
1990x000000C7ERROR_AUTODATASEG_EXCEEDS_64kThe operating system cannot run this application program.
2000x000000C8ERROR_RING2SEG_MUST_BE_MOVABLEThe code segment cannot be greater than or equal to 64K.
2010x000000C9ERROR_RELOC_CHAIN_XEEDS_SEGLIMThe operating system cannot run %1.
2020x000000CAERROR_INFLOOP_IN_RELOC_CHAINThe operating system cannot run %1.
2030x000000CBERROR_ENVVAR_NOT_FOUNDThe system could not find the environment option that was entered.
2050x000000CDERROR_NO_SIGNAL_SENTNo process in the command subtree has a signal handler.
2060x000000CEERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGEThe filename or extension is too long.
2070x000000CFERROR_RING2_STACK_IN_USEThe ring 2 stack is in use.
2080x000000D0ERROR_META_EXPANSION_TOO_LONGThe global filename characters, * or ?, are entered incorrectly or too many global filename characters are specified.
2090x000000D1ERROR_INVALID_SIGNAL_NUMBERThe signal being posted is not correct.
2100x000000D2ERROR_THREAD_1_INACTIVEThe signal handler cannot be set.
2120x000000D4ERROR_LOCKEDThe segment is locked and cannot be reallocated.
2140x000000D6ERROR_TOO_MANY_MODULESToo many dynamic - link modules are attached to this program or dynamic - link module.
2150x000000D7ERROR_NESTING_NOT_ALLOWEDCannot nest calls to LoadModule.
2160x000000D8ERROR_EXE_MACHINE_TYPE_MISMATCHThe image file %1 is valid, but is for a machine type other than the current machine.
2300x000000E6ERROR_BAD_PIPEThe pipe state is invalid.
2310x000000E7ERROR_PIPE_BUSYAll pipe instances are busy.
2320x000000E8ERROR_NO_DATAThe pipe is being closed.
2330x000000E9ERROR_PIPE_NOT_CONNECTEDNo process is on the other end of the pipe.
2340x000000EAERROR_MORE_DATAMore data is available.
2400x000000F0ERROR_VC_DISCONNECTEDThe session was canceled.
2540x000000FEERROR_INVALID_EA_NAMEThe specified extended attribute name was invalid.
2550x000000FFERROR_EA_LIST_INCONSISTENTThe extended attributes are inconsistent.
2580x00000102WAIT_TIMEOUTThe wait operation timed out.
2590x00000103ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMSNo more data is available.
2660x0000010AERROR_CANNOT_COPYThe copy functions cannot be used.
2670x0000010BERROR_DIRECTORYThe directory name is invalid.
2750x00000113ERROR_EAS_DIDNT_FITThe extended attributes did not fit in the buffer.
2760x00000114ERROR_EA_FILE_CORRUPTThe extended attribute file on the mounted file system is corrupt.
2770x00000115ERROR_EA_TABLE_FULLThe extended attribute table file is full.
2780x00000116ERROR_INVALID_EA_HANDLEThe specified extended attribute handle is invalid.
2820x0000011AERROR_EAS_NOT_SUPPORTEDThe mounted file system does not support extended attributes.
2880x00000120ERROR_NOT_OWNERAttempt to release mutex not owned by caller.
2980x0000012AERROR_TOO_MANY_POSTSToo many posts were made to a semaphore.
2990x0000012BERROR_PARTIAL_COPYOnly part of a ReadProcessMemory or WriteProcessMemory request was completed.
3000x0000012CERROR_OPLOCK_NOT_GRANTEDThe oplock request is denied.
3010x0000012DERROR_INVALID_OPLOCK_PROTOCOLAn invalid oplock acknowledgment was received by the system.
3020x0000012EERROR_DISK_TOO_FRAGMENTEDThe volume is too fragmented to complete this operation.
3030x0000012FERROR_DELETE_PENDINGThe file cannot be opened because it is in the process of being deleted.
3170x0000013DERROR_MR_MID_NOT_FOUNDThe system cannot find message text for message number 0x%1 in the message file for %2.
4870x000001E7ERROR_INVALID_ADDRESSAttempt to access invalid address.
5340x00000216ERROR_ARITHMETIC_OVERFLOWArithmetic result exceeded 32 bits.
5350x00000217ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTEDThere is a process on other end of the pipe.
5360x00000218ERROR_PIPE_LISTENINGWaiting for a process to open the other end of the pipe.
9940x000003E2ERROR_EA_ACCESS_DENIEDAccess to the extended attribute was denied.
9950x000003E3ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTEDThe I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request.
9960x000003E4ERROR_IO_INCOMPLETEOverlapped I/O event is not in a signaled state.
9970x000003E5ERROR_IO_PENDINGOverlapped I/O operation is in progress.
9980x000003E6ERROR_NOACCESSInvalid access to memory location.
9990x000003E7ERROR_SWAPERRORError performing inpage operation.
10010x000003E9ERROR_STACK_OVERFLOWRecursion too deep; the stack overflowed.
10020x000003EAERROR_INVALID_MESSAGEThe window cannot act on the sent message.
10030x000003EBERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETECannot complete this function.
10040x000003ECERROR_INVALID_FLAGSInvalid flags.
10050x000003EDERROR_UNRECOGNIZED_VOLUMEThe volume does not contain a recognized file system. Please make sure that all required file system drivers are loaded and that the volume is not corrupted.
10060x000003EEERROR_FILE_INVALIDThe volume for a file has been externally altered so that the opened file is no longer valid.
10070x000003EFERROR_FULLSCREEN_MODEThe requested operation cannot be performed in full - screen mode.
10080x000003F0ERROR_NO_TOKENAn attempt was made to reference a token that does not exist.
10090x000003F1ERROR_BADDBThe configuration registry database is corrupt.
10100x000003F2ERROR_BADKEYThe configuration registry key is invalid.
10110x000003F3ERROR_CANTOPENThe configuration registry key could not be opened.
10120x000003F4ERROR_CANTREADThe configuration registry key could not be read.
10130x000003F5ERROR_CANTWRITEThe configuration registry key could not be written.
10140x000003F6ERROR_REGISTRY_RECOVEREDOne of the files in the registry database had to be recovered by use of a log or alternate copy. The recovery was successful.
10150x000003F7ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPTThe registry is corrupted. The structure of one of the files containing registry data is corrupted, or the system's memory image of the file is corrupted, or the file could not be recovered because the alternate copy or log was absent or corrupted.
10160x000003F8ERROR_REGISTRY_IO_FAILEDAn I/O operation initiated by the registry failed unrecoverably. The registry could not read in, or write out, or flush, one of the files that contain the system's image of the registry.
10170x000003F9ERROR_NOT_REGISTRY_FILEThe system has attempted to load or restore a file into the registry, but the specified file is not in a registry file format.
10180x000003FAERROR_KEY_DELETEDIllegal operation attempted on a registry key that has been marked for deletion.
10190x000003FBERROR_NO_LOG_SPACESystem could not allocate the required space in a registry log.
10200x000003FCERROR_KEY_HAS_CHILDRENCannot create a symbolic link in a registry key that already has subkeys or values.
10210x000003FDERROR_CHILD_MUST_BE_VOLATILECannot create a stable subkey under a volatile parent key.
10220x000003FEERROR_NOTIFY_ENUM_DIRA notify change request is being completed and the information is not being returned in the caller's buffer. The caller now needs to enumerate the files to find the changes.
10510x0000041BERROR_DEPENDENT_SERVICES_RUNNINGA stop control has been sent to a service that other running services are dependent on.
10520x0000041CERROR_INVALID_SERVICE_CONTROLThe requested control is not valid for this service.
10530x0000041DERROR_SERVICE_REQUEST_TIMEOUTThe service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.
10540x0000041EERROR_SERVICE_NO_THREADA thread could not be created for the service.
10550x0000041FERROR_SERVICE_DATABASE_LOCKEDThe service database is locked.
10560x00000420ERROR_SERVICE_ALREADY_RUNNINGAn instance of the service is already running.
10570x00000421ERROR_INVALID_SERVICE_ACCOUNTThe account name is invalid or does not exist, or the password is invalid for the account name specified.
10580x00000422ERROR_SERVICE_DISABLEDThe service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because it has no enabled devices associated with it.
10590x00000423ERROR_CIRCULAR_DEPENDENCYCircular service dependency was specified.
10600x00000424ERROR_SERVICE_DOES_NOT_EXISTThe specified service does not exist as an installed service.
10610x00000425ERROR_SERVICE_CANNOT_ACCEPT_CTRLThe service cannot accept control messages at this time.
10620x00000426ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_ACTIVEThe service has not been started.
10630x00000427ERROR_FAILED_SERVICE_CONTROLLER_CONNECTThe service process could not connect to the service controller.
10640x00000428ERROR_EXCEPTION_IN_SERVICEAn exception occurred in the service when handling the control request.
10650x00000429ERROR_DATABASE_DOES_NOT_EXISTThe database specified does not exist.
10660x0000042AERROR_SERVICE_SPECIFIC_ERRORThe service has returned a service - specific error code.
10670x0000042BERROR_PROCESS_ABORTEDThe process terminated unexpectedly.
10680x0000042CERROR_SERVICE_DEPENDENCY_FAILThe dependency service or group failed to start.
10690x0000042DERROR_SERVICE_LOGON_FAILEDThe service did not start due to a logon failure.
10700x0000042EERROR_SERVICE_START_HANGAfter starting, the service hung in a start - pending state.
10710x0000042FERROR_INVALID_SERVICE_LOCKThe specified service database lock is invalid.
10720x00000430ERROR_SERVICE_MARKED_FOR_DELETEThe specified service has been marked for deletion.
10730x00000431ERROR_SERVICE_EXISTSThe specified service already exists.
10740x00000432ERROR_ALREADY_RUNNING_LKGThe system is currently running with the last - known - good configuration.
10750x00000433ERROR_SERVICE_DEPENDENCY_DELETEDThe dependency service does not exist or has been marked for deletion.
10760x00000434ERROR_BOOT_ALREADY_ACCEPTEDThe current boot has already been accepted for use as the last - known - good control set.
10770x00000435ERROR_SERVICE_NEVER_STARTEDNo attempts to start the service have been made since the last boot.
10780x00000436ERROR_DUPLICATE_SERVICE_NAMEThe name is already in use as either a service name or a service display name.
10790x00000437ERROR_DIFFERENT_SERVICE_ACCOUNTThe account specified for this service is different from the account specified for other services running in the same process.
10800x00000438ERROR_CANNOT_DETECT_DRIVER_FAILUREFailure actions can only be set for Win32 services, not for drivers.
10810x00000439ERROR_CANNOT_DETECT_PROCESS_ABORTThis service runs in the same process as the service control manager. Therefore, the service control manager cannot take action if this service's process terminates unexpectedly.
10820x0000043AERROR_NO_RECOVERY_PROGRAMNo recovery program has been configured for this service.
10830x0000043BERROR_SERVICE_NOT_IN_EXEThe executable program that this service is configured to run in does not implement the service.
10840x0000043CERROR_NOT_SAFEBOOT_SERVICEThis service cannot be started in Safe Mode.
11000x0000044CERROR_END_OF_MEDIAThe physical end of the tape has been reached.
11010x0000044DERROR_FILEMARK_DETECTEDA tape access reached a filemark.
11020x0000044EERROR_BEGINNING_OF_MEDIAThe beginning of the tape or a partition was encountered.
11030x0000044FERROR_SETMARK_DETECTEDA tape access reached the end of a set of files.
11040x00000450ERROR_NO_DATA_DETECTEDNo more data is on the tape.
11050x00000451ERROR_PARTITION_FAILURETape could not be partitioned.
11060x00000452ERROR_INVALID_BLOCK_LENGTHWhen accessing a new tape of a multivolume partition, the current block size is incorrect.
11070x00000453ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_PARTITIONEDTape partition information could not be found when loading a tape.
11080x00000454ERROR_UNABLE_TO_LOCK_MEDIAUnable to lock the media eject mechanism.
11090x00000455ERROR_UNABLE_TO_UNLOAD_MEDIAUnable to unload the media.
11100x00000456ERROR_MEDIA_CHANGEDThe media in the drive may have changed.
11110x00000457ERROR_BUS_RESETThe I/O bus was reset.
11120x00000458ERROR_NO_MEDIA_IN_DRIVENo media in drive.
11130x00000459ERROR_NO_UNICODE_TRANSLATIONNo mapping for the Unicode character exists in the target multi - byte code page.
11140x0000045AERROR_DLL_INIT_FAILEDA dynamic link library (DLL) initialization routine failed.
11150x0000045BERROR_SHUTDOWN_IN_PROGRESSA system shutdown is in progress.
11160x0000045CERROR_NO_SHUTDOWN_IN_PROGRESSUnable to abort the system shutdown because no shutdown was in progress.
11170x0000045DERROR_IO_DEVICEThe request could not be performed because of an I/O device error.
11180x0000045EERROR_SERIAL_NO_DEVICENo serial device was successfully initialized. The serial driver will unload.
11190x0000045FERROR_IRQ_BUSYUnable to open a device that was sharing an interrupt request (IRQ) with other devices. At least one other device that uses that IRQ was already opened.
11200x00000460ERROR_MORE_WRITESA serial I/O operation was completed by another write to the serial port. (The IOCTL_SERIAL_XOFF_COUNTER reached zero.)
11210x00000461ERROR_COUNTER_TIMEOUTA serial I/O operation completed because the timeout period expired. (The IOCTL_SERIAL_XOFF_COUNTER did not reach zero.)
11220x00000462ERROR_FLOPPY_ID_MARK_NOT_FOUNDNo ID address mark was found on the floppy disk.
11230x00000463ERROR_FLOPPY_WRONG_CYLINDERMismatch between the floppy disk sector ID field and the floppy disk controller track address.
11240x00000464ERROR_FLOPPY_UNKNOWN_ERRORThe floppy disk controller reported an error that is not recognized by the floppy disk driver.
11250x00000465ERROR_FLOPPY_BAD_REGISTERSThe floppy disk controller returned inconsistent results in its registers.
11260x00000466ERROR_DISK_RECALIBRATE_FAILEDWhile accessing the hard disk, a recalibrate operation failed, even after retries.
11270x00000467ERROR_DISK_OPERATION_FAILEDWhile accessing the hard disk, a disk operation failed even after retries.
11280x00000468ERROR_DISK_RESET_FAILEDWhile accessing the hard disk, a disk controller reset was needed, but even that failed.
11290x00000469ERROR_EOM_OVERFLOWPhysical end of tape encountered.
11300x0000046AERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_SERVER_MEMORYNot enough server storage is available to process this command.
11310x0000046BERROR_POSSIBLE_DEADLOCKA potential deadlock condition has been detected.
11320x0000046CERROR_MAPPED_ALIGNMENTThe base address or the file offset specified does not have the proper alignment.
11400x00000474ERROR_SET_POWER_STATE_VETOEDAn attempt to change the system power state was vetoed by another application or driver.
11410x00000475ERROR_SET_POWER_STATE_FAILEDThe system BIOS failed an attempt to change the system power state.
11420x00000476ERROR_TOO_MANY_LINKSAn attempt was made to create more links on a file than the file system supports.
11500x0000047EERROR_OLD_WIN_VERSIONThe specified program requires a newer version of Windows.
11510x0000047FERROR_APP_WRONG_OSThe specified program is not a Windows or MS - DOS program.
11520x00000480ERROR_SINGLE_INSTANCE_APPCannot start more than one instance of the specified program.
11530x00000481ERROR_RMODE_APPThe specified program was written for an earlier version of Windows.
11540x00000482ERROR_INVALID_DLLOne of the library files needed to run this application is damaged.
11550x00000483ERROR_NO_ASSOCIATIONNo application is associated with the specified file for this operation.
11560x00000484ERROR_DDE_FAILAn error occurred in sending the command to the application.
11570x00000485ERROR_DLL_NOT_FOUNDOne of the library files needed to run this application cannot be found.
11580x00000486ERROR_NO_MORE_USER_HANDLESThe current process has used all of its system allowance of handles for Window Manager objects.
11590x00000487ERROR_MESSAGE_SYNC_ONLYThe message can be used only with synchronous operations.
11600x00000488ERROR_SOURCE_ELEMENT_EMPTYThe indicated source element has no media.
11610x00000489ERROR_DESTINATION_ELEMENT_FULLThe indicated destination element already contains media.
11620x0000048AERROR_ILLEGAL_ELEMENT_ADDRESSThe indicated element does not exist.
11630x0000048BERROR_MAGAZINE_NOT_PRESENTThe indicated element is part of a magazine that is not present.
11640x0000048CERROR_DEVICE_REINITIALIZATION_NEEDEDThe indicated device requires reinitialization due to hardware errors.
11650x0000048DERROR_DEVICE_REQUIRES_CLEANINGThe device has indicated that cleaning is required before further operations are attempted.
11660x0000048EERROR_DEVICE_DOOR_OPENThe device has indicated that its door is open.
11670x0000048FERROR_DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTEDThe device is not connected.
11680x00000490ERROR_NOT_FOUNDElement not found.
11690x00000491ERROR_NO_MATCHThere was no match for the specified key in the index.
11700x00000492ERROR_SET_NOT_FOUNDThe property set specified does not exist on the object.
11710x00000493ERROR_POINT_NOT_FOUNDThe point passed to GetMouseMovePointsEx is not in the buffer.
11720x00000494ERROR_NO_TRACKING_SERVICEThe tracking (workstation) service is not running.
11730x00000495ERROR_NO_VOLUME_IDThe Volume ID could not be found.
11750x00000497ERROR_UNABLE_TO_REMOVE_REPLACEDUnable to remove the file to be replaced.
11760x00000498ERROR_UNABLE_TO_MOVE_REPLACEMENTUnable to move the replacement file to the file to be replaced. The file to be replaced has retained its original name.
11770x00000499ERROR_UNABLE_TO_MOVE_REPLACEMENT_2Unable to move the replacement file to the file to be replaced. The file to be replaced has been renamed using the backup name.
11780x0000049AERROR_JOURNAL_DELETE_IN_PROGRESSThe volume change journal is being deleted.
11790x0000049BERROR_JOURNAL_NOT_ACTIVEThe volume change journal is not active.
11800x0000049CERROR_POTENTIAL_FILE_FOUNDA file was found, but it may not be the correct file.
11810x0000049DERROR_JOURNAL_ENTRY_DELETEDThe journal entry has been deleted from the journal.
12000x000004B0ERROR_BAD_DEVICEThe specified device name is invalid.
12010x000004B1ERROR_CONNECTION_UNAVAILThe device is not currently connected but it is a remembered connection.
12020x000004B2ERROR_DEVICE_ALREADY_REMEMBEREDThe local device name has a remembered connection to another network resource.
12030x000004B3ERROR_NO_NET_OR_BAD_PATHNo network provider accepted the given network path.
12040x000004B4ERROR_BAD_PROVIDERThe specified network provider name is invalid.
12050x000004B5ERROR_CANNOT_OPEN_PROFILEUnable to open the network connection profile.
12060x000004B6ERROR_BAD_PROFILEThe network connection profile is corrupted.
12070x000004B7ERROR_NOT_CONTAINERCannot enumerate a noncontainer.
12080x000004B8ERROR_EXTENDED_ERRORAn extended error has occurred.
12090x000004B9ERROR_INVALID_GROUPNAMEThe format of the specified group name is invalid.
12100x000004BAERROR_INVALID_COMPUTERNAMEThe format of the specified computer name is invalid.
12110x000004BBERROR_INVALID_EVENTNAMEThe format of the specified event name is invalid.
12120x000004BCERROR_INVALID_DOMAINNAMEThe format of the specified domain name is invalid.
12130x000004BDERROR_INVALID_SERVICENAMEThe format of the specified service name is invalid.
12140x000004BEERROR_INVALID_NETNAMEThe format of the specified network name is invalid.
12150x000004BFERROR_INVALID_SHARENAMEThe format of the specified share name is invalid.
12160x000004C0ERROR_INVALID_PASSWORDNAMEThe format of the specified password is invalid.
12170x000004C1ERROR_INVALID_MESSAGENAMEThe format of the specified message name is invalid.
12180x000004C2ERROR_INVALID_MESSAGEDESTThe format of the specified message destination is invalid.
12190x000004C3ERROR_SESSION_CREDENTIAL_CONFLICTThe credentials supplied conflict with an existing set of credentials.
12200x000004C4ERROR_REMOTE_SESSION_LIMIT_EXCEEDEDAn attempt was made to establish a session to a network server, but there are already too many sessions established to that server.
12210x000004C5ERROR_DUP_DOMAINNAMEThe workgroup or domain name is already in use by another computer on the network.
12220x000004C6ERROR_NO_NETWORKThe network is not present or not started.
12230x000004C7ERROR_CANCELLEDThe operation was canceled by the user.
12240x000004C8ERROR_USER_MAPPED_FILEThe requested operation cannot be performed on a file with a user - mapped section open.
12250x000004C9ERROR_CONNECTION_REFUSEDThe remote system refused the network connection.
12260x000004CAERROR_GRACEFUL_DISCONNECTThe network connection was gracefully closed.
12270x000004CBERROR_ADDRESS_ALREADY_ASSOCIATEDThe network transport endpoint already has an address associated with it.
12280x000004CCERROR_ADDRESS_NOT_ASSOCIATEDAn address has not yet been associated with the network endpoint.
12290x000004CDERROR_CONNECTION_INVALIDAn operation was attempted on a nonexistent network connection.
12300x000004CEERROR_CONNECTION_ACTIVEAn invalid operation was attempted on an active network connection.
12310x000004CFERROR_NETWORK_UNREACHABLEThe network location cannot be reached. For information about network troubleshooting, see Windows Help.
12320x000004D0ERROR_HOST_UNREACHABLEThe network location cannot be reached. For information about network troubleshooting, see Windows Help.
12330x000004D1ERROR_PROTOCOL_UNREACHABLEThe network location cannot be reached. For information about network troubleshooting, see Windows Help.
12340x000004D2ERROR_PORT_UNREACHABLENo service is operating at the destination network endpoint on the remote system.
12350x000004D3ERROR_REQUEST_ABORTEDThe request was aborted.
12360x000004D4ERROR_CONNECTION_ABORTEDThe network connection was aborted by the local system.
12370x000004D5ERROR_RETRYThe operation could not be completed. A retry should be performed.
12380x000004D6ERROR_CONNECTION_COUNT_LIMITA connection to the server could not be made because the limit on the number of concurrent connections for this account has been reached.
12390x000004D7ERROR_LOGIN_TIME_RESTRICTIONAttempting to log in during an unauthorized time of day for this account.
12400x000004D8ERROR_LOGIN_WKSTA_RESTRICTIONThe account is not authorized to log in from this station.
12410x000004D9ERROR_INCORRECT_ADDRESSThe network address could not be used for the operation requested.
12420x000004DAERROR_ALREADY_REGISTEREDThe service is already registered.
12430x000004DBERROR_SERVICE_NOT_FOUNDThe specified service does not exist.
12440x000004DCERROR_NOT_AUTHENTICATEDThe operation being requested was not performed because the user has not been authenticated.
12450x000004DDERROR_NOT_LOGGED_ONThe operation being requested was not performed because the user has not logged on to the network. The specified service does not exist.
12460x000004DEERROR_CONTINUEContinue with work in progress.
12470x000004DFERROR_ALREADY_INITIALIZEDAn attempt was made to perform an initialization operation when initialization has already been completed.
12480x000004E0ERROR_NO_MORE_DEVICESNo more local devices.
12490x000004E1ERROR_NO_SUCH_SITEThe specified site does not exist.
12500x000004E2ERROR_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_EXISTSA domain controller with the specified name already exists.
12510x000004E3ERROR_ONLY_IF_CONNECTEDThis operation is supported only when you are connected to the server.
12520x000004E4ERROR_OVERRIDE_NOCHANGESThe group policy framework should call the extension even if there are no changes.
12530x000004E5ERROR_BAD_USER_PROFILEThe specified user does not have a valid profile.
12540x000004E6ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_SBSThis operation is not supported on a Microsoft Small Business Server.
12550x000004E7ERROR_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_IN_PROGRESSThe server machine is shutting down.
12560x000004E8ERROR_HOST_DOWNThe remote system is not available. For information about network troubleshooting, see Windows Help.
12570x000004E9ERROR_NON_ACCOUNT_SIDThe security identifier provided is not from an account domain.
12580x000004EAERROR_NON_DOMAIN_SIDThe security identifier provided does not have a domain component.
12590x000004EBERROR_APPHELP_BLOCKAppHelp dialog canceled thus preventing the application from starting.
12600x000004ECERROR_ACCESS_DISABLED_BY_POLICYAccess to the requested resource has been disabled by your administrator.
12610x000004EDERROR_REG_NAT_CONSUMPTIONA program attempt to use an invalid register value. Normally caused by an uninitialized register. This error is Itanium specific.
12620x000004EEERROR_CSCSHARE_OFFLINEThe share is currently offline or does not exist.
13000x00000514ERROR_NOT_ALL_ASSIGNEDNot all privileges referenced are assigned to the caller.
13010x00000515ERROR_SOME_NOT_MAPPEDSome mapping between account names and security IDs was not done.
13020x00000516ERROR_NO_QUOTAS_FOR_ACCOUNTNo system quota limits are specifically set for this account.
13030x00000517ERROR_LOCAL_USER_SESSION_KEYNo encryption key is available. A well - known encryption key was returned.
13040x00000518ERROR_NULL_LM_PASSWORDThe password is too complex to be converted to a LAN Manager password. The LAN Manager password returned is a NULL string.
13050x00000519ERROR_UNKNOWN_REVISIONThe revision level is unknown.
13060x0000051AERROR_REVISION_MISMATCHIndicates two revision levels are incompatible.
13070x0000051BERROR_INVALID_OWNERThis security ID may not be assigned as the owner of this object.
13080x0000051CERROR_INVALID_PRIMARY_GROUPThis security ID may not be assigned as the primary group of an object.
13090x0000051DERROR_NO_IMPERSONATION_TOKENAn attempt has been made to operate on an impersonation token by a thread that is not currently impersonating a client.
13100x0000051EERROR_CANT_DISABLE_MANDATORYThe group may not be disabled.
13110x0000051FERROR_NO_LOGON_SERVERSThere are currently no logon servers available to service the logon request.
13120x00000520ERROR_NO_SUCH_LOGON_SESSIONA specified logon session does not exist. It may already have been terminated.
13130x00000521ERROR_NO_SUCH_PRIVILEGEA specified privilege does not exist.
13140x00000522ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELDA required privilege is not held by the client.
13150x00000523ERROR_INVALID_ACCOUNT_NAMEThe name provided is not a properly formed account name.
13160x00000524ERROR_USER_EXISTSThe specified user already exists.
13170x00000525ERROR_NO_SUCH_USERThe specified user does not exist.
13180x00000526ERROR_GROUP_EXISTSThe specified group already exists.
13190x00000527ERROR_NO_SUCH_GROUPThe specified group does not exist.
13200x00000528ERROR_MEMBER_IN_GROUPEither the specified user account is already a member of the specified group, or the specified group cannot be deleted because it contains a member.
13210x00000529ERROR_MEMBER_NOT_IN_GROUPThe specified user account is not a member of the specified group account.
13220x0000052AERROR_LAST_ADMINThe last remaining administration account cannot be disabled or deleted.
13230x0000052BERROR_WRONG_PASSWORDUnable to update the password. The value provided as the current password is incorrect.
13240x0000052CERROR_ILL_FORMED_PASSWORDUnable to update the password. The value provided for the new password contains values that are not allowed in passwords.
13250x0000052DERROR_PASSWORD_RESTRICTIONUnable to update the password. The value provided for the new password does not meet the length, complexity, or history requirement of the domain.
13260x0000052EERROR_LOGON_FAILURELogon failure: unknown user name or bad password.
13270x0000052FERROR_ACCOUNT_RESTRICTIONLogon failure: user account restriction.
13280x00000530ERROR_INVALID_LOGON_HOURSLogon failure: account logon time restriction violation.
13290x00000531ERROR_INVALID_WORKSTATIONLogon failure: user not allowed to log on to this computer.
13300x00000532ERROR_PASSWORD_EXPIREDLogon failure: the specified account password has expired.
13310x00000533ERROR_ACCOUNT_DISABLEDLogon failure: account currently disabled.
13320x00000534ERROR_NONE_MAPPEDNo mapping between account names and security IDs was done.
13330x00000535ERROR_TOO_MANY_LUIDS_REQUESTEDToo many local user identifiers (LUIDs) were requested at one time.
13340x00000536ERROR_LUIDS_EXHAUSTEDNo more local user identifiers (LUIDs) are available.
13350x00000537ERROR_INVALID_SUB_AUTHORITYThe subauthority part of a security ID is invalid for this particular use.
13360x00000538ERROR_INVALID_ACLThe access control list (ACL) structure is invalid.
13370x00000539ERROR_INVALID_SIDThe security ID structure is invalid.
13380x0000053AERROR_INVALID_SECURITY_DESCRThe security descriptor structure is invalid.
13400x0000053CERROR_BAD_INHERITANCE_ACLThe inherited access control list (ACL) or access control entry (ACE) could not be built.
13410x0000053DERROR_SERVER_DISABLEDThe server is currently disabled.
13420x0000053EERROR_SERVER_NOT_DISABLEDThe server is currently enabled.
13430x0000053FERROR_INVALID_ID_AUTHORITYThe value provided was an invalid value for an identifier authority.
13440x00000540ERROR_ALLOTTED_SPACE_EXCEEDEDNo more memory is available for security information updates.
13450x00000541ERROR_INVALID_GROUP_ATTRIBUTESThe specified attributes are invalid, or incompatible with the attributes for the group as a whole.
13460x00000542ERROR_BAD_IMPERSONATION_LEVELEither a required impersonation level was not provided, or the provided impersonation level is invalid.
13470x00000543ERROR_CANT_OPEN_ANONYMOUSCannot open an anonymous level security token.
13480x00000544ERROR_BAD_VALIDATION_CLASSThe validation information class requested was invalid.
13490x00000545ERROR_BAD_TOKEN_TYPEThe type of the token is inappropriate for its attempted use.
13500x00000546ERROR_NO_SECURITY_ON_OBJECTUnable to perform a security operation on an object that has no associated security.
13510x00000547ERROR_CANT_ACCESS_DOMAIN_INFOConfiguration information could not be read from the domain controller, either because the machine is unavailable, or access has been denied.
13520x00000548ERROR_INVALID_SERVER_STATEThe security account manager (SAM) or local security authority (LSA) server was in the wrong state to perform the security operation.
13530x00000549ERROR_INVALID_DOMAIN_STATEThe domain was in the wrong state to perform the security operation.
13540x0000054AERROR_INVALID_DOMAIN_ROLEThis operation is only allowed for the Primary Domain Controller of the domain.
13550x0000054BERROR_NO_SUCH_DOMAINThe specified domain either does not exist or could not be contacted.
13560x0000054CERROR_DOMAIN_EXISTSThe specified domain already exists.
13570x0000054DERROR_DOMAIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDEDAn attempt was made to exceed the limit on the number of domains per server.
13580x0000054EERROR_INTERNAL_DB_CORRUPTIONUnable to complete the requested operation because of either a catastrophic media failure or a data structure corruption on the disk.
13590x0000054FERROR_INTERNAL_ERRORAn internal error occurred.
13600x00000550ERROR_GENERIC_NOT_MAPPEDGeneric access types were contained in an access mask which should already be mapped to nongeneric types.
13610x00000551ERROR_BAD_DESCRIPTOR_FORMATA security descriptor is not in the right format (absolute or self - relative).
13620x00000552ERROR_NOT_LOGON_PROCESSThe requested action is restricted for use by logon processes only. The calling process has not registered as a logon process.
13630x00000553ERROR_LOGON_SESSION_EXISTSCannot start a new logon session with an ID that is already in use.
13640x00000554ERROR_NO_SUCH_PACKAGEA specified authentication package is unknown.
13650x00000555ERROR_BAD_LOGON_SESSION_STATEThe logon session is not in a state that is consistent with the requested operation.
13660x00000556ERROR_LOGON_SESSION_COLLISIONThe logon session ID is already in use.
13670x00000557ERROR_INVALID_LOGON_TYPEA logon request contained an invalid logon type value.
13680x00000558ERROR_CANNOT_IMPERSONATEUnable to impersonate using a named pipe until data has been read from that pipe.
13690x00000559ERROR_RXACT_INVALID_STATEThe transaction state of a registry subtree is incompatible with the requested operation.
13700x0000055AERROR_RXACT_COMMIT_FAILUREAn internal security database corruption has been encountered.
13710x0000055BERROR_SPECIAL_ACCOUNTCannot perform this operation on built - in accounts.
13720x0000055CERROR_SPECIAL_GROUPCannot perform this operation on this built - in special group.
13730x0000055DERROR_SPECIAL_USERCannot perform this operation on this built - in special user.
13740x0000055EERROR_MEMBERS_PRIMARY_GROUPThe user cannot be removed from a group because the group is currently the user's primary group.
13750x0000055FERROR_TOKEN_ALREADY_IN_USEThe token is already in use as a primary token.
13760x00000560ERROR_NO_SUCH_ALIASThe specified local group does not exist.
13770x00000561ERROR_MEMBER_NOT_IN_ALIASThe specified account name is not a member of the local group.
13780x00000562ERROR_MEMBER_IN_ALIASThe specified account name is already a member of the local group.
13790x00000563ERROR_ALIAS_EXISTSThe specified local group already exists.
13800x00000564ERROR_LOGON_NOT_GRANTEDLogon failure: the user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer.
13810x00000565ERROR_TOO_MANY_SECRETSThe maximum number of secrets that may be stored in a single system has been exceeded.
13820x00000566ERROR_SECRET_TOO_LONGThe length of a secret exceeds the maximum length allowed.
13830x00000567ERROR_INTERNAL_DB_ERRORThe local security authority database contains an internal inconsistency.
13840x00000568ERROR_TOO_MANY_CONTEXT_IDSDuring a logon attempt, the user's security context accumulated too many security IDs.
13850x00000569ERROR_LOGON_TYPE_NOT_GRANTEDLogon failure: the user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer.
13860x0000056AERROR_NT_CROSS_ENCRYPTION_REQUIREDA cross - encrypted password is necessary to change a user password.
13870x0000056BERROR_NO_SUCH_MEMBERA new member could not be added to or removed from the local group because the member does not exist.
13880x0000056CERROR_INVALID_MEMBERA new member could not be added to a local group because the member has the wrong account type.
13890x0000056DERROR_TOO_MANY_SIDSToo many security IDs have been specified.
13900x0000056EERROR_LM_CROSS_ENCRYPTION_REQUIREDA cross - encrypted password is necessary to change this user password.
13910x0000056FERROR_NO_INHERITANCEIndicates an ACL contains no inheritable components.
13920x00000570ERROR_FILE_CORRUPTThe file or directory is corrupted and unreadable.
13930x00000571ERROR_DISK_CORRUPTThe disk structure is corrupted and unreadable.
13940x00000572ERROR_NO_USER_SESSION_KEYThere is no user session key for the specified logon session.
13950x00000573ERROR_LICENSE_QUOTA_EXCEEDEDThe service being accessed is licensed for a particular number of connections. No more connections can be made to the service at this time because there are already as many connections as the service can accept.
13960x00000574ERROR_WRONG_TARGET_NAMELogon Failure: The target account name is incorrect.
13970x00000575ERROR_MUTUAL_AUTH_FAILEDMutual Authentication failed. The server's password is out of date at the domain controller.
13980x00000576ERROR_TIME_SKEWThere is a time difference between the client and server.
13990x00000577ERROR_CURRENT_DOMAIN_NOT_ALLOWEDThis operation can not be performed on the current domain.
14000x00000578ERROR_INVALID_WINDOW_HANDLEInvalid window handle.
14010x00000579ERROR_INVALID_MENU_HANDLEInvalid menu handle.
14020x0000057AERROR_INVALID_CURSOR_HANDLEInvalid cursor handle.
14030x0000057BERROR_INVALID_ACCEL_HANDLEInvalid accelerator table handle.
14040x0000057CERROR_INVALID_HOOK_HANDLEInvalid hook handle.
14050x0000057DERROR_INVALID_DWP_HANDLEInvalid handle to a multiple - window position structure.
14060x0000057EERROR_TLW_WITH_WSCHILDCannot create a top - level child window.
14070x0000057FERROR_CANNOT_FIND_WND_CLASSCannot find window class.
14080x00000580ERROR_WINDOW_OF_OTHER_THREADInvalid window; it belongs to other thread.
14090x00000581ERROR_HOTKEY_ALREADY_REGISTEREDHot key is already registered.
14100x00000582ERROR_CLASS_ALREADY_EXISTSClass already exists.
14110x00000583ERROR_CLASS_DOES_NOT_EXISTClass does not exist.
14120x00000584ERROR_CLASS_HAS_WINDOWSClass still has open windows.
14130x00000585ERROR_INVALID_INDEXInvalid index.
14140x00000586ERROR_INVALID_ICON_HANDLEInvalid icon handle.
14150x00000587ERROR_PRIVATE_DIALOG_INDEXUsing private DIALOG window words.
14160x00000588ERROR_LISTBOX_ID_NOT_FOUNDThe list box identifier was not found.
14170x00000589ERROR_NO_WILDCARD_CHARACTERSNo wildcards were found.
14180x0000058AERROR_CLIPBOARD_NOT_OPENThread does not have a clipboard open.
14190x0000058BERROR_HOTKEY_NOT_REGISTEREDHot key is not registered.
14200x0000058CERROR_WINDOW_NOT_DIALOGThe window is not a valid dialog window.
14210x0000058DERROR_CONTROL_ID_NOT_FOUNDControl ID not found.
14220x0000058EERROR_INVALID_COMBOBOX_MESSAGEInvalid message for a combo box because it does not have an edit control.
14230x0000058FERROR_WINDOW_NOT_COMBOBOXThe window is not a combo box.
14240x00000590ERROR_INVALID_EDIT_HEIGHTHeight must be less than 256.
14250x00000591ERROR_DC_NOT_FOUNDInvalid device context (DC) handle.
14260x00000592ERROR_INVALID_HOOK_FILTERInvalid hook procedure type.
14270x00000593ERROR_INVALID_FILTER_PROCInvalid hook procedure.
14280x00000594ERROR_HOOK_NEEDS_HMODCannot set nonlocal hook without a module handle.
14290x00000595ERROR_GLOBAL_ONLY_HOOKThis hook procedure can only be set globally.
14300x00000596ERROR_JOURNAL_HOOK_SETThe journal hook procedure is already installed.
14310x00000597ERROR_HOOK_NOT_INSTALLEDThe hook procedure is not installed.
14320x00000598ERROR_INVALID_LB_MESSAGEInvalid message for single - selection list box.
14330x00000599ERROR_SETCOUNT_ON_BAD_LBLB_SETCOUNT sent to non - lazy list box.
14340x0000059AERROR_LB_WITHOUT_TABSTOPSThis list box does not support tab stops.
14350x0000059BERROR_DESTROY_OBJECT_OF_OTHER_THREADCannot destroy object created by another thread.
14360x0000059CERROR_CHILD_WINDOW_MENUChild windows cannot have menus.
14370x0000059DERROR_NO_SYSTEM_MENUThe window does not have a system menu.
14380x0000059EERROR_INVALID_MSGBOX_STYLEInvalid message box style.
14390x0000059FERROR_INVALID_SPI_VALUEInvalid system - wide (SPI_*) parameter.
14400x000005A0ERROR_SCREEN_ALREADY_LOCKEDScreen already locked.
14410x000005A1ERROR_HWNDS_HAVE_DIFF_PARENTAll handles to windows in a multiple - window position structure must have the same parent.
14420x000005A2ERROR_NOT_CHILD_WINDOWThe window is not a child window.
14430x000005A3ERROR_INVALID_GW_COMMANDInvalid GW_* command.
14440x000005A4ERROR_INVALID_THREAD_IDInvalid thread identifier.
14450x000005A5ERROR_NON_MDICHILD_WINDOWCannot process a message from a window that is not a multiple document interface (MDI) window.
14460x000005A6ERROR_POPUP_ALREADY_ACTIVEPopup menu already active.
14470x000005A7ERROR_NO_SCROLLBARSThe window does not have scroll bars.
14480x000005A8ERROR_INVALID_SCROLLBAR_RANGEScroll bar range cannot be greater than MAXLONG.
14490x000005A9ERROR_INVALID_SHOWWIN_COMMANDCannot show or remove the window in the way specified.
14500x000005AAERROR_NO_SYSTEM_RESOURCESInsufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service.
14510x000005ABERROR_NONPAGED_SYSTEM_RESOURCESInsufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service.
14520x000005ACERROR_PAGED_SYSTEM_RESOURCESInsufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service.
14530x000005ADERROR_WORKING_SET_QUOTAInsufficient quota to complete the requested service.
14540x000005AEERROR_PAGEFILE_QUOTAInsufficient quota to complete the requested service.
14550x000005AFERROR_COMMITMENT_LIMITThe paging file is too small for this operation to complete.
14560x000005B0ERROR_MENU_ITEM_NOT_FOUNDA menu item was not found.
14570x000005B1ERROR_INVALID_KEYBOARD_HANDLEInvalid keyboard layout handle.
14580x000005B2ERROR_HOOK_TYPE_NOT_ALLOWEDHook type not allowed.
14590x000005B3ERROR_REQUIRES_INTERACTIVE_WINDOWSTATIONThis operation requires an interactive window station.
14600x000005B4ERROR_TIMEOUTThis operation returned because the timeout period expired.
14610x000005B5ERROR_INVALID_MONITOR_HANDLEInvalid monitor handle.
15000x000005DCERROR_EVENTLOG_FILE_CORRUPTThe event log file is corrupted.
15010x000005DDERROR_EVENTLOG_CANT_STARTNo event log file could be opened, so the event logging service did not start.
15020x000005DEERROR_LOG_FILE_FULLThe event log file is full.
15030x000005DFERROR_EVENTLOG_FILE_CHANGEDThe event log file has changed between read operations.
16010x00000641ERROR_INSTALL_SERVICE_FAILUREThe Windows Installer service could not be accessed. Contact your support personnel to verify that the Windows Installer service is properly registered.
16020x00000642ERROR_INSTALL_USEREXITUser cancelled installation.
16030x00000643ERROR_INSTALL_FAILUREFatal error during installation.
16040x00000644ERROR_INSTALL_SUSPENDInstallation suspended, incomplete.
16050x00000645ERROR_UNKNOWN_PRODUCTThis action is only valid for products that are currently installed.
16060x00000646ERROR_UNKNOWN_FEATUREFeature ID not registered.
16070x00000647ERROR_UNKNOWN_COMPONENTComponent ID not registered.
16080x00000648ERROR_UNKNOWN_PROPERTYUnknown property.
16090x00000649ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE_STATEHandle is in an invalid state.
16100x0000064AERROR_BAD_CONFIGURATIONThe configuration data for this product is corrupt. Contact your support personnel.
16110x0000064BERROR_INDEX_ABSENTComponent qualifier not present.
16120x0000064CERROR_INSTALL_SOURCE_ABSENTThe installation source for this product is not available. Verify that the source exists and that you can access it.
16130x0000064DERROR_INSTALL_PACKAGE_VERSIONThis installation package cannot be installed by the Windows Installer service. You must install a Windows service pack that contains a newer version of the Windows Installer service.
16140x0000064EERROR_PRODUCT_UNINSTALLEDProduct is uninstalled.
16150x0000064FERROR_BAD_QUERY_SYNTAXSQL query syntax invalid or unsupported.
16160x00000650ERROR_INVALID_FIELDRecord field does not exist.
16170x00000651ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVEDThe device has been removed.
16180x00000652ERROR_INSTALL_ALREADY_RUNNINGAnother installation is already in progress. Complete that installation before proceeding with this install.
16190x00000653ERROR_INSTALL_PACKAGE_OPEN_FAILEDThis installation package could not be opened. Verify that the package exists and that you can access it, or contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package.
16200x00000654ERROR_INSTALL_PACKAGE_INVALIDThis installation package could not be opened. Contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package.
16210x00000655ERROR_INSTALL_UI_FAILUREThere was an error starting the Windows Installer service user interface. Contact your support personnel.
16220x00000656ERROR_INSTALL_LOG_FAILUREError opening installation log file. Verify that the specified log file location exists and that you can write to it.
16230x00000657ERROR_INSTALL_LANGUAGE_UNSUPPORTEDThe language of this installation package is not supported by your system.
16240x00000658ERROR_INSTALL_TRANSFORM_FAILUREError applying transforms. Verify that the specified transform paths are valid.
16250x00000659ERROR_INSTALL_PACKAGE_REJECTEDThis installation is forbidden by system policy. Contact your system administrator.
16260x0000065AERROR_FUNCTION_NOT_CALLEDFunction could not be executed.
16270x0000065BERROR_FUNCTION_FAILEDFunction failed during execution.
16280x0000065CERROR_INVALID_TABLEInvalid or unknown table specified.
16290x0000065DERROR_DATATYPE_MISMATCHData supplied is of wrong type.
16300x0000065EERROR_UNSUPPORTED_TYPEData of this type is not supported.
16310x0000065FERROR_CREATE_FAILEDThe Windows Installer service failed to start. Contact your support personnel.
16320x00000660ERROR_INSTALL_TEMP_UNWRITABLEThe temp folder is either full or inaccessible. Verify that the temp folder exists and that you can write to it.
16330x00000661ERROR_INSTALL_PLATFORM_UNSUPPORTEDThis installation package is not supported by this processor type. Contact your product vendor.
16340x00000662ERROR_INSTALL_NOTUSEDComponent not used on this computer.
16350x00000663ERROR_PATCH_PACKAGE_OPEN_FAILEDThis patch package could not be opened. Verify that the patch package exists and that you can access it, or contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer patch package.
16360x00000664ERROR_PATCH_PACKAGE_INVALIDThis patch package could not be opened. Contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer patch package.
16370x00000665ERROR_PATCH_PACKAGE_UNSUPPORTED.This patch package cannot be processed by the Windows Installer service. You must install a Windows service pack that contains a newer version of the Windows Installer service.
16380x00000666ERROR_PRODUCT_VERSIONAnother version of this product is already installed. Installation of this version cannot continue. To configure or remove the existing version of this product, use Add/Remove Programs on the Control Panel.
16390x00000667ERROR_INVALID_COMMAND_LINEInvalid command line argument. Consult the Windows Installer SDK for detailed command line help.
16400x00000668ERROR_INSTALL_REMOTE_DISALLOWEDOnly administrators have permission to add, remove, or configure server software during a Terminal Services remote session. If you want to install or configure software on the server, contact your network administrator.
16410x00000669ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_INITIATEDThe requested operation completed successfully. The system will be restarted so the changes can take effect.
16420x0000066AERROR_PATCH_TARGET_NOT_FOUNDThe upgrade patch cannot be installed by the Windows Installer service because the program to be upgraded may be missing, or the upgrade patch may update a different version of the program. Verify that the program to be upgraded exists on your computer and that you have the correct upgrade patch.
16430x0000066BERROR_PATCH_PACKAGE_REJECTEDThe patch package is not permitted by system policy. It is not signed with an appropriate certificate.
16440x0000066CERROR_INSTALL_TRANSFORM_REJECTEDOne or more customizations are not permitted by system policy. They are not signed with an appropriate certificate.
17000x000006A4RPC_S_INVALID_STRING_BINDINGThe string binding is invalid.
17010x000006A5RPC_S_WRONG_KIND_OF_BINDINGThe binding handle is not the correct type.
17020x000006A6RPC_S_INVALID_BINDINGThe binding handle is invalid.
17030x000006A7RPC_S_PROTSEQ_NOT_SUPPORTEDThe RPC protocol sequence is not supported.
17040x000006A8RPC_S_INVALID_RPC_PROTSEQThe RPC protocol sequence is invalid.
17050x000006A9RPC_S_INVALID_STRING_UUIDThe string universal unique identifier (UUID) is invalid.
17060x000006AARPC_S_INVALID_ENDPOINT_FORMATThe endpoint format is invalid.
17070x000006ABRPC_S_INVALID_NET_ADDRThe network address is invalid.
17080x000006ACRPC_S_NO_ENDPOINT_FOUNDNo endpoint was found.
17090x000006ADRPC_S_INVALID_TIMEOUTThe timeout value is invalid.
17100x000006AERPC_S_OBJECT_NOT_FOUNDThe object universal unique identifier (UUID) was not found.
17110x000006AFRPC_S_ALREADY_REGISTEREDThe object universal unique identifier (UUID) has already been registered.
17120x000006B0RPC_S_TYPE_ALREADY_REGISTEREDThe type universal unique identifier (UUID) has already been registered.
17130x000006B1RPC_S_ALREADY_LISTENINGThe RPC server is already listening.
17140x000006B2RPC_S_NO_PROTSEQS_REGISTEREDNo protocol sequences have been registered.
17150x000006B3RPC_S_NOT_LISTENINGThe RPC server is not listening.
17160x000006B4RPC_S_UNKNOWN_MGR_TYPEThe manager type is unknown.
17170x000006B5RPC_S_UNKNOWN_IFThe interface is unknown.
17180x000006B6RPC_S_NO_BINDINGSThere are no bindings.
17190x000006B7RPC_S_NO_PROTSEQSThere are no protocol sequences.
17200x000006B8RPC_S_CANT_CREATE_ENDPOINTThe endpoint cannot be created.
17210x000006B9RPC_S_OUT_OF_RESOURCESNot enough resources are available to complete this operation.
17220x000006BARPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLEThe RPC server is unavailable.
17230x000006BBRPC_S_SERVER_TOO_BUSYThe RPC server is too busy to complete this operation.
17240x000006BCRPC_S_INVALID_NETWORK_OPTIONSThe network options are invalid.
17250x000006BDRPC_S_NO_CALL_ACTIVEThere are no remote procedure calls active on this thread.
17260x000006BERPC_S_CALL_FAILEDThe remote procedure call failed.
17270x000006BFRPC_S_CALL_FAILED_DNEThe remote procedure call failed and did not execute.
17280x000006C0RPC_S_PROTOCOL_ERRORA remote procedure call (RPC) protocol error occurred.
17300x000006C2RPC_S_UNSUPPORTED_TRANS_SYNThe transfer syntax is not supported by the RPC server.
17320x000006C4RPC_S_UNSUPPORTED_TYPEThe universal unique identifier (UUID) type is not supported.
17330x000006C5RPC_S_INVALID_TAGThe tag is invalid.
17340x000006C6RPC_S_INVALID_BOUNDThe array bounds are invalid.
17350x000006C7RPC_S_NO_ENTRY_NAMEThe binding does not contain an entry name.
17360x000006C8RPC_S_INVALID_NAME_SYNTAXThe name syntax is invalid.
17370x000006C9RPC_S_UNSUPPORTED_NAME_SYNTAXThe name syntax is not supported.
17390x000006CBRPC_S_UUID_NO_ADDRESSNo network address is available to use to construct a universal unique identifier (UUID).
17400x000006CCRPC_S_DUPLICATE_ENDPOINTThe endpoint is a duplicate.
17410x000006CDRPC_S_UNKNOWN_AUTHN_TYPEThe authentication type is unknown.
17420x000006CERPC_S_MAX_CALLS_TOO_SMALLThe maximum number of calls is too small.
17430x000006CFRPC_S_STRING_TOO_LONGThe string is too long.
17440x000006D0RPC_S_PROTSEQ_NOT_FOUNDThe RPC protocol sequence was not found.
17450x000006D1RPC_S_PROCNUM_OUT_OF_RANGEThe procedure number is out of range.
17460x000006D2RPC_S_BINDING_HAS_NO_AUTHThe binding does not contain any authentication information.
17470x000006D3RPC_S_UNKNOWN_AUTHN_SERVICEThe authentication service is unknown.
17480x000006D4RPC_S_UNKNOWN_AUTHN_LEVELThe authentication level is unknown.
17490x000006D5RPC_S_INVALID_AUTH_IDENTITYThe security context is invalid.
17500x000006D6RPC_S_UNKNOWN_AUTHZ_SERVICEThe authorization service is unknown.
17510x000006D7EPT_S_INVALID_ENTRYThe entry is invalid.
17520x000006D8EPT_S_CANT_PERFORM_OPThe server endpoint cannot perform the operation.
17530x000006D9EPT_S_NOT_REGISTEREDThere are no more endpoints available from the endpoint mapper.
17540x000006DARPC_S_NOTHING_TO_EXPORTNo interfaces have been exported.
17550x000006DBRPC_S_INCOMPLETE_NAMEThe entry name is incomplete.
17560x000006DCRPC_S_INVALID_VERS_OPTIONThe version option is invalid.
17570x000006DDRPC_S_NO_MORE_MEMBERSThere are no more members.
17580x000006DERPC_S_NOT_ALL_OBJS_UNEXPORTEDThere is nothing to unexport.
17590x000006DFRPC_S_INTERFACE_NOT_FOUNDThe interface was not found.
17600x000006E0RPC_S_ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTSThe entry already exists.
17610x000006E1RPC_S_ENTRY_NOT_FOUNDThe entry is not found.
17620x000006E2RPC_S_NAME_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLEThe name service is unavailable.
17630x000006E3RPC_S_INVALID_NAF_IDThe network address family is invalid.
17640x000006E4RPC_S_CANNOT_SUPPORTThe requested operation is not supported.
17650x000006E5RPC_S_NO_CONTEXT_AVAILABLENo security context is available to allow impersonation.
17660x000006E6RPC_S_INTERNAL_ERRORAn internal error occurred in a remote procedure call (RPC).
17670x000006E7RPC_S_ZERO_DIVIDEThe RPC server attempted an integer division by zero.
17680x000006E8RPC_S_ADDRESS_ERRORAn addressing error occurred in the RPC server.
17690x000006E9RPC_S_FP_DIV_ZEROA floating - point operation at the RPC server caused a division by zero.
17700x000006EARPC_S_FP_UNDERFLOWA floating - point underflow occurred at the RPC server.
17710x000006EBRPC_S_FP_OVERFLOWA floating - point overflow occurred at the RPC server.
17720x000006ECRPC_X_NO_MORE_ENTRIESThe list of RPC servers available for the binding of auto handles has been exhausted.
17730x000006EDRPC_X_SS_CHAR_TRANS_OPEN_FAILUnable to open the character translation table file.
17740x000006EERPC_X_SS_CHAR_TRANS_SHORT_FILEThe file containing the character translation table has fewer than 512 bytes.
17750x000006EFRPC_X_SS_IN_NULL_CONTEXTA null context handle was passed from the client to the host during a remote procedure call.
17770x000006F1RPC_X_SS_CONTEXT_DAMAGEDThe context handle changed during a remote procedure call.
17780x000006F2RPC_X_SS_HANDLES_MISMATCHThe binding handles passed to a remote procedure call do not match.
17790x000006F3RPC_X_SS_CANNOT_GET_CALL_HANDLEThe stub is unable to get the remote procedure call handle.
17800x000006F4RPC_X_NULL_REF_POINTERA null reference pointer was passed to the stub.
17810x000006F5RPC_X_ENUM_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGEThe enumeration value is out of range.
17820x000006F6RPC_X_BYTE_COUNT_TOO_SMALLThe byte count is too small.
17830x000006F7RPC_X_BAD_STUB_DATAThe stub received bad data.
17840x000006F8ERROR_INVALID_USER_BUFFERThe supplied user buffer is not valid for the requested operation.
17850x000006F9ERROR_UNRECOGNIZED_MEDIAThe disk media is not recognized. It may not be formatted.
17860x000006FAERROR_NO_TRUST_LSA_SECRETThe workstation does not have a trust secret.
17870x000006FBERROR_NO_TRUST_SAM_ACCOUNTThe security database on the server does not have a computer account for this workstation trust relationship.
17880x000006FCERROR_TRUSTED_DOMAIN_FAILUREThe trust relationship between the primary domain and the trusted domain failed.
17890x000006FDERROR_TRUSTED_RELATIONSHIP_FAILUREThe trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain failed.
17900x000006FEERROR_TRUST_FAILUREThe network logon failed.
17910x000006FFRPC_S_CALL_IN_PROGRESSA remote procedure call is already in progress for this thread.
17920x00000700ERROR_NETLOGON_NOT_STARTEDAn attempt was made to logon, but the network logon service was not started.
17930x00000701ERROR_ACCOUNT_EXPIREDThe user's account has expired.
17940x00000702ERROR_REDIRECTOR_HAS_OPEN_HANDLESThe redirector is in use and cannot be unloaded.
17950x00000703ERROR_PRINTER_DRIVER_ALREADY_INSTALLEDThe specified printer driver is already installed.
17960x00000704ERROR_UNKNOWN_PORTThe specified port is unknown.
17970x00000705ERROR_UNKNOWN_PRINTER_DRIVERThe printer driver is unknown.
17980x00000706ERROR_UNKNOWN_PRINTPROCESSORThe print processor is unknown.
17990x00000707ERROR_INVALID_SEPARATOR_FILEThe specified separator file is invalid.
18000x00000708ERROR_INVALID_PRIORITYThe specified priority is invalid.
18010x00000709ERROR_INVALID_PRINTER_NAMEThe printer name is invalid.
18020x0000070AERROR_PRINTER_ALREADY_EXISTSThe printer already exists.
18030x0000070BERROR_INVALID_PRINTER_COMMANDThe printer command is invalid.
18040x0000070CERROR_INVALID_DATATYPEThe specified datatype is invalid.
18050x0000070DERROR_INVALID_ENVIRONMENTThe environment specified is invalid.
18060x0000070ERPC_S_NO_MORE_BINDINGSThere are no more bindings.
18070x0000070FERROR_NOLOGON_INTERDOMAIN_TRUST_ACCOUNTThe account used is an interdomain trust account. Use your global user account or local user account to access this server.
18080x00000710ERROR_NOLOGON_WORKSTATION_TRUST_ACCOUNTThe account used is a computer account. Use your global user account or local user account to access this server.
18090x00000711ERROR_NOLOGON_SERVER_TRUST_ACCOUNTThe account used is a server trust account. Use your global user account or local user account to access this server.
18100x00000712ERROR_DOMAIN_TRUST_INCONSISTENTThe name or security ID (SID) of the domain specified is inconsistent with the trust information for that domain.
18110x00000713ERROR_SERVER_HAS_OPEN_HANDLESThe server is in use and cannot be unloaded.
18120x00000714ERROR_RESOURCE_DATA_NOT_FOUNDThe specified image file did not contain a resource section.
18130x00000715ERROR_RESOURCE_TYPE_NOT_FOUNDThe specified resource type cannot be found in the image file.
18140x00000716ERROR_RESOURCE_NAME_NOT_FOUNDThe specified resource name cannot be found in the image file.
18150x00000717ERROR_RESOURCE_LANG_NOT_FOUNDThe specified resource language ID cannot be found in the image file.
18160x00000718ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_QUOTANot enough quota is available to process this command.
18170x00000719RPC_S_NO_INTERFACESNo interfaces have been registered.
18180x0000071ARPC_S_CALL_CANCELLEDThe remote procedure call was cancelled.
18190x0000071BRPC_S_BINDING_INCOMPLETEThe binding handle does not contain all required information.
18200x0000071CRPC_S_COMM_FAILUREA communications failure occurred during a remote procedure call.
18210x0000071DRPC_S_UNSUPPORTED_AUTHN_LEVELThe requested authentication level is not supported.
18220x0000071ERPC_S_NO_PRINC_NAMENo principal name registered.
18230x0000071FRPC_S_NOT_RPC_ERRORThe error specified is not a valid Windows RPC error code.
18240x00000720RPC_S_UUID_LOCAL_ONLYA UUID that is valid only on this computer has been allocated.
18250x00000721RPC_S_SEC_PKG_ERRORA security package specific error occurred.
18260x00000722RPC_S_NOT_CANCELLEDThread is not canceled.
18270x00000723RPC_X_INVALID_ES_ACTIONInvalid operation on the encoding/decoding handle.
18280x00000724RPC_X_WRONG_ES_VERSIONIncompatible version of the serializing package.
18290x00000725RPC_X_WRONG_STUB_VERSIONIncompatible version of the RPC stub.
18300x00000726RPC_X_INVALID_PIPE_OBJECTThe RPC pipe object is invalid or corrupted.
18310x00000727RPC_X_WRONG_PIPE_ORDERAn invalid operation was attempted on an RPC pipe object.
18320x00000728RPC_X_WRONG_PIPE_VERSIONUnsupported RPC pipe version.
18980x0000076ARPC_S_GROUP_MEMBER_NOT_FOUNDThe group member was not found.
18990x0000076BEPT_S_CANT_CREATEThe endpoint mapper database entry could not be created.
19000x0000076CRPC_S_INVALID_OBJECTThe object universal unique identifier (UUID) is the nil UUID.
19010x0000076DERROR_INVALID_TIMEThe specified time is invalid.
19020x0000076EERROR_INVALID_FORM_NAMEThe specified form name is invalid.
19030x0000076FERROR_INVALID_FORM_SIZEThe specified form size is invalid.
19040x00000770ERROR_ALREADY_WAITINGThe specified printer handle is already being waited on
19050x00000771ERROR_PRINTER_DELETEDThe specified printer has been deleted.
19060x00000772ERROR_INVALID_PRINTER_STATEThe state of the printer is invalid.
19070x00000773ERROR_PASSWORD_MUST_CHANGEThe user's password must be changed before logging on the first time.
19080x00000774ERROR_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_NOT_FOUNDCould not find the domain controller for this domain.
19090x00000775ERROR_ACCOUNT_LOCKED_OUTThe referenced account is currently locked out and may not be logged on to.
19100x00000776OR_INVALID_OXIDThe object exporter specified was not found.
19110x00000777OR_INVALID_OIDThe object specified was not found.
19120x00000778OR_INVALID_SETThe object resolver set specified was not found.
19130x00000779RPC_S_SEND_INCOMPLETESome data remains to be sent in the request buffer.
19140x0000077ARPC_S_INVALID_ASYNC_HANDLEInvalid asynchronous remote procedure call handle.
19150x0000077BRPC_S_INVALID_ASYNC_CALLInvalid asynchronous RPC call handle for this operation.
19160x0000077CRPC_X_PIPE_CLOSEDThe RPC pipe object has already been closed.
19170x0000077DRPC_X_PIPE_DISCIPLINE_ERRORThe RPC call completed before all pipes were processed.
19180x0000077ERPC_X_PIPE_EMPTYNo more data is available from the RPC pipe.
19190x0000077FERROR_NO_SITENAMENo site name is available for this machine.
19200x00000780ERROR_CANT_ACCESS_FILEThe file can not be accessed by the system.
19210x00000781ERROR_CANT_RESOLVE_FILENAMEThe name of the file cannot be resolved by the system.
19220x00000782RPC_S_ENTRY_TYPE_MISMATCHThe entry is not of the expected type.
19230x00000783RPC_S_NOT_ALL_OBJS_EXPORTEDNot all object UUIDs could be exported to the specified entry.
19240x00000784RPC_S_INTERFACE_NOT_EXPORTEDInterface could not be exported to the specified entry.
19250x00000785RPC_S_PROFILE_NOT_ADDEDThe specified profile entry could not be added.
19260x00000786RPC_S_PRF_ELT_NOT_ADDEDThe specified profile element could not be added.
19270x00000787RPC_S_PRF_ELT_NOT_REMOVEDThe specified profile element could not be removed.
19280x00000788RPC_S_GRP_ELT_NOT_ADDEDThe group element could not be added.
19290x00000789RPC_S_GRP_ELT_NOT_REMOVEDThe group element could not be removed.
19300x0000078AERROR_KM_DRIVER_BLOCKEDThe printer driver is not compatible with a policy enabled on your computer that blocks NT 4.0 drivers.
20000x000007D0ERROR_INVALID_PIXEL_FORMATThe pixel format is invalid.
20010x000007D1ERROR_BAD_DRIVERThe specified driver is invalid.
20020x000007D2ERROR_INVALID_WINDOW_STYLEThe window style or class attribute is invalid for this operation.
20030x000007D3ERROR_METAFILE_NOT_SUPPORTEDThe requested metafile operation is not supported.
20040x000007D4ERROR_TRANSFORM_NOT_SUPPORTEDThe requested transformation operation is not supported.
20050x000007D5ERROR_CLIPPING_NOT_SUPPORTEDThe requested clipping operation is not supported.
20100x000007DAERROR_INVALID_CMMThe specified color management module is invalid.
20110x000007DBERROR_INVALID_PROFILEThe specified color profile is invalid.
20120x000007DCERROR_TAG_NOT_FOUNDThe specified tag was not found.
20130x000007DDERROR_TAG_NOT_PRESENTA required tag is not present.
20140x000007DEERROR_DUPLICATE_TAGThe specified tag is already present.
20150x000007DFERROR_PROFILE_NOT_ASSOCIATED_WITH_DEVICEThe specified color profile is not associated with any device.
20160x000007E0ERROR_PROFILE_NOT_FOUNDThe specified color profile was not found.
20170x000007E1ERROR_INVALID_COLORSPACEThe specified color space is invalid.
20180x000007E2ERROR_ICM_NOT_ENABLEDImage Color Management is not enabled.
20190x000007E3ERROR_DELETING_ICM_XFORMThere was an error while deleting the color transform.
20200x000007E4ERROR_INVALID_TRANSFORMThe specified color transform is invalid.
20210x000007E5ERROR_COLORSPACE_MISMATCHThe specified transform does not match the bitmap's color space.
20220x000007E6ERROR_INVALID_COLORINDEXThe specified named color index is not present in the profile.
21080x0000083CERROR_CONNECTED_OTHER_PASSWORDThe network connection was made successfully, but the user had to be prompted for a password other than the one originally specified.
22020x0000089AERROR_BAD_USERNAMEThe specified username is invalid.
22500x000008CAERROR_NOT_CONNECTEDThis network connection does not exist.
24010x00000961ERROR_OPEN_FILESThis network connection has files open or requests pending.
24020x00000962ERROR_ACTIVE_CONNECTIONSActive connections still exist.
24040x00000964ERROR_DEVICE_IN_USEThe device is in use by an active process and cannot be disconnected.
25000x000009C4ERROR_PKINIT_FAILUREThe kerberos protocol encountered an error while validating the KDC certificate during smartcard logon.
25010x000009C5ERROR_SMARTCARD_SUBSYSTEM_FAILUREThe kerberos protocol encountered an error while attempting to utilize the smartcard subsystem.
30000x00000BB8ERROR_UNKNOWN_PRINT_MONITORThe specified print monitor is unknown.
30010x00000BB9ERROR_PRINTER_DRIVER_IN_USEThe specified printer driver is currently in use.
30020x00000BBAERROR_SPOOL_FILE_NOT_FOUNDThe spool file was not found.
30030x00000BBBERROR_SPL_NO_STARTDOCA StartDocPrinter call was not issued.
30040x00000BBCERROR_SPL_NO_ADDJOBAn AddJob call was not issued.
30050x00000BBDERROR_PRINT_PROCESSOR_ALREADY_INSTALLEDThe specified print processor has already been installed.
30060x00000BBEERROR_PRINT_MONITOR_ALREADY_INSTALLEDThe specified print monitor has already been installed.
30070x00000BBFERROR_INVALID_PRINT_MONITORThe specified print monitor does not have the required functions.
30080x00000BC0ERROR_PRINT_MONITOR_IN_USEThe specified print monitor is currently in use.
30090x00000BC1ERROR_PRINTER_HAS_JOBS_QUEUEDThe requested operation is not allowed when there are jobs queued to the printer.
30100x00000BC2ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_REQUIREDThe requested operation is successful. Changes will not be effective until the system is rebooted.
30110x00000BC3ERROR_SUCCESS_RESTART_REQUIREDThe requested operation is successful. Changes will not be effective until the service is restarted.
30120x00000BC4ERROR_PRINTER_NOT_FOUNDNo printers were found.
40000x00000FA0ERROR_WINS_INTERNALWINS encountered an error while processing the command.
40010x00000FA1ERROR_CAN_NOT_DEL_LOCAL_WINSThe local WINS can not be deleted.
40020x00000FA2ERROR_STATIC_INITThe importation from the file failed.
40030x00000FA3ERROR_INC_BACKUPThe backup failed. Was a full backup done before?
40040x00000FA4ERROR_FULL_BACKUPThe backup failed. Check the directory to which you are backing the database.
40050x00000FA5ERROR_REC_NON_EXISTENTThe name does not exist in the WINS database.
40060x00000FA6ERROR_RPL_NOT_ALLOWEDReplication with a nonconfigured partner is not allowed.
41000x00001004ERROR_DHCP_ADDRESS_CONFLICTThe DHCP client has obtained an IP address that is already in use on the network. The local interface will be disabled until the DHCP client can obtain a new address.
42000x00001068ERROR_WMI_GUID_NOT_FOUNDThe GUID passed was not recognized as valid by a WMI data provider.
42010x00001069ERROR_WMI_INSTANCE_NOT_FOUNDThe instance name passed was not recognized as valid by a WMI data provider.
42020x0000106AERROR_WMI_ITEMID_NOT_FOUNDThe data item ID passed was not recognized as valid by a WMI data provider.
42030x0000106BERROR_WMI_TRY_AGAINThe WMI request could not be completed and should be retried.
42040x0000106CERROR_WMI_DP_NOT_FOUNDThe WMI data provider could not be located.
42050x0000106DERROR_WMI_UNRESOLVED_INSTANCE_REFThe WMI data provider references an instance set that has not been registered.
42060x0000106EERROR_WMI_ALREADY_ENABLEDThe WMI data block or event notification has already been enabled.
42070x0000106FERROR_WMI_GUID_DISCONNECTEDThe WMI data block is no longer available.
42080x00001070ERROR_WMI_SERVER_UNAVAILABLEThe WMI data service is not available.
42090x00001071ERROR_WMI_DP_FAILEDThe WMI data provider failed to carry out the request.
42100x00001072ERROR_WMI_INVALID_MOFThe WMI MOF information is not valid.
42110x00001073ERROR_WMI_INVALID_REGINFOThe WMI registration information is not valid.
42120x00001074ERROR_WMI_ALREADY_DISABLEDThe WMI data block or event notification has already been disabled.
42130x00001075ERROR_WMI_READ_ONLYThe WMI data item or data block is read only.
42140x00001076ERROR_WMI_SET_FAILUREThe WMI data item or data block could not be changed.
43000x000010CCERROR_INVALID_MEDIAThe media identifier does not represent a valid medium.
43010x000010CDERROR_INVALID_LIBRARYThe library identifier does not represent a valid library.
43020x000010CEERROR_INVALID_MEDIA_POOLThe media pool identifier does not represent a valid media pool.
43030x000010CFERROR_DRIVE_MEDIA_MISMATCHThe drive and medium are not compatible or exist in different libraries.
43040x000010D0ERROR_MEDIA_OFFLINEThe medium currently exists in an offline library and must be online to perform this operation.
43050x000010D1ERROR_LIBRARY_OFFLINEThe operation cannot be performed on an offline library.
43060x000010D2ERROR_EMPTYThe library, drive, or media pool is empty.
43070x000010D3ERROR_NOT_EMPTYThe library, drive, or media pool must be empty to perform this operation.
43080x000010D4ERROR_MEDIA_UNAVAILABLENo media is currently available in this media pool or library.
43090x000010D5ERROR_RESOURCE_DISABLEDA resource required for this operation is disabled.
43100x000010D6ERROR_INVALID_CLEANERThe media identifier does not represent a valid cleaner.
43110x000010D7ERROR_UNABLE_TO_CLEANThe drive cannot be cleaned or does not support cleaning.
43120x000010D8ERROR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUNDThe object identifier does not represent a valid object.
43130x000010D9ERROR_DATABASE_FAILUREUnable to read from or write to the database.
43140x000010DAERROR_DATABASE_FULLThe database is full.
43150x000010DBERROR_MEDIA_INCOMPATIBLEThe medium is not compatible with the device or media pool.
43160x000010DCERROR_RESOURCE_NOT_PRESENTThe resource required for this operation does not exist.
43170x000010DDERROR_INVALID_OPERATIONThe operation identifier is not valid.
43180x000010DEERROR_MEDIA_NOT_AVAILABLEThe media is not mounted or ready for use.
43190x000010DFERROR_DEVICE_NOT_AVAILABLEThe device is not ready for use.
43200x000010E0ERROR_REQUEST_REFUSEDThe operator or administrator has refused the request.
43210x000010E1ERROR_INVALID_DRIVE_OBJECTThe drive identifier does not represent a valid drive.
43220x000010E2ERROR_LIBRARY_FULLLibrary is full. No slot is available for use.
43230x000010E3ERROR_MEDIUM_NOT_ACCESSIBLEThe transport cannot access the medium.
43240x000010E4ERROR_UNABLE_TO_LOAD_MEDIUMUnable to load the medium into the drive.
43250x000010E5ERROR_UNABLE_TO_INVENTORY_DRIVEUnable to retrieve status about the drive.
43260x000010E6ERROR_UNABLE_TO_INVENTORY_SLOTUnable to retrieve status about the slot.
43270x000010E7ERROR_UNABLE_TO_INVENTORY_TRANSPORTUnable to retrieve status about the transport.
43280x000010E8ERROR_TRANSPORT_FULLCannot use the transport because it is already in use.
43290x000010E9ERROR_CONTROLLING_IEPORTUnable to open or close the inject/eject port.
43300x000010EAERROR_UNABLE_TO_EJECT_MOUNTED_MEDIAUnable to eject the media because it is in a drive.
43310x000010EBERROR_CLEANER_SLOT_SETA cleaner slot is already reserved.
43320x000010ECERROR_CLEANER_SLOT_NOT_SETA cleaner slot is not reserved.
43330x000010EDERROR_CLEANER_CARTRIDGE_SPENTThe cleaner cartridge has performed the maximum number of drive cleanings.
43340x000010EEERROR_UNEXPECTED_OMIDUnexpected on - medium identifier.
43350x000010EFERROR_CANT_DELETE_LAST_ITEMThe last remaining item in this group or resource cannot be deleted.
43360x000010F0ERROR_MESSAGE_EXCEEDS_MAX_SIZEThe message provided exceeds the maximum size allowed for this parameter.
43370x000010F1ERROR_VOLUME_CONTAINS_SYS_FILESThe volume contains system or paging files.
43380x000010F2ERROR_INDIGENOUS_TYPEThe media type cannot be removed from this library since at least one drive in the library reports it can support this media type.
43390x000010F3ERROR_NO_SUPPORTING_DRIVESThis offline media cannot be mounted on this system since no enabled drives are present which can be used.
43400x000010F4ERROR_CLEANER_CARTRIDGE_INSTALLEDA cleaner cartridge is present in the tape library.
43500x000010FEERROR_FILE_OFFLINEThe remote storage service was not able to recall the file.
43510x000010FFERROR_REMOTE_STORAGE_NOT_ACTIVEThe remote storage service is not operational at this time.
43520x00001100ERROR_REMOTE_STORAGE_MEDIA_ERRORThe remote storage service encountered a media error.
43900x00001126ERROR_NOT_A_REPARSE_POINTThe file or directory is not a reparse point.
43910x00001127ERROR_REPARSE_ATTRIBUTE_CONFLICTThe reparse point attribute cannot be set because it conflicts with an existing attribute.
43920x00001128ERROR_INVALID_REPARSE_DATAThe data present in the reparse point buffer is invalid.
43930x00001129ERROR_REPARSE_TAG_INVALIDThe tag present in the reparse point buffer is invalid.
43940x0000112AERROR_REPARSE_TAG_MISMATCHThere is a mismatch between the tag specified in the request and the tag present in the reparse point.
45000x00001194ERROR_VOLUME_NOT_SIS_ENABLEDSingle Instance Storage is not available on this volume.
50010x00001389ERROR_DEPENDENT_RESOURCE_EXISTSThe cluster resource cannot be moved to another group because other resources are dependent on it.
50020x0000138AERROR_DEPENDENCY_NOT_FOUNDThe cluster resource dependency cannot be found.
50030x0000138BERROR_DEPENDENCY_ALREADY_EXISTSThe cluster resource cannot be made dependent on the specified resource because it is already dependent.
50040x0000138CERROR_RESOURCE_NOT_ONLINEThe cluster resource is not online.
50050x0000138DERROR_HOST_NODE_NOT_AVAILABLEA cluster node is not available for this operation.
50060x0000138EERROR_RESOURCE_NOT_AVAILABLEThe cluster resource is not available.
50070x0000138FERROR_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUNDThe cluster resource could not be found.
50080x00001390ERROR_SHUTDOWN_CLUSTERThe cluster is being shut down.
50090x00001391ERROR_CANT_EVICT_ACTIVE_NODEA cluster node cannot be evicted from the cluster unless the node is down.
50100x00001392ERROR_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTSThe object already exists.
50110x00001393ERROR_OBJECT_IN_LISTThe object is already in the list.
50120x00001394ERROR_GROUP_NOT_AVAILABLEThe cluster group is not available for any new requests.
50130x00001395ERROR_GROUP_NOT_FOUNDThe cluster group could not be found.
50140x00001396ERROR_GROUP_NOT_ONLINEThe operation could not be completed because the cluster group is not online.
50150x00001397ERROR_HOST_NODE_NOT_RESOURCE_OWNERThe cluster node is not the owner of the resource.
50160x00001398ERROR_HOST_NODE_NOT_GROUP_OWNERThe cluster node is not the owner of the group.
50170x00001399ERROR_RESMON_CREATE_FAILEDThe cluster resource could not be created in the specified resource monitor.
50180x0000139AERROR_RESMON_ONLINE_FAILEDThe cluster resource could not be brought online by the resource monitor.
50190x0000139BERROR_RESOURCE_ONLINEThe operation could not be completed because the cluster resource is online.
50200x0000139CERROR_QUORUM_RESOURCEThe cluster resource could not be deleted or brought offline because it is the quorum resource.
50210x0000139DERROR_NOT_QUORUM_CAPABLEThe cluster could not make the specified resource a quorum resource because it is not capable of being a quorum resource.
50220x0000139EERROR_CLUSTER_SHUTTING_DOWNThe cluster software is shutting down.
50230x0000139FERROR_INVALID_STATEThe group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation.
50240x000013A0ERROR_RESOURCE_PROPERTIES_STOREDThe properties were stored but not all changes will take effect until the next time the resource is brought online.
50250x000013A1ERROR_NOT_QUORUM_CLASSThe cluster could not make the specified resource a quorum resource because it does not belong to a shared storage class.
50260x000013A2ERROR_CORE_RESOURCEThe cluster resource could not be deleted since it is a core resource.
50270x000013A3ERROR_QUORUM_RESOURCE_ONLINE_FAILEDThe quorum resource failed to come online.
50280x000013A4ERROR_QUORUMLOG_OPEN_FAILEDThe quorum log could not be created or mounted successfully.
50290x000013A5ERROR_CLUSTERLOG_CORRUPTThe cluster log is corrupt.
50300x000013A6ERROR_CLUSTERLOG_RECORD_EXCEEDS_MAXSIZEThe record could not be written to the cluster log since it exceeds the maximum size.
50310x000013A7ERROR_CLUSTERLOG_EXCEEDS_MAXSIZEThe cluster log exceeds its maximum size.
50320x000013A8ERROR_CLUSTERLOG_CHKPOINT_NOT_FOUNDNo checkpoint record was found in the cluster log.
50330x000013A9ERROR_CLUSTERLOG_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACEThe minimum required disk space needed for logging is not available.
50340x000013AAERROR_QUORUM_OWNER_ALIVEThe cluster node failed to take control of the quorum resource because the resource is owned by another active node.
50350x000013ABERROR_NETWORK_NOT_AVAILABLEA cluster network is not available for this operation.
50360x000013ACERROR_NODE_NOT_AVAILABLEA cluster node is not available for this operation.
50370x000013ADERROR_ALL_NODES_NOT_AVAILABLEAll cluster nodes must be running to perform this operation.
50380x000013AEERROR_RESOURCE_FAILEDA cluster resource failed.
50390x000013AFERROR_CLUSTER_INVALID_NODEThe cluster node is not valid.
50400x000013B0ERROR_CLUSTER_NODE_EXISTSThe cluster node already exists.
50410x000013B1ERROR_CLUSTER_JOIN_IN_PROGRESSA node is in the process of joining the cluster.
50420x000013B2ERROR_CLUSTER_NODE_NOT_FOUNDThe cluster node was not found.
50430x000013B3ERROR_CLUSTER_LOCAL_NODE_NOT_FOUNDThe cluster local node information was not found.
50440x000013B4ERROR_CLUSTER_NETWORK_EXISTSThe cluster network already exists.
50450x000013B5ERROR_CLUSTER_NETWORK_NOT_FOUNDThe cluster network was not found.
50460x000013B6ERROR_CLUSTER_NETINTERFACE_EXISTSThe cluster network interface already exists.
50470x000013B7ERROR_CLUSTER_NETINTERFACE_NOT_FOUNDThe cluster network interface was not found.
50480x000013B8ERROR_CLUSTER_INVALID_REQUESTThe cluster request is not valid for this object.
50490x000013B9ERROR_CLUSTER_INVALID_NETWORK_PROVIDERThe cluster network provider is not valid.
50500x000013BAERROR_CLUSTER_NODE_DOWNThe cluster node is down.
50510x000013BBERROR_CLUSTER_NODE_UNREACHABLEThe cluster node is not reachable.
50520x000013BCERROR_CLUSTER_NODE_NOT_MEMBERThe cluster node is not a member of the cluster.
50530x000013BDERROR_CLUSTER_JOIN_NOT_IN_PROGRESSA cluster join operation is not in progress.
50540x000013BEERROR_CLUSTER_INVALID_NETWORKThe cluster network is not valid.
50560x000013C0ERROR_CLUSTER_NODE_UPThe cluster node is up.
50570x000013C1ERROR_CLUSTER_IPADDR_IN_USEThe cluster IP address is already in use.
50580x000013C2ERROR_CLUSTER_NODE_NOT_PAUSEDThe cluster node is not paused.
50590x000013C3ERROR_CLUSTER_NO_SECURITY_CONTEXTNo cluster security context is available.
50600x000013C4ERROR_CLUSTER_NETWORK_NOT_INTERNALThe cluster network is not configured for internal cluster communication.
50610x000013C5ERROR_CLUSTER_NODE_ALREADY_UPThe cluster node is already up.
50620x000013C6ERROR_CLUSTER_NODE_ALREADY_DOWNThe cluster node is already down.
50630x000013C7ERROR_CLUSTER_NETWORK_ALREADY_ONLINEThe cluster network is already online.
50640x000013C8ERROR_CLUSTER_NETWORK_ALREADY_OFFLINEThe cluster network is already offline.
50650x000013C9ERROR_CLUSTER_NODE_ALREADY_MEMBERThe cluster node is already a member of the cluster.
50660x000013CAERROR_CLUSTER_LAST_INTERNAL_NETWORKThe cluster network is the only one configured for internal cluster communication between two or more active cluster nodes. The internal communication capability cannot be removed from the network.
50670x000013CBERROR_CLUSTER_NETWORK_HAS_DEPENDENTSOne or more cluster resources depend on the network to provide service to clients. The client access capability cannot be removed from the network.
50680x000013CCERROR_INVALID_OPERATION_ON_QUORUMThis operation cannot be performed on the cluster resource as it the quorum resource. You may not bring the quorum resource offline or modify its possible owners list.
50690x000013CDERROR_DEPENDENCY_NOT_ALLOWEDThe cluster quorum resource is not allowed to have any dependencies.
50700x000013CEERROR_CLUSTER_NODE_PAUSEDThe cluster node is paused.
50710x000013CFERROR_NODE_CANT_HOST_RESOURCEThe cluster resource cannot be brought online. The owner node cannot run this resource.
50720x000013D0ERROR_CLUSTER_NODE_NOT_READYThe cluster node is not ready to perform the requested operation.
50730x000013D1ERROR_CLUSTER_NODE_SHUTTING_DOWNThe cluster node is shutting down.
50740x000013D2ERROR_CLUSTER_JOIN_ABORTEDThe cluster join operation was aborted.
50750x000013D3ERROR_CLUSTER_INCOMPATIBLE_VERSIONSThe cluster join operation failed due to incompatible software versions between the joining node and its sponsor.
50760x000013D4ERROR_CLUSTER_MAXNUM_OF_RESOURCES_EXCEEDEDThis resource cannot be created because the cluster has reached the limit on the number of resources it can monitor.
50770x000013D5ERROR_CLUSTER_SYSTEM_CONFIG_CHANGEDThe system configuration changed during the cluster join or form operation. The join or form operation was aborted.
50780x000013D6ERROR_CLUSTER_RESOURCE_TYPE_NOT_FOUNDThe specified resource type was not found.
50790x000013D7ERROR_CLUSTER_RESTYPE_NOT_SUPPORTEDThe specified node does not support a resource of this type. This may be due to version inconsistencies or due to the absence of the resource DLL on this node.
50800x000013D8ERROR_CLUSTER_RESNAME_NOT_FOUNDThe specified resource name is supported by this resource DLL. This may be due to a bad (or changed) name supplied to the resource DLL.
50810x000013D9ERROR_CLUSTER_NO_RPC_PACKAGES_REGISTEREDNo authentication package could be registered with the RPC server.
50820x000013DAERROR_CLUSTER_OWNER_NOT_IN_PREFLISTYou cannot bring the group online because the owner of the group is not in the preferred list for the group. To change the owner node for the group, move the group.
50830x000013DBERROR_CLUSTER_DATABASE_SEQMISMATCHThe join operation failed because the cluster database sequence number has changed or is incompatible with the locker node. This may happen during a join operation if the cluster database was changing during the join.
50840x000013DCERROR_RESMON_INVALID_STATEThe resource monitor will not allow the fail operation to be performed while the resource is in its current state. This may happen if the resource is in a pending state.
50850x000013DDERROR_CLUSTER_GUM_NOT_LOCKERA non locker code got a request to reserve the lock for making global updates.
50860x000013DEERROR_QUORUM_DISK_NOT_FOUNDThe quorum disk could not be located by the cluster service.
50870x000013DFERROR_DATABASE_BACKUP_CORRUPTThe backup up cluster database is possibly corrupt.
50880x000013E0ERROR_CLUSTER_NODE_ALREADY_HAS_DFS_ROOTA DFS root already exists in this cluster node.
50890x000013E1ERROR_RESOURCE_PROPERTY_UNCHANGEABLEAn attempt to modify a resource property failed because it conflicts with another existing property.
58900x00001702ERROR_CLUSTER_MEMBERSHIP_INVALID_STATEAn operation was attempted that is incompatible with the current membership state of the node.
58910x00001703ERROR_CLUSTER_QUORUMLOG_NOT_FOUNDThe quorum resource does not contain the quorum log.
58920x00001704ERROR_CLUSTER_MEMBERSHIP_HALTThe membership engine requested shutdown of the cluster service on this node.
58930x00001705ERROR_CLUSTER_INSTANCE_ID_MISMATCHThe join operation failed because the cluster instance ID of the joining node does not match the cluster instance ID of the sponsor node.
58940x00001706ERROR_CLUSTER_NETWORK_NOT_FOUND_FOR_IPA matching network for the specified IP address could not be found. Please also specify a subnet mask and a cluster network.
58950x00001707ERROR_CLUSTER_PROPERTY_DATA_TYPE_MISMATCHThe actual data type of the property did not match the expected data type of the property.
58960x00001708ERROR_CLUSTER_EVICT_WITHOUT_CLEANUPThe cluster node was evicted from the cluster successfully. The node was not cleaned up because it does not support the evict cleanup functionality.
60000x00001770ERROR_ENCRYPTION_FAILEDThe specified file could not be encrypted.
60010x00001771ERROR_DECRYPTION_FAILEDThe specified file could not be decrypted.
60020x00001772ERROR_FILE_ENCRYPTEDThe specified file is encrypted and the user does not have the ability to decrypt it.
60030x00001773ERROR_NO_RECOVERY_POLICYThere is no valid encryption recovery policy configured for this system.
60040x00001774ERROR_NO_EFSThe required encryption driver is not loaded for this system.
60050x00001775ERROR_WRONG_EFSThe file was encrypted with a different encryption driver than is currently loaded.
60060x00001776ERROR_NO_USER_KEYSThere are no EFS keys defined for the user.
60070x00001777ERROR_FILE_NOT_ENCRYPTEDThe specified file is not encrypted.
60080x00001778ERROR_NOT_EXPORT_FORMATThe specified file is not in the defined EFS export format.
60090x00001779ERROR_FILE_READ_ONLYThe specified file is read only.
60100x0000177AERROR_DIR_EFS_DISALLOWEDThe directory has been disabled for encryption.
60110x0000177BERROR_EFS_SERVER_NOT_TRUSTEDThe server is not trusted for remote encryption operation.
60120x0000177CERROR_BAD_RECOVERY_POLICYRecovery policy configured for this system contains invalid recovery certificate.
60130x0000177DERROR_EFS_ALG_BLOB_TOO_BIGThe encryption algorithm used on the source file needs a bigger key buffer than the one on the destination file.
60140x0000177EERROR_VOLUME_NOT_SUPPORT_EFSThe disk partition does not support file encryption.
61180x000017E6ERROR_NO_BROWSER_SERVERS_FOUNDThe list of servers for this workgroup is not currently available.
62000x00001838SCHED_E_SERVICE_NOT_LOCALSYSTEMThe Task Scheduler service must be configured to run in the System account to function properly. Individual tasks may be configured to run in other accounts.
70010x00001B59ERROR_CTX_WINSTATION_NAME_INVALIDThe specified session name is invalid.
70020x00001B5AERROR_CTX_INVALID_PDThe specified protocol driver is invalid.
70030x00001B5BERROR_CTX_PD_NOT_FOUNDThe specified protocol driver was not found in the system path.
70040x00001B5CERROR_CTX_WD_NOT_FOUNDThe specified terminal connection driver was not found in the system path.
70050x00001B5DERROR_CTX_CANNOT_MAKE_EVENTLOG_ENTRYA registry key for event logging could not be created for this session.
70060x00001B5EERROR_CTX_SERVICE_NAME_COLLISIONA service with the same name already exists on the system.
70070x00001B5FERROR_CTX_CLOSE_PENDINGA close operation is pending on the session.
70080x00001B60ERROR_CTX_NO_OUTBUFThere are no free output buffers available.
70090x00001B61ERROR_CTX_MODEM_INF_NOT_FOUNDThe MODEM.INF file was not found.
70100x00001B62ERROR_CTX_INVALID_MODEMNAMEThe modem name was not found in MODEM.INF.
70110x00001B63ERROR_CTX_MODEM_RESPONSE_ERRORThe modem did not accept the command sent to it. Verify that the configured modem name matches the attached modem.
70120x00001B64ERROR_CTX_MODEM_RESPONSE_TIMEOUTThe modem did not respond to the command sent to it. Verify that the modem is properly cabled and powered on.
70130x00001B65ERROR_CTX_MODEM_RESPONSE_NO_CARRIERCarrier detect has failed or carrier has been dropped due to disconnect.
70140x00001B66ERROR_CTX_MODEM_RESPONSE_NO_DIALTONEDial tone not detected within the required time. Verify that the phone cable is properly attached and functional.
70150x00001B67ERROR_CTX_MODEM_RESPONSE_BUSYBusy signal detected at remote site on callback.
70160x00001B68ERROR_CTX_MODEM_RESPONSE_VOICEVoice detected at remote site on callback.
70170x00001B69ERROR_CTX_TD_ERRORTransport driver error
70220x00001B6EERROR_CTX_WINSTATION_NOT_FOUNDThe specified session cannot be found.
70230x00001B6FERROR_CTX_WINSTATION_ALREADY_EXISTSThe specified session name is already in use.
70240x00001B70ERROR_CTX_WINSTATION_BUSYThe requested operation cannot be completed because the terminal connection is currently busy processing a connect, disconnect, reset, or delete operation.
70250x00001B71ERROR_CTX_BAD_VIDEO_MODEAn attempt has been made to connect to a session whose video mode is not supported by the current client.
70350x00001B7BERROR_CTX_GRAPHICS_INVALIDThe application attempted to enable DOS graphics mode. DOS graphics mode is not supported.
70370x00001B7DERROR_CTX_LOGON_DISABLEDYour interactive logon privilege has been disabled. Please contact your administrator.
70380x00001B7EERROR_CTX_NOT_CONSOLEThe requested operation can be performed only on the system console. This is most often the result of a driver or system DLL requiring direct console access.
70400x00001B80ERROR_CTX_CLIENT_QUERY_TIMEOUTThe client failed to respond to the server connect message.
70410x00001B81ERROR_CTX_CONSOLE_DISCONNECTDisconnecting the console session is not supported.
70420x00001B82ERROR_CTX_CONSOLE_CONNECTReconnecting a disconnected session to the console is not supported.
70440x00001B84ERROR_CTX_SHADOW_DENIEDThe request to control another session remotely was denied.
70450x00001B85ERROR_CTX_WINSTATION_ACCESS_DENIEDThe requested session access is denied.
70490x00001B89ERROR_CTX_INVALID_WDThe specified terminal connection driver is invalid.
70500x00001B8AERROR_CTX_SHADOW_INVALIDThe requested session cannot be controlled remotely. This may be because the session is disconnected or does not currently have a user logged on.
70510x00001B8BERROR_CTX_SHADOW_DISABLEDThe requested session is not configured to allow remote control.
70520x00001B8CERROR_CTX_CLIENT_LICENSE_IN_USEYour request to connect to this Terminal Server has been rejected. Your Terminal Server client license number is currently being used by another user. Please call your system administrator to obtain a unique license number.
70530x00001B8DERROR_CTX_CLIENT_LICENSE_NOT_SETYour request to connect to this Terminal Server has been rejected. Your Terminal Server client license number has not been entered for this copy of the Terminal Server client. Please contact your system administrator.
70540x00001B8EERROR_CTX_LICENSE_NOT_AVAILABLEThe system has reached its licensed logon limit. Please try again later.
70550x00001B8FERROR_CTX_LICENSE_CLIENT_INVALIDThe client you are using is not licensed to use this system. Your logon request is denied.
70560x00001B90ERROR_CTX_LICENSE_EXPIREDThe system license has expired. Your logon request is denied.
70570x00001B91ERROR_CTX_SHADOW_NOT_RUNNINGRemote control could not be terminated because the specified session is not currently being remotely controlled.
80010x00001F41FRS_ERR_INVALID_API_SEQUENCEThe file replication service API was called incorrectly.
80020x00001F42FRS_ERR_STARTING_SERVICEThe file replication service cannot be started.
80030x00001F43FRS_ERR_STOPPING_SERVICEThe file replication service cannot be stopped.
80040x00001F44FRS_ERR_INTERNAL_APIThe file replication service API terminated the request. The event log may have more information.
80050x00001F45FRS_ERR_INTERNALThe file replication service terminated the request. The event log may have more information.
80060x00001F46FRS_ERR_SERVICE_COMMThe file replication service cannot be contacted. The event log may have more information.
80070x00001F47FRS_ERR_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVThe file replication service cannot satisfy the request because the user has insufficient privileges. The event log may have more information.
80080x00001F48FRS_ERR_AUTHENTICATIONThe file replication service cannot satisfy the request because authenticated RPC is not available. The event log may have more information.
80090x00001F49FRS_ERR_PARENT_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVThe file replication service cannot satisfy the request because the user has insufficient privileges on the domain controller. The event log may have more information.
80100x00001F4AFRS_ERR_PARENT_AUTHENTICATIONThe file replication service cannot satisfy the request because authenticated RPC is not available on the domain controller. The event log may have more information.
80110x00001F4BFRS_ERR_CHILD_TO_PARENT_COMMThe file replication service cannot communicate with the file replication service on the domain controller. The event log may have more information.
80120x00001F4CFRS_ERR_PARENT_TO_CHILD_COMMThe file replication service on the domain controller cannot communicate with the file replication service on this computer. The event log may have more information.
80130x00001F4DFRS_ERR_SYSVOL_POPULATEThe file replication service cannot populate the system volume because of an internal error. The event log may have more information.
80140x00001F4EFRS_ERR_SYSVOL_POPULATE_TIMEOUTThe file replication service cannot populate the system volume because of an internal timeout. The event log may have more information.
80150x00001F4FFRS_ERR_SYSVOL_IS_BUSYThe file replication service cannot process the request. The system volume is busy with a previous request.
80160x00001F50FRS_ERR_SYSVOL_DEMOTEThe file replication service cannot stop replicating the system volume because of an internal error. The event log may have more information.
80170x00001F51FRS_ERR_INVALID_SERVICE_PARAMETERThe file replication service detected an invalid parameter.
82000x00002008ERROR_DS_NOT_INSTALLEDAn error occurred while installing the directory service. For more information, see the event log.
82010x00002009ERROR_DS_MEMBERSHIP_EVALUATED_LOCALLYThe directory service evaluated group memberships locally.
82020x0000200AERROR_DS_NO_ATTRIBUTE_OR_VALUEThe specified directory service attribute or value does not exist.
82030x0000200BERROR_DS_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAXThe attribute syntax specified to the directory service is invalid.
82040x0000200CERROR_DS_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_UNDEFINEDThe attribute type specified to the directory service is not defined.
82050x0000200DERROR_DS_ATTRIBUTE_OR_VALUE_EXISTSThe specified directory service attribute or value already exists.
82060x0000200EERROR_DS_BUSYThe directory service is busy.
82070x0000200FERROR_DS_UNAVAILABLEThe directory service is unavailable.
82080x00002010ERROR_DS_NO_RIDS_ALLOCATEDThe directory service was unable to allocate a relative identifier.
82090x00002011ERROR_DS_NO_MORE_RIDSThe directory service has exhausted the pool of relative identifiers.
82100x00002012ERROR_DS_INCORRECT_ROLE_OWNERThe requested operation could not be performed because the directory service is not the master for that type of operation.
82110x00002013ERROR_DS_RIDMGR_INIT_ERRORThe directory service was unable to initialize the subsystem that allocates relative identifiers.
82120x00002014ERROR_DS_OBJ_CLASS_VIOLATIONThe requested operation did not satisfy one or more constraints associated with the class of the object.
82130x00002015ERROR_DS_CANT_ON_NON_LEAFThe directory service can perform the requested operation only on a leaf object.
82140x00002016ERROR_DS_CANT_ON_RDNThe directory service cannot perform the requested operation on the RDN attribute of an object.
82150x00002017ERROR_DS_CANT_MOD_OBJ_CLASSThe directory service detected an attempt to modify the object class of an object.
82160x00002018ERROR_DS_CROSS_DOM_MOVE_ERRORThe requested cross - domain move operation could not be performed.
82170x00002019ERROR_DS_GC_NOT_AVAILABLEUnable to contact the global catalog server.
82180x0000201AERROR_SHARED_POLICYThe policy object is shared and can only be modified at the root.
82190x0000201BERROR_POLICY_OBJECT_NOT_FOUNDThe policy object does not exist.
82200x0000201CERROR_POLICY_ONLY_IN_DSThe requested policy information is only in the directory service.
82210x0000201DERROR_PROMOTION_ACTIVEA domain controller promotion is currently active.
82220x0000201EERROR_NO_PROMOTION_ACTIVEA domain controller promotion is not currently active
82240x00002020ERROR_DS_OPERATIONS_ERRORAn operations error occurred.
82250x00002021ERROR_DS_PROTOCOL_ERRORA protocol error occurred.
82260x00002022ERROR_DS_TIMELIMIT_EXCEEDEDThe time limit for this request was exceeded.
82270x00002023ERROR_DS_SIZELIMIT_EXCEEDEDThe size limit for this request was exceeded.
82280x00002024ERROR_DS_ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDEDThe administrative limit for this request was exceeded.
82290x00002025ERROR_DS_COMPARE_FALSEThe compare response was false.
82300x00002026ERROR_DS_COMPARE_TRUEThe compare response was true.
82310x00002027ERROR_DS_AUTH_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTEDThe requested authentication method is not supported by the server.
82320x00002028ERROR_DS_STRONG_AUTH_REQUIREDA more secure authentication method is required for this server.
82330x00002029ERROR_DS_INAPPROPRIATE_AUTHInappropriate authentication.
82340x0000202AERROR_DS_AUTH_UNKNOWNThe authentication mechanism is unknown.
82350x0000202BERROR_DS_REFERRALA referral was returned from the server.
82360x0000202CERROR_DS_UNAVAILABLE_CRIT_EXTENSIONThe server does not support the requested critical extension.
82370x0000202DERROR_DS_CONFIDENTIALITY_REQUIREDThis request requires a secure connection.
82380x0000202EERROR_DS_INAPPROPRIATE_MATCHINGInappropriate matching.
82390x0000202FERROR_DS_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATIONA constraint violation occurred.
82400x00002030ERROR_DS_NO_SUCH_OBJECTThere is no such object on the server.
82410x00002031ERROR_DS_ALIAS_PROBLEMThere is an alias problem.
82420x00002032ERROR_DS_INVALID_DN_SYNTAXAn invalid dn syntax has been specified.
82430x00002033ERROR_DS_IS_LEAFThe object is a leaf object.
82440x00002034ERROR_DS_ALIAS_DEREF_PROBLEMThere is an alias dereferencing problem.
82450x00002035ERROR_DS_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORMThe server is unwilling to process the request.
82460x00002036ERROR_DS_LOOP_DETECTA loop has been detected.
82470x00002037ERROR_DS_NAMING_VIOLATIONThere is a naming violation.
82480x00002038ERROR_DS_OBJECT_RESULTS_TOO_LARGEThe result set is too large.
82490x00002039ERROR_DS_AFFECTS_MULTIPLE_DSASThe operation affects multiple DSAs
82500x0000203AERROR_DS_SERVER_DOWNThe server is not operational.
82510x0000203BERROR_DS_LOCAL_ERRORA local error has occurred.
82520x0000203CERROR_DS_ENCODING_ERRORAn encoding error has occurred.
82530x0000203DERROR_DS_DECODING_ERRORA decoding error has occurred.
82540x0000203EERROR_DS_FILTER_UNKNOWNThe search filter cannot be recognized.
82550x0000203FERROR_DS_PARAM_ERROROne or more parameters are illegal.
82560x00002040ERROR_DS_NOT_SUPPORTEDThe specified method is not supported.
82570x00002041ERROR_DS_NO_RESULTS_RETURNEDNo results were returned.
82580x00002042ERROR_DS_CONTROL_NOT_FOUNDThe specified control is not supported by the server.
82590x00002043ERROR_DS_CLIENT_LOOPA referral loop was detected by the client.
82600x00002044ERROR_DS_REFERRAL_LIMIT_EXCEEDEDThe preset referral limit was exceeded.
82610x00002045ERROR_DS_SORT_CONTROL_MISSINGThe search requires a SORT control.
82620x00002046ERROR_DS_OFFSET_RANGE_ERRORThe search results exceed the offset range specified.
83010x0000206DERROR_DS_ROOT_MUST_BE_NCThe root object must be the head of a naming context. The root object cannot have an instantiated parent.
83020x0000206EERROR_DS_ADD_REPLICA_INHIBITEDThe add replica operation cannot be performed. The naming context must be writable in order to create the replica.
83030x0000206FERROR_DS_ATT_NOT_DEF_IN_SCHEMAA reference to an attribute that is not defined in the schema occurred.
83040x00002070ERROR_DS_MAX_OBJ_SIZE_EXCEEDEDThe maximum size of an object has been exceeded.
83050x00002071ERROR_DS_OBJ_STRING_NAME_EXISTSAn attempt was made to add an object to the directory with a name that is already in use.
83060x00002072ERROR_DS_NO_RDN_DEFINED_IN_SCHEMAAn attempt was made to add an object of a class that does not have an RDN defined in the schema.
83070x00002073ERROR_DS_RDN_DOESNT_MATCH_SCHEMAAn attempt was made to add an object using an RDN that is not the RDN defined in the schema.
83080x00002074ERROR_DS_NO_REQUESTED_ATTS_FOUNDNone of the requested attributes were found on the objects.
83090x00002075ERROR_DS_USER_BUFFER_TO_SMALLThe user buffer is too small.
83100x00002076ERROR_DS_ATT_IS_NOT_ON_OBJThe attribute specified in the operation is not present on the object.
83110x00002077ERROR_DS_ILLEGAL_MOD_OPERATIONIllegal modify operation. Some aspect of the modification is not permitted.
83120x00002078ERROR_DS_OBJ_TOO_LARGEThe specified object is too large.
83130x00002079ERROR_DS_BAD_INSTANCE_TYPEThe specified instance type is not valid.
83140x0000207AERROR_DS_MASTERDSA_REQUIREDThe operation must be performed at a master DSA.
83150x0000207BERROR_DS_OBJECT_CLASS_REQUIREDThe object class attribute must be specified.
83160x0000207CERROR_DS_MISSING_REQUIRED_ATTA required attribute is missing.
83170x0000207DERROR_DS_ATT_NOT_DEF_FOR_CLASSAn attempt was made to modify an object to include an attribute that is not legal for its class
83180x0000207EERROR_DS_ATT_ALREADY_EXISTSThe specified attribute is already present on the object.
83200x00002080ERROR_DS_CANT_ADD_ATT_VALUESThe specified attribute is not present, or has no values.
83210x00002081ERROR_DS_SINGLE_VALUE_CONSTRAINTMultiple values were specified for an attribute that can have only one value.
83220x00002082ERROR_DS_RANGE_CONSTRAINTA value for the attribute was not in the acceptable range of values.
83230x00002083ERROR_DS_ATT_VAL_ALREADY_EXISTSThe specified value already exists.
83240x00002084ERROR_DS_CANT_REM_MISSING_ATTThe attribute cannot be removed because it is not present on the object.
83250x00002085ERROR_DS_CANT_REM_MISSING_ATT_VALThe attribute value cannot be removed because it is not present on the object.
83260x00002086ERROR_DS_ROOT_CANT_BE_SUBREFThe specified root object cannot be a subref.
83270x00002087ERROR_DS_NO_CHAININGChaining is not permitted.
83280x00002088ERROR_DS_NO_CHAINED_EVALChained evaluation is not permitted.
83290x00002089ERROR_DS_NO_PARENT_OBJECTThe operation could not be performed because the object's parent is either uninstantiated or deleted.
83300x0000208AERROR_DS_PARENT_IS_AN_ALIASHaving a parent that is an alias is not permitted. Aliases are leaf objects.
83310x0000208BERROR_DS_CANT_MIX_MASTER_AND_REPSThe object and parent must be of the same type, either both masters or both replicas.
83320x0000208CERROR_DS_CHILDREN_EXISTThe operation cannot be performed because child objects exist. This operation can only be performed on a leaf object.
83330x0000208DERROR_DS_OBJ_NOT_FOUNDDirectory object not found.
83340x0000208EERROR_DS_ALIASED_OBJ_MISSINGThe aliased object is missing.
83350x0000208FERROR_DS_BAD_NAME_SYNTAXThe object name has bad syntax.
83360x00002090ERROR_DS_ALIAS_POINTS_TO_ALIASIt is not permitted for an alias to refer to another alias.
83370x00002091ERROR_DS_CANT_DEREF_ALIASThe alias cannot be dereferenced.
83380x00002092ERROR_DS_OUT_OF_SCOPEThe operation is out of scope.
83390x00002093ERROR_DS_OBJECT_BEING_REMOVEDThe operation cannot continue because the object is in the process of being removed.
83400x00002094ERROR_DS_CANT_DELETE_DSA_OBJThe DSA object cannot be deleted.
83410x00002095ERROR_DS_GENERIC_ERRORA directory service error has occurred.
83420x00002096ERROR_DS_DSA_MUST_BE_INT_MASTERThe operation can only be performed on an internal master DSA object.
83430x00002097ERROR_DS_CLASS_NOT_DSAThe object must be of class DSA.
83440x00002098ERROR_DS_INSUFF_ACCESS_RIGHTSInsufficient access rights to perform the operation.
83450x00002099ERROR_DS_ILLEGAL_SUPERIORThe object cannot be added because the parent is not on the list of possible superiors.
83460x0000209AERROR_DS_ATTRIBUTE_OWNED_BY_SAMAccess to the attribute is not permitted because the attribute is owned by the Security Accounts Manager (SAM).
83470x0000209BERROR_DS_NAME_TOO_MANY_PARTSThe name has too many parts.
83480x0000209CERROR_DS_NAME_TOO_LONGThe name is too long.
83490x0000209DERROR_DS_NAME_VALUE_TOO_LONGThe name value is too long.
83500x0000209EERROR_DS_NAME_UNPARSEABLEThe directory service encountered an error parsing a name.
83510x0000209FERROR_DS_NAME_TYPE_UNKNOWNThe directory service cannot get the attribute type for a name.
83520x000020A0ERROR_DS_NOT_AN_OBJECTThe name does not identify an object; the name identifies a phantom.
83530x000020A1ERROR_DS_SEC_DESC_TOO_SHORTThe security descriptor is too short.
83540x000020A2ERROR_DS_SEC_DESC_INVALIDThe security descriptor is invalid.
83550x000020A3ERROR_DS_NO_DELETED_NAMEFailed to create name for deleted object.
83560x000020A4ERROR_DS_SUBREF_MUST_HAVE_PARENTThe parent of a new subref must exist.
83570x000020A5ERROR_DS_NCNAME_MUST_BE_NCThe object must be a naming context.
83580x000020A6ERROR_DS_CANT_ADD_SYSTEM_ONLYIt is not permitted to add an attribute which is owned by the system.
83590x000020A7ERROR_DS_CLASS_MUST_BE_CONCRETEThe class of the object must be structural; you cannot instantiate an abstract class.
83600x000020A8ERROR_DS_INVALID_DMDThe schema object could not be found.
83610x000020A9ERROR_DS_OBJ_GUID_EXISTSA local object with this GUID (dead or alive) already exists.
83620x000020AAERROR_DS_NOT_ON_BACKLINKThe operation cannot be performed on a back link.
83630x000020ABERROR_DS_NO_CROSSREF_FOR_NCThe cross reference for the specified naming context could not be found.
83640x000020ACERROR_DS_SHUTTING_DOWNThe operation could not be performed because the directory service is shutting down.
83650x000020ADERROR_DS_UNKNOWN_OPERATIONThe directory service request is invalid.
83660x000020AEERROR_DS_INVALID_ROLE_OWNERThe role owner attribute could not be read.
83670x000020AFERROR_DS_COULDNT_CONTACT_FSMOThe requested FSMO operation failed. The current FSMO holder could not be reached.
83680x000020B0ERROR_DS_CROSS_NC_DN_RENAMEModification of a DN across a naming context is not permitted.
83690x000020B1ERROR_DS_CANT_MOD_SYSTEM_ONLYThe attribute cannot be modified because it is owned by the system.
83700x000020B2ERROR_DS_REPLICATOR_ONLYOnly the replicator can perform this function.
83710x000020B3ERROR_DS_OBJ_CLASS_NOT_DEFINEDThe specified class is not defined.
83720x000020B4ERROR_DS_OBJ_CLASS_NOT_SUBCLASSThe specified class is not a subclass.
83730x000020B5ERROR_DS_NAME_REFERENCE_INVALIDThe name reference is invalid.
83740x000020B6ERROR_DS_CROSS_REF_EXISTSA cross reference already exists.
83750x000020B7ERROR_DS_CANT_DEL_MASTER_CROSSREFIt is not permitted to delete a master cross reference.
83760x000020B8ERROR_DS_SUBTREE_NOTIFY_NOT_NC_HEADSubtree notifications are only supported on NC heads.
83770x000020B9ERROR_DS_NOTIFY_FILTER_TOO_COMPLEXNotification filter is too complex.
83780x000020BAERROR_DS_DUP_RDNSchema update failed: duplicate RDN.
83790x000020BBERROR_DS_DUP_OIDSchema update failed: duplicate OID
83800x000020BCERROR_DS_DUP_MAPI_IDSchema update failed: duplicate MAPI identifier.
83810x000020BDERROR_DS_DUP_SCHEMA_ID_GUIDSchema update failed: duplicate schema - id GUID.
83820x000020BEERROR_DS_DUP_LDAP_DISPLAY_NAMESchema update failed: duplicate LDAP display name.
83830x000020BFERROR_DS_SEMANTIC_ATT_TESTSchema update failed: range - lower less than range upper
83840x000020C0ERROR_DS_SYNTAX_MISMATCHSchema update failed: syntax mismatch
83850x000020C1ERROR_DS_EXISTS_IN_MUST_HAVESchema deletion failed: attribute is used in must - contain
83860x000020C2ERROR_DS_EXISTS_IN_MAY_HAVESchema deletion failed: attribute is used in may - contain
83870x000020C3ERROR_DS_NONEXISTENT_MAY_HAVESchema update failed: attribute in may - contain does not exist
83880x000020C4ERROR_DS_NONEXISTENT_MUST_HAVESchema update failed: attribute in must - contain does not exist
83890x000020C5ERROR_DS_AUX_CLS_TEST_FAILSchema update failed: class in aux - class list does not exist or is not an auxiliary class
83900x000020C6ERROR_DS_NONEXISTENT_POSS_SUPSchema update failed: class in poss - superiors does not exist
83910x000020C7ERROR_DS_SUB_CLS_TEST_FAILSchema update failed: class in subclassof list does not exist or does not satisfy hierarchy rules
83920x000020C8ERROR_DS_BAD_RDN_ATT_ID_SYNTAXSchema update failed: Rdn - Att - Id has wrong syntax
83930x000020C9ERROR_DS_EXISTS_IN_AUX_CLSSchema deletion failed: class is used as auxiliary class
83940x000020CAERROR_DS_EXISTS_IN_SUB_CLSSchema deletion failed: class is used as sub class
83950x000020CBERROR_DS_EXISTS_IN_POSS_SUPSchema deletion failed: class is used as poss superior
83960x000020CCERROR_DS_RECALCSCHEMA_FAILEDSchema update failed in recalculating validation cache.
83970x000020CDERROR_DS_TREE_DELETE_NOT_FINISHEDThe tree deletion is not finished.
83980x000020CEERROR_DS_CANT_DELETEThe requested delete operation could not be performed.
83990x000020CFERROR_DS_ATT_SCHEMA_REQ_IDCannot read the governs class identifier for the schema record.
84000x000020D0ERROR_DS_BAD_ATT_SCHEMA_SYNTAXThe attribute schema has bad syntax.
84010x000020D1ERROR_DS_CANT_CACHE_ATTThe attribute could not be cached.
84020x000020D2ERROR_DS_CANT_CACHE_CLASSThe class could not be cached.
84030x000020D3ERROR_DS_CANT_REMOVE_ATT_CACHEThe attribute could not be removed from the cache.
84040x000020D4ERROR_DS_CANT_REMOVE_CLASS_CACHEThe class could not be removed from the cache.
84050x000020D5ERROR_DS_CANT_RETRIEVE_DNThe distinguished name attribute could not be read.
84060x000020D6ERROR_DS_MISSING_SUPREFA required subref is missing.
84070x000020D7ERROR_DS_CANT_RETRIEVE_INSTANCEThe instance type attribute could not be retrieved.
84080x000020D8ERROR_DS_CODE_INCONSISTENCYAn internal error has occurred.
84090x000020D9ERROR_DS_DATABASE_ERRORA database error has occurred.
84100x000020DAERROR_DS_GOVERNSID_MISSINGThe attribute GOVERNSID is missing.
84110x000020DBERROR_DS_MISSING_EXPECTED_ATTAn expected attribute is missing.
84120x000020DCERROR_DS_NCNAME_MISSING_CR_REFThe specified naming context is missing a cross reference.
84130x000020DDERROR_DS_SECURITY_CHECKING_ERRORA security checking error has occurred.
84140x000020DEERROR_DS_SCHEMA_NOT_LOADEDThe schema is not loaded.
84150x000020DFERROR_DS_SCHEMA_ALLOC_FAILEDSchema allocation failed. Please check if the machine is running low on memory.
84160x000020E0ERROR_DS_ATT_SCHEMA_REQ_SYNTAXFailed to obtain the required syntax for the attribute schema.
84170x000020E1ERROR_DS_GCVERIFY_ERRORThe global catalog verification failed. The global catalog is not available or does not support the operation. Some part of the directory is currently not available.
84180x000020E2ERROR_DS_DRA_SCHEMA_MISMATCHThe replication operation failed because of a schema mismatch between the servers involved.
84190x000020E3ERROR_DS_CANT_FIND_DSA_OBJThe DSA object could not be found.
84200x000020E4ERROR_DS_CANT_FIND_EXPECTED_NCThe naming context could not be found.
84210x000020E5ERROR_DS_CANT_FIND_NC_IN_CACHEThe naming context could not be found in the cache.
84220x000020E6ERROR_DS_CANT_RETRIEVE_CHILDThe child object could not be retrieved.
84230x000020E7ERROR_DS_SECURITY_ILLEGAL_MODIFYThe modification was not permitted for security reasons.
84240x000020E8ERROR_DS_CANT_REPLACE_HIDDEN_RECThe operation cannot replace the hidden record.
84250x000020E9ERROR_DS_BAD_HIERARCHY_FILEThe hierarchy file is invalid.
84260x000020EAERROR_DS_BUILD_HIERARCHY_TABLE_FAILEDThe attempt to build the hierarchy table failed.
84270x000020EBERROR_DS_CONFIG_PARAM_MISSINGThe directory configuration parameter is missing from the registry.
84280x000020ECERROR_DS_COUNTING_AB_INDICES_FAILEDThe attempt to count the address book indices failed.
84290x000020EDERROR_DS_HIERARCHY_TABLE_MALLOC_FAILEDThe allocation of the hierarchy table failed.
84300x000020EEERROR_DS_INTERNAL_FAILUREThe directory service encountered an internal failure.
84310x000020EFERROR_DS_UNKNOWN_ERRORThe directory service encountered an unknown failure.
84320x000020F0ERROR_DS_ROOT_REQUIRES_CLASS_TOPA root object requires a class of 'top'.
84330x000020F1ERROR_DS_REFUSING_FSMO_ROLESThis directory server is shutting down, and cannot take ownership of new floating single - master operation roles.
84340x000020F2ERROR_DS_MISSING_FSMO_SETTINGSThe directory service is missing mandatory configuration information, and is unable to determine the ownership of floating single - master operation roles.
84350x000020F3ERROR_DS_UNABLE_TO_SURRENDER_ROLESThe directory service was unable to transfer ownership of one or more floating single - master operation roles to other servers.
84360x000020F4ERROR_DS_DRA_GENERICThe replication operation failed.
84370x000020F5ERROR_DS_DRA_INVALID_PARAMETERAn invalid parameter was specified for this replication operation.
84380x000020F6ERROR_DS_DRA_BUSYThe directory service is too busy to complete the replication operation at this time.
84390x000020F7ERROR_DS_DRA_BAD_DNThe distinguished name specified for this replication operation is invalid.
84400x000020F8ERROR_DS_DRA_BAD_NCThe naming context specified for this replication operation is invalid.
84410x000020F9ERROR_DS_DRA_DN_EXISTSThe distinguished name specified for this replication operation already exists.
84420x000020FAERROR_DS_DRA_INTERNAL_ERRORThe replication system encountered an internal error.
84430x000020FBERROR_DS_DRA_INCONSISTENT_DITThe replication operation encountered a database inconsistency.
84440x000020FCERROR_DS_DRA_CONNECTION_FAILEDThe server specified for this replication operation could not be contacted.
84450x000020FDERROR_DS_DRA_BAD_INSTANCE_TYPEThe replication operation encountered an object with an invalid instance type.
84460x000020FEERROR_DS_DRA_OUT_OF_MEMThe replication operation failed to allocate memory.
84470x000020FFERROR_DS_DRA_MAIL_PROBLEMThe replication operation encountered an error with the mail system.
84480x00002100ERROR_DS_DRA_REF_ALREADY_EXISTSThe replication reference information for the target server already exists.
84490x00002101ERROR_DS_DRA_REF_NOT_FOUNDThe replication reference information for the target server does not exist.
84500x00002102ERROR_DS_DRA_OBJ_IS_REP_SOURCEThe naming context cannot be removed because it is replicated to another server.
84510x00002103ERROR_DS_DRA_DB_ERRORThe replication operation encountered a database error.
84520x00002104ERROR_DS_DRA_NO_REPLICAThe naming context is in the process of being removed or is not replicated from the specified server.
84530x00002105ERROR_DS_DRA_ACCESS_DENIEDReplication access was denied.
84540x00002106ERROR_DS_DRA_NOT_SUPPORTEDThe requested operation is not supported by this version of the directory service.
84550x00002107ERROR_DS_DRA_RPC_CANCELLEDThe replication remote procedure call was cancelled.
84560x00002108ERROR_DS_DRA_SOURCE_DISABLEDThe source server is currently rejecting replication requests.
84570x00002109ERROR_DS_DRA_SINK_DISABLEDThe destination server is currently rejecting replication requests.
84580x0000210AERROR_DS_DRA_NAME_COLLISIONThe replication operation failed due to a collision of object names.
84590x0000210BERROR_DS_DRA_SOURCE_REINSTALLEDThe replication source has been reinstalled.
84600x0000210CERROR_DS_DRA_MISSING_PARENTThe replication operation failed because a required parent object is missing.
84610x0000210DERROR_DS_DRA_PREEMPTEDThe replication operation was preempted.
84620x0000210EERROR_DS_DRA_ABANDON_SYNCThe replication synchronization attempt was abandoned because of a lack of updates.
84630x0000210FERROR_DS_DRA_SHUTDOWNThe replication operation was terminated because the system is shutting down.
84640x00002110ERROR_DS_DRA_INCOMPATIBLE_PARTIAL_SETThe replication synchronization attempt failed as the destination partial attribute set is not a subset of source partial attribute set.
84650x00002111ERROR_DS_DRA_SOURCE_IS_PARTIAL_REPLICAThe replication synchronization attempt failed because a master replica attempted to sync from a partial replica.
84660x00002112ERROR_DS_DRA_EXTN_CONNECTION_FAILEDThe server specified for this replication operation was contacted, but that server was unable to contact an additional server needed to complete the operation.
84670x00002113ERROR_DS_INSTALL_SCHEMA_MISMATCHThe version of the Active Directory schema of the source forest is not compatible with the version of Active Directory on this computer. You must upgrade the operating system on a domain controller in the source forest before this computer can be added as a domain controller to that forest.
84680x00002114ERROR_DS_DUP_LINK_IDSchema update failed: An attribute with the same link identifier already exists.
84690x00002115ERROR_DS_NAME_ERROR_RESOLVINGName translation: Generic processing error.
84700x00002116ERROR_DS_NAME_ERROR_NOT_FOUNDName translation: Could not find the name or insufficient right to see name.
84710x00002117ERROR_DS_NAME_ERROR_NOT_UNIQUEName translation: Input name mapped to more than one output name.
84720x00002118ERROR_DS_NAME_ERROR_NO_MAPPINGName translation: Input name found, but not the associated output format.
84730x00002119ERROR_DS_NAME_ERROR_DOMAIN_ONLYName translation: Unable to resolve completely, only the domain was found.
84740x0000211AERROR_DS_NAME_ERROR_NO_SYNTACTICAL_MAPPINGName translation: Unable to perform purely syntactical mapping at the client without going out to the wire.
84750x0000211BERROR_DS_CONSTRUCTED_ATT_MODModification of a constructed att is not allowed.
84760x0000211CERROR_DS_WRONG_OM_OBJ_CLASSThe OM - Object - Class specified is incorrect for an attribute with the specified syntax.
84770x0000211DERROR_DS_DRA_REPL_PENDINGThe replication request has been posted; waiting for reply.
84780x0000211EERROR_DS_DS_REQUIREDThe requested operation requires a directory service, and none was available.
84790x0000211FERROR_DS_INVALID_LDAP_DISPLAY_NAMEThe LDAP display name of the class or attribute contains non - ASCII characters.
84800x00002120ERROR_DS_NON_BASE_SEARCHThe requested search operation is only supported for base searches.
84810x00002121ERROR_DS_CANT_RETRIEVE_ATTSThe search failed to retrieve attributes from the database.
84820x00002122ERROR_DS_BACKLINK_WITHOUT_LINKThe schema update operation tried to add a backward link attribute that has no corresponding forward link.
84830x00002123ERROR_DS_EPOCH_MISMATCHSource and destination of a cross domain move do not agree on the object's epoch number. Either source or destination does not have the latest version of the object.
84840x00002124ERROR_DS_SRC_NAME_MISMATCHSource and destination of a cross domain move do not agree on the object's current name. Either source or destination does not have the latest version of the object.
84850x00002125ERROR_DS_SRC_AND_DST_NC_IDENTICALSource and destination of a cross domain move operation are identical. Caller should use local move operation instead of cross domain move operation.
84860x00002126ERROR_DS_DST_NC_MISMATCHSource and destination for a cross domain move are not in agreement on the naming contexts in the forest. Either source or destination does not have the latest version of the Partitions container.
84870x00002127ERROR_DS_NOT_AUTHORITIVE_FOR_DST_NCDestination of a cross domain move is not authoritative for the destination naming context.
84880x00002128ERROR_DS_SRC_GUID_MISMATCHSource and destination of a cross domain move do not agree on the identity of the source object. Either source or destination does not have the latest version of the source object.
84890x00002129ERROR_DS_CANT_MOVE_DELETED_OBJECTObject being moved across domains is already known to be deleted by the destination server. The source server does not have the latest version of the source object.
84900x0000212AERROR_DS_PDC_OPERATION_IN_PROGRESSAnother operation which requires exclusive access to the PDC PSMO is already in progress.
84910x0000212BERROR_DS_CROSS_DOMAIN_CLEANUP_REQDA cross domain move operation failed such that the two versions of the moved object exist - one each in the source and destination domains. The destination object needs to be removed to restore the system to a consistent state.
84920x0000212CERROR_DS_ILLEGAL_XDOM_MOVE_OPERATIONThis object may not be moved across domain boundaries either because cross domain moves for this class are disallowed, or the object has some special characteristics, eg: trust account or restricted RID, which prevent its move.
84930x0000212DERROR_DS_CANT_WITH_ACCT_GROUP_MEMBERSHPSCan't move objects with memberships across domain boundaries as once moved, this would violate the membership conditions of the account group. Remove the object from any account group memberships and retry.
84940x0000212EERROR_DS_NC_MUST_HAVE_NC_PARENTA naming context head must be the immediate child of another naming context head, not of an interior node.
84950x0000212FERROR_DS_CR_IMPOSSIBLE_TO_VALIDATEThe directory cannot validate the proposed naming context name because it does not hold a replica of the naming context above the proposed naming context. Please ensure that the domain naming master role is held by a server that is configured as a global catalog server, and that the server is up to date with its replication partners. (Applies only to Windows 2000 Domain Naming masters)
84960x00002130ERROR_DS_DST_DOMAIN_NOT_NATIVEDestination domain must be in native mode.
84970x00002131ERROR_DS_MISSING_INFRASTRUCTURE_CONTAINERThe operation can not be performed because the server does not have an infrastructure container in the domain of interest.
84980x00002132ERROR_DS_CANT_MOVE_ACCOUNT_GROUPCross - domain move of non - empty account groups is not allowed.
84990x00002133ERROR_DS_CANT_MOVE_RESOURCE_GROUPCross - domain move of non - empty resource groups is not allowed.
85000x00002134ERROR_DS_INVALID_SEARCH_FLAGThe search flags for the attribute are invalid. The ANR bit is valid only on attributes of Unicode or Teletex strings.
85010x00002135ERROR_DS_NO_TREE_DELETE_ABOVE_NCTree deletions starting at an object which has an NC head as a descendant are not allowed.
85020x00002136ERROR_DS_COULDNT_LOCK_TREE_FOR_DELETEThe directory service failed to lock a tree in preparation for a tree deletion because the tree was in use.
85030x00002137ERROR_DS_COULDNT_IDENTIFY_OBJECTS_FOR_TREE_DELETEThe directory service failed to identify the list of objects to delete while attempting a tree deletion.
85040x00002138ERROR_DS_SAM_INIT_FAILURESecurity Accounts Manager initialization failed because of the following error: %1. Error Status: 0x%2. Click OK to shut down the system and reboot into Directory Services Restore Mode. Check the event log for detailed information.
85050x00002139ERROR_DS_SENSITIVE_GROUP_VIOLATIONOnly an administrator can modify the membership list of an administrative group.
85060x0000213AERROR_DS_CANT_MOD_PRIMARYGROUPIDCannot change the primary group ID of a domain controller account.
85070x0000213BERROR_DS_ILLEGAL_BASE_SCHEMA_MODAn attempt is made to modify the base schema.
85080x0000213CERROR_DS_NONSAFE_SCHEMA_CHANGEAdding a new mandatory attribute to an existing class, deleting a mandatory attribute from an existing class, or adding an optional attribute to the special class Top that is not a backlink attribute (directly or through inheritance, for example, by adding or deleting an auxiliary class) is not allowed.
85090x0000213DERROR_DS_SCHEMA_UPDATE_DISALLOWEDSchema update is not allowed on this DC because the DC is not the schema FSMO Role Owner.
85100x0000213EERROR_DS_CANT_CREATE_UNDER_SCHEMAAn object of this class cannot be created under the schema container. You can only create attribute - schema and class - schema objects under the schema container.
85110x0000213FERROR_DS_INSTALL_NO_SRC_SCH_VERSIONThe replica/child install failed to get the objectVersion attribute on the schema container on the source DC. Either the attribute is missing on the schema container or the credentials supplied do not have permission to read it.
85120x00002140ERROR_DS_INSTALL_NO_SCH_VERSION_IN_INIFILEThe replica/child install failed to read the objectVersion attribute in the SCHEMA section of the file schema.ini in the system32 directory.
85130x00002141ERROR_DS_INVALID_GROUP_TYPEThe specified group type is invalid.
85140x00002142ERROR_DS_NO_NEST_GLOBALGROUP_IN_MIXEDDOMAINCannot nest global groups in a mixed domain if the group is security - enabled.
85150x00002143ERROR_DS_NO_NEST_LOCALGROUP_IN_MIXEDDOMAINCannot nest local groups in a mixed domain if the group is security - enabled.
85160x00002144ERROR_DS_GLOBAL_CANT_HAVE_LOCAL_MEMBERA global group cannot have a local group as a member.
85170x00002145ERROR_DS_GLOBAL_CANT_HAVE_UNIVERSAL_MEMBERA global group cannot have a universal group as a member.
85180x00002146ERROR_DS_UNIVERSAL_CANT_HAVE_LOCAL_MEMBERA universal group cannot have a local group as a member.
85190x00002147ERROR_DS_GLOBAL_CANT_HAVE_CROSSDOMAIN_MEMBERA global group cannot have a cross - domain member.
85200x00002148ERROR_DS_LOCAL_CANT_HAVE_CROSSDOMAIN_LOCAL_MEMBERA local group cannot have another cross - domain local group as a member.
85210x00002149ERROR_DS_HAVE_PRIMARY_MEMBERSA group with primary members cannot change to a security - disabled group.
85220x0000214AERROR_DS_STRING_SD_CONVERSION_FAILEDThe schema cache load failed to convert the string default SD on a class - schema object.
85230x0000214BERROR_DS_NAMING_MASTER_GCOnly DSAs configured to be Global Catalog servers should be allowed to hold the Domain Naming Master FSMO role. (Applies only to Windows 2000 servers)
85240x0000214CERROR_DS_LOOKUP_FAILUREThe DSA operation is unable to proceed because of a DNS lookup failure.
85250x0000214DERROR_DS_COULDNT_UPDATE_SPNSWhile processing a change to the DNS Host Name for an object, the Service Principal Name values could not be kept in sync.
85260x0000214EERROR_DS_CANT_RETRIEVE_SDThe Security Descriptor attribute could not be read.
85270x0000214FERROR_DS_KEY_NOT_UNIQUE.The object requested was not found, but an object with that key was found.
85280x00002150ERROR_DS_WRONG_LINKED_ATT_SYNTAXThe syntax of the linked attributed being added is incorrect. Forward links can only have syntax,, and, and backlinks can only have syntax
85290x00002151ERROR_DS_SAM_NEED_BOOTKEY_PASSWORDSecurity Account Manager needs to get the boot password.
85300x00002152ERROR_DS_SAM_NEED_BOOTKEY_FLOPPYSecurity Account Manager needs to get the boot key from floppy disk.
85310x00002153ERROR_DS_CANT_STARTDirectory Service cannot start.
85320x00002154ERROR_DS_INIT_FAILUREDirectory Services could not start.
85330x00002155ERROR_DS_NO_PKT_PRIVACY_ON_CONNECTIONThe connection between client and server requires packet privacy or better.
85340x00002156ERROR_DS_SOURCE_DOMAIN_IN_FORESTThe source domain may not be in the same forest as destination.
85350x00002157ERROR_DS_DESTINATION_DOMAIN_NOT_IN_FORESTThe destination domain must be in the forest.
85360x00002158ERROR_DS_DESTINATION_AUDITING_NOT_ENABLEDThe operation requires that destination domain auditing be enabled.
85370x00002159ERROR_DS_CANT_FIND_DC_FOR_SRC_DOMAINThe operation couldn't locate a DC for the source domain.
85380x0000215AERROR_DS_SRC_OBJ_NOT_GROUP_OR_USERThe source object must be a group or user.
85390x0000215BERROR_DS_SRC_SID_EXISTS_IN_FORESTThe source object's SID already exists in destination forest.
85400x0000215CERROR_DS_SRC_AND_DST_OBJECT_CLASS_MISMATCHThe source and destination object must be of the same type.
85410x0000215DERROR_SAM_INIT_FAILURESecurity Accounts Manager initialization failed because of the following error: %1. Error Status: 0x%2. Click OK to shut down the system and reboot into Safe Mode. Check the event log for detailed information.
85420x0000215EERROR_DS_DRA_SCHEMA_INFO_SHIPSchema information could not be included in the replication request.
85430x0000215FERROR_DS_DRA_SCHEMA_CONFLICTThe replication operation could not be completed due to a schema incompatibility.
85440x00002160ERROR_DS_DRA_EARLIER_SCHEMA_CONLICTThe replication operation could not be completed due to a previous schema incompatibility.
85450x00002161ERROR_DS_DRA_OBJ_NC_MISMATCHThe replication update could not be applied because either the source or the destination has not yet received information regarding a recent cross - domain move operation.
85460x00002162ERROR_DS_NC_STILL_HAS_DSASThe requested domain could not be deleted because there exist domain controllers that still host this domain.
85470x00002163ERROR_DS_GC_REQUIREDThe requested operation can be performed only on a global catalog server.
85480x00002164ERROR_DS_LOCAL_MEMBER_OF_LOCAL_ONLYA local group can only be a member of other local groups in the same domain.
85490x00002165ERROR_DS_NO_FPO_IN_UNIVERSAL_GROUPSForeign security principals cannot be members of universal groups.
85500x00002166ERROR_DS_CANT_ADD_TO_GCThe attribute is not allowed to be replicated to the GC because of security reasons.
85510x00002167ERROR_DS_NO_CHECKPOINT_WITH_PDCThe checkpoint with the PDC could not be taken because there are too many modifications being processed currently.
85520x00002168ERROR_DS_SOURCE_AUDITING_NOT_ENABLEDThe operation requires that source domain auditing be enabled.
85530x00002169ERROR_DS_CANT_CREATE_IN_NONDOMAIN_NCSecurity principal objects can only be created inside domain naming contexts.
85540x0000216AERROR_DS_INVALID_NAME_FOR_SPNA Service Principal Name (SPN) could not be constructed because the provided hostname is not in the necessary format.
85550x0000216BERROR_DS_FILTER_USES_CONTRUCTED_ATTRSA Filter was passed that uses constructed attributes.
85560x0000216CERROR_DS_UNICODEPWD_NOT_IN_QUOTESThe unicodePwd attribute value must be enclosed in double quotes.
85570x0000216DERROR_DS_MACHINE_ACCOUNT_QUOTA_EXCEEDEDYour computer could not be joined to the domain. You have exceeded the maximum number of computer accounts you are allowed to create in this domain. Contact your system administrator to have this limit reset or increased.
85580x0000216EERROR_DS_MUST_BE_RUN_ON_DST_DCFor security reasons, the operation must be run on the destination DC.
85590x0000216FERROR_DS_SRC_DC_MUST_BE_SP4_OR_GREATERFor security reasons, the source DC must be NT4SP4 or greater.
85600x00002170ERROR_DS_CANT_TREE_DELETE_CRITICAL_OBJCritical Directory Service System objects cannot be deleted during tree delete operations. The tree delete may have been partially performed.
85610x00002171ERROR_DS_INIT_FAILURE_CONSOLEDirectory Services could not start because of the following error: %1. Error Status: 0x%2. Please click OK to shutdown the system. You can use the recovery console to diagnose the system further.
85620x00002172ERROR_DS_SAM_INIT_FAILURE_CONSOLESecurity Accounts Manager initialization failed because of the following error: %1. Error Status: 0x%2. Please click OK to shutdown the system. You can use the recovery console to diagnose the system further.
85630x00002173ERROR_DS_FOREST_VERSION_TOO_HIGHThis version of Windows is too old to support the current directory forest behavior. You must upgrade the operating system on this server before it can become a domain controller in this forest.
85640x00002174ERROR_DS_DOMAIN_VERSION_TOO_HIGHThis version of Windows is too old to support the current domain behavior. You must upgrade the operating system on this server before it can become a domain controller in this domain.
85650x00002175ERROR_DS_FOREST_VERSION_TOO_LOWThis version of Windows no longer supports the behavior version in use in this directory forest. You must advance the forest behavior version before this server can become a domain controller in the forest.
85660x00002176ERROR_DS_DOMAIN_VERSION_TOO_LOWThis version of Windows no longer supports the behavior version in use in this domain. You must advance the domain behavior version before this server can become a domain controller in the domain.
85670x00002177ERROR_DS_INCOMPATIBLE_VERSIONThe version of Windows is incompatible with the behavior version of the domain or forest.
85680x00002178ERROR_DS_LOW_DSA_VERSIONThe behavior version cannot be increased to the requested value because Domain Controllers still exist with versions lower than the requested value.
85690x00002179ERROR_DS_NO_BEHAVIOR_VERSION_IN_MIXEDDOMAINThe behavior version value cannot be increased while the domain is still in mixed domain mode. You must first change the domain to native mode before increasing the behavior version.
85700x0000217AERROR_DS_NOT_SUPPORTED_SORT_ORDERThe sort order requested is not supported.
85710x0000217BERROR_DS_NAME_NOT_UNIQUEFound an object with a non unique name.
85720x0000217CERROR_DS_MACHINE_ACCOUNT_CREATED_PRENT4The machine account was created pre - NT4. The account needs to be recreated.
85730x0000217DERROR_DS_OUT_OF_VERSION_STOREThe database is out of version store.
85740x0000217EERROR_DS_INCOMPATIBLE_CONTROLS_USEDUnable to continue operation because multiple conflicting controls were used.
85750x0000217FERROR_DS_NO_REF_DOMAINUnable to find a valid security descriptor reference domain for this partition.
85760x00002180ERROR_DS_RESERVED_LINK_IDSchema update failed: The link identifier is reserved.
85770x00002181ERROR_DS_LINK_ID_NOT_AVAILABLESchema update failed: There are no link identifiers available.
85780x00002182ERROR_DS_AG_CANT_HAVE_UNIVERSAL_MEMBERAn account group can not have a universal group as a member.
85790x00002183ERROR_DS_MODIFYDN_DISALLOWED_BY_INSTANCE_TYPERename or move operations on naming context heads or read - only objects are not allowed.
85800x00002184ERROR_DS_NO_OBJECT_MOVE_IN_SCHEMA_NCMove operations on objects in the schema naming context are not allowed.
85810x00002185ERROR_DS_MODIFYDN_DISALLOWED_BY_FLAGA system flag has been set on the object and does not allow the object to be moved or renamed.
85820x00002186ERROR_DS_MODIFYDN_WRONG_GRANDPARENTThis object is not allowed to change its grandparent container. Moves are not forbidden on this object, but are restricted to sibling containers.
85830x00002187ERROR_DS_NAME_ERROR_TRUST_REFERRALUnable to resolve completely, a referral to another forest is generated.
85840x00002188ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_STANDARD_SERVERThe requested action is not supported on standard server.
85850x00002189ERROR_DS_CANT_ACCESS_REMOTE_PART_OF_ADCould not access a partition of the Active Directory located on a remote server. Make sure at least one server is running for the partition in question.
85860x0000218AERROR_DS_CR_IMPOSSIBLE_TO_VALIDATE_V2The directory cannot validate the proposed naming context (or partition) name because it does not hold a replica nor can it contact a replica of the naming context above the proposed naming context. Please ensure that the parent naming context is properly registered in DNS, and at least one replica of this naming context is reachable by the Domain Naming master.
85870x0000218BERROR_DS_THREAD_LIMIT_EXCEEDEDThe thread limit for this request was exceeded.
85880x0000218CERROR_DS_NOT_CLOSESTThe Global catalog server is not in the closet site.
90010x00002329DNS_ERROR_RCODE_FORMAT_ERRORDNS server unable to interpret format.
90020x0000232ADNS_ERROR_RCODE_SERVER_FAILUREDNS server failure.
90030x0000232BDNS_ERROR_RCODE_NAME_ERRORDNS name does not exist.
90040x0000232CDNS_ERROR_RCODE_NOT_IMPLEMENTEDDNS request not supported by name server.
90050x0000232DDNS_ERROR_RCODE_REFUSEDDNS operation refused.
90060x0000232EDNS_ERROR_RCODE_YXDOMAINDNS name that ought not exist, does exist.
90070x0000232FDNS_ERROR_RCODE_YXRRSETDNS RR set that ought not exist, does exist.
90080x00002330DNS_ERROR_RCODE_NXRRSETDNS RR set that ought to exist, does not exist.
90090x00002331DNS_ERROR_RCODE_NOTAUTHDNS server not authoritative for zone.
90100x00002332DNS_ERROR_RCODE_NOTZONEDNS name in update or prereq is not in zone.
90160x00002338DNS_ERROR_RCODE_BADSIGDNS signature failed to verify.
90170x00002339DNS_ERROR_RCODE_BADKEYDNS bad key.
90180x0000233ADNS_ERROR_RCODE_BADTIMEDNS signature validity expired.
95010x0000251DDNS_INFO_NO_RECORDSNo records found for given DNS query.
95020x0000251EDNS_ERROR_BAD_PACKETBad DNS packet.
95030x0000251FDNS_ERROR_NO_PACKETNo DNS packet.
95040x00002520DNS_ERROR_RCODEDNS error, check rcode.
95050x00002521DNS_ERROR_UNSECURE_PACKETUnsecured DNS packet.
95510x0000254FDNS_ERROR_INVALID_TYPEInvalid DNS type.
95520x00002550DNS_ERROR_INVALID_IP_ADDRESSInvalid IP address.
95530x00002551DNS_ERROR_INVALID_PROPERTYInvalid property.
95540x00002552DNS_ERROR_TRY_AGAIN_LATERTry DNS operation again later.
95550x00002553DNS_ERROR_NOT_UNIQUERecord for given name and type is not unique.
95560x00002554DNS_ERROR_NON_RFC_NAMEDNS name does not comply with RFC specifications.
95570x00002555DNS_STATUS_FQDNDNS name is a fully - qualified DNS name.
95580x00002556DNS_STATUS_DOTTED_NAMEDNS name is dotted (multi - label).
95590x00002557DNS_STATUS_SINGLE_PART_NAMEDNS name is a single - part name.
95600x00002558DNS_ERROR_INVALID_NAME_CHARDSN name contains an invalid character.
95610x00002559DNS_ERROR_NUMERIC_NAMEDNS name is entirely numeric.
96010x00002581DNS_ERROR_ZONE_DOES_NOT_EXISTDNS zone does not exist.
96020x00002582DNS_ERROR_NO_ZONE_INFODNS zone information not available.
96030x00002583DNS_ERROR_INVALID_ZONE_OPERATIONInvalid operation for DNS zone.
96040x00002584DNS_ERROR_ZONE_CONFIGURATION_ERRORInvalid DNS zone configuration.
96050x00002585DNS_ERROR_ZONE_HAS_NO_SOA_RECORDDNS zone has no start of authority (SOA) record.
96060x00002586DNS_ERROR_ZONE_HAS_NO_NS_RECORDSDNS zone has no name server (NS) record.
96070x00002587DNS_ERROR_ZONE_LOCKEDDNS zone is locked.
96080x00002588DNS_ERROR_ZONE_CREATION_FAILEDDNS zone creation failed.
96090x00002589DNS_ERROR_ZONE_ALREADY_EXISTSDNS zone already exists.
96100x0000258ADNS_ERROR_AUTOZONE_ALREADY_EXISTSDNS automatic zone already exists.
96110x0000258BDNS_ERROR_INVALID_ZONE_TYPEInvalid DNS zone type.
96120x0000258CDNS_ERROR_SECONDARY_REQUIRES_MASTER_IPSecondary DNS zone requires master IP address.
96130x0000258DDNS_ERROR_ZONE_NOT_SECONDARYDNS zone not secondary.
96140x0000258EDNS_ERROR_NEED_SECONDARY_ADDRESSESNeed secondary IP address.
96150x0000258FDNS_ERROR_WINS_INIT_FAILEDWINS initialization failed.
96160x00002590DNS_ERROR_NEED_WINS_SERVERSNeed WINS servers.
96170x00002591DNS_ERROR_NBSTAT_INIT_FAILEDNBTSTAT initialization call failed.
96180x00002592DNS_ERROR_SOA_DELETE_INVALIDInvalid delete of start of authority (SOA)
96190x00002593DNS_ERROR_FORWARDER_ALREADY_EXISTSA conditional forwarding zone already exists for that name.
96510x000025B3DNS_ERROR_PRIMARY_REQUIRES_DATAFILEPrimary DNS zone requires datafile.
96520x000025B4DNS_ERROR_INVALID_DATAFILE_NAMEInvalid datafile name for DNS zone.
96530x000025B5DNS_ERROR_DATAFILE_OPEN_FAILUREFailed to open datafile for DNS zone.
96540x000025B6DNS_ERROR_FILE_WRITEBACK_FAILEDFailed to write datafile for DNS zone.
96550x000025B7DNS_ERROR_DATAFILE_PARSINGFailure while reading datafile for DNS zone.
97010x000025E5DNS_ERROR_RECORD_DOES_NOT_EXISTDNS record does not exist.
97020x000025E6DNS_ERROR_RECORD_FORMATDNS record format error.
97030x000025E7DNS_ERROR_NODE_CREATION_FAILEDNode creation failure in DNS.
97040x000025E8DNS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_RECORD_TYPEUnknown DNS record type.
97050x000025E9DNS_ERROR_RECORD_TIMED_OUTDNS record timed out.
97060x000025EADNS_ERROR_NAME_NOT_IN_ZONEName not in DNS zone.
97070x000025EBDNS_ERROR_CNAME_LOOPCNAME loop detected.
97080x000025ECDNS_ERROR_NODE_IS_CNAMENode is a CNAME DNS record.
97090x000025EDDNS_ERROR_CNAME_COLLISIONA CNAME record already exists for given name.
97100x000025EEDNS_ERROR_RECORD_ONLY_AT_ZONE_ROOTRecord only at DNS zone root.
97110x000025EFDNS_ERROR_RECORD_ALREADY_EXISTSDNS record already exists.
97120x000025F0DNS_ERROR_SECONDARY_DATASecondary DNS zone data error.
97130x000025F1DNS_ERROR_NO_CREATE_CACHE_DATACould not create DNS cache data.
97140x000025F2DNS_ERROR_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXISTDNS name does not exist.
97150x000025F3DNS_WARNING_PTR_CREATE_FAILEDCould not create pointer (PTR) record.
97160x000025F4DNS_WARNING_DOMAIN_UNDELETEDDNS domain was undeleted.
97170x000025F5DNS_ERROR_DS_UNAVAILABLEThe directory service is unavailable.
97180x000025F6DNS_ERROR_DS_ZONE_ALREADY_EXISTSDNS zone already exists in the directory service.
97190x000025F7DNS_ERROR_NO_BOOTFILE_IF_DS_ZONEDNS server not creating or reading the boot file for the directory service integrated DNS zone.
97510x00002617DNS_INFO_AXFR_COMPLETEDNS AXFR (zone transfer) complete.
97520x00002618DNS_ERROR_AXFRDNS zone transfer failed.
97530x00002619DNS_INFO_ADDED_LOCAL_WINSAdded local WINS server.
98010x00002649DNS_STATUS_CONTINUE_NEEDEDSecure update call needs to continue update request.
98510x0000267BDNS_ERROR_NO_TCPIPTCP/IP network protocol not installed.
98520x0000267CDNS_ERROR_NO_DNS_SERVERSNo DNS servers configured for local system.
99010x000026ADDNS_ERROR_DP_DOES_NOT_EXISTThe specified directory partition does not exist.
99020x000026AEDNS_ERROR_DP_ALREADY_EXISTSThe specified directory partition already exists.
99030x000026AFDNS_ERROR_DP_NOT_ENLISTEDThe DS is not enlisted in the specified directory partition.
99040x000026B0DNS_ERROR_DP_ALREADY_ENLISTEDThe DS is already enlisted in the specified directory partition.
100040x00002714WSAEINTRA blocking operation was interrupted by a call to WSACancelBlockingCall.
100090x00002719WSAEBADFThe file handle supplied is not valid.
100130x0000271DWSAEACCESAn attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions.
100140x0000271EWSAEFAULTThe system detected an invalid pointer address in attempting to use a pointer argument in a call.
100220x00002726WSAEINVALAn invalid argument was supplied.
100240x00002728WSAEMFILEToo many open sockets.
100350x00002733WSAEWOULDBLOCKA non - blocking socket operation could not be completed immediately.
100360x00002734WSAEINPROGRESSA blocking operation is currently executing.
100370x00002735WSAEALREADYAn operation was attempted on a non - blocking socket that already had an operation in progress.
100380x00002736WSAENOTSOCKAn operation was attempted on something that is not a socket.
100390x00002737WSAEDESTADDRREQA required address was omitted from an operation on a socket.
100400x00002738WSAEMSGSIZEA message sent on a datagram socket was larger than the internal message buffer or some other network limit, or the buffer used to receive a datagram into was smaller than the datagram itself.
100410x00002739WSAEPROTOTYPEA protocol was specified in the socket function call that does not support the semantics of the socket type requested.
100420x0000273AWSAENOPROTOOPTAn unknown, invalid, or unsupported option or level was specified in a getsockopt or setsockopt call.
100430x0000273BWSAEPROTONOSUPPORTThe requested protocol has not been configured into the system, or no implementation for it exists.
100440x0000273CWSAESOCKTNOSUPPORTThe support for the specified socket type does not exist in this address family.
100450x0000273DWSAEOPNOTSUPPThe attempted operation is not supported for the type of object referenced.
100460x0000273EWSAEPFNOSUPPORTThe protocol family has not been configured into the system or no implementation for it exists.
100470x0000273FWSAEAFNOSUPPORTAn address incompatible with the requested protocol was used.
100480x00002740WSAEADDRINUSEOnly one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted.
100490x00002741WSAEADDRNOTAVAILThe requested address is not valid in its context.
100500x00002742WSAENETDOWNA socket operation encountered a dead network.
100510x00002743WSAENETUNREACHA socket operation was attempted to an unreachable network.
100520x00002744WSAENETRESETThe connection has been broken due to keep - alive activity detecting a failure while the operation was in progress.
100530x00002745WSAECONNABORTEDAn established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine.
100540x00002746WSAECONNRESETAn existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
100550x00002747WSAENOBUFSAn operation on a socket could not be performed because the system lacked sufficient buffer space or because a queue was full.
100560x00002748WSAEISCONNA connect request was made on an already connected socket.
100570x00002749WSAENOTCONNA request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket is not connected and (when sending on a datagram socket using a sendto call) no address was supplied.
100580x0000274AWSAESHUTDOWNA request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket had already been shut down in that direction with a previous shutdown call.
100590x0000274BWSAETOOMANYREFSToo many references to some kernel object.
100600x0000274CWSAETIMEDOUTA connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
100610x0000274DWSAECONNREFUSEDNo connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
100620x0000274EWSAELOOPCannot translate name.
100630x0000274FWSAENAMETOOLONGName component or name was too long.
100640x00002750WSAEHOSTDOWNA socket operation failed because the destination host was down.
100650x00002751WSAEHOSTUNREACHA socket operation was attempted to an unreachable host.
100660x00002752WSAENOTEMPTYCannot remove a directory that is not empty.
100670x00002753WSAEPROCLIMA Windows Sockets implementation may have a limit on the number of applications that may use it simultaneously.
100680x00002754WSAEUSERSRan out of quota.
100690x00002755WSAEDQUOTRan out of disk quota.
100700x00002756WSAESTALEFile handle reference is no longer available.
100710x00002757WSAEREMOTEItem is not available locally.
100910x0000276BWSASYSNOTREADYWSAStartup cannot function at this time because the underlying system it uses to provide network services is currently unavailable.
100920x0000276CWSAVERNOTSUPPORTEDThe Windows Sockets version requested is not supported.
100930x0000276DWSANOTINITIALISEDEither the application has not called WSAStartup, or WSAStartup failed.
101010x00002775WSAEDISCONReturned by WSARecv or WSARecvFrom to indicate the remote party has initiated a graceful shutdown sequence.
101020x00002776WSAENOMORENo more results can be returned by WSALookupServiceNext.
101030x00002777WSAECANCELLEDA call to WSALookupServiceEnd was made while this call was still processing. The call has been canceled.
101040x00002778WSAEINVALIDPROCTABLEThe procedure call table is invalid.
101050x00002779WSAEINVALIDPROVIDERThe requested service provider is invalid.
101060x0000277AWSAEPROVIDERFAILEDINITThe requested service provider could not be loaded or initialized.
101070x0000277BWSASYSCALLFAILUREA system call that should never fail has failed.
101080x0000277CWSASERVICE_NOT_FOUNDNo such service is known. The service cannot be found in the specified name space.
101090x0000277DWSATYPE_NOT_FOUNDThe specified class was not found.
101100x0000277EWSA_E_NO_MORENo more results can be returned by WSALookupServiceNext.
101110x0000277FWSA_E_CANCELLEDA call to WSALookupServiceEnd was made while this call was still processing. The call has been canceled.
101120x00002780WSAEREFUSEDA database query failed because it was actively refused.
110010x00002AF9WSAHOST_NOT_FOUNDNo such host is known.
110020x00002AFAWSATRY_AGAINThis is usually a temporary error during hostname resolution and means that the local server did not receive a response from an authoritative server.
110030x00002AFBWSANO_RECOVERYA non - recoverable error occurred during a database lookup.
110040x00002AFCWSANO_DATAThe requested name is valid and was found in the database, but it does not have the correct associated data being resolved for.
110050x00002AFDWSA_QOS_RECEIVERSAt least one reserve has arrived.
110060x00002AFEWSA_QOS_SENDERSAt least one path has arrived.
110070x00002AFFWSA_QOS_NO_SENDERSThere are no senders.
110080x00002B00WSA_QOS_NO_RECEIVERSThere are no receivers.
110090x00002B01WSA_QOS_REQUEST_CONFIRMEDReserve has been confirmed.
110100x00002B02WSA_QOS_ADMISSION_FAILUREError due to lack of resources.
110110x00002B03WSA_QOS_POLICY_FAILURERejected for administrative reasons - bad credentials.
110120x00002B04WSA_QOS_BAD_STYLEUnknown or conflicting style.
110130x00002B05WSA_QOS_BAD_OBJECTProblem with some part of the filterspec or providerspecific buffer in general.
110140x00002B06WSA_QOS_TRAFFIC_CTRL_ERRORProblem with some part of the flowspec.
110150x00002B07WSA_QOS_GENERIC_ERRORGeneral QOS error.
110160x00002B08WSA_QOS_ESERVICETYPEAn invalid or unrecognized service type was found in the flowspec.
110170x00002B09WSA_QOS_EFLOWSPECAn invalid or inconsistent flowspec was found in the QOS structure.
110180x00002B0AWSA_QOS_EPROVSPECBUFInvalid QOS provider - specific buffer.
110190x00002B0BWSA_QOS_EFILTERSTYLEAn invalid QOS filter style was used.
110200x00002B0CWSA_QOS_EFILTERTYPEAn invalid QOS filter type was used.
110210x00002B0DWSA_QOS_EFILTERCOUNTAn incorrect number of QOS FILTERSPECs were specified in the FLOWDESCRIPTOR.
110220x00002B0EWSA_QOS_EOBJLENGTHAn object with an invalid ObjectLength field was specified in the QOS provider - specific buffer.
110230x00002B0FWSA_QOS_EFLOWCOUNTAn incorrect number of flow descriptors was specified in the QOS structure.
110240x00002B10WSA_QOS_EUNKNOWNPSOBJAn unrecognized object was found in the QOS provider - specific buffer.
110250x00002B11WSA_QOS_EPOLICYOBJAn invalid policy object was found in the QOS provider - specific buffer.
110260x00002B12WSA_QOS_EFLOWDESCAn invalid QOS flow descriptor was found in the flow descriptor list.
110270x00002B13WSA_QOS_EPSFLOWSPECAn invalid or inconsistent flowspec was found in the QOS provider - specific buffer.
110280x00002B14WSA_QOS_EPSFILTERSPECAn invalid FILTERSPEC was found in the QOS provider - specific buffer.
110290x00002B15WSA_QOS_ESDMODEOBJAn invalid shape discard mode object was found in the QOS provider - specific buffer.
110300x00002B16WSA_QOS_ESHAPERATEOBJAn invalid shaping rate object was found in the QOS provider - specific buffer.
110310x00002B17WSA_QOS_RESERVED_PETYPEA reserved policy element was found in the QOS provider - specific buffer.
120000x00002EE0ERROR_SXS_SECTION_NOT_FOUNDThe requested section was not present in the activation context.
120010x00002EE1ERROR_SXS_CANT_GEN_ACTCTXThis application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.
120020x00002EE2ERROR_SXS_INVALID_ACTCTXDATA_FORMATThe application binding data format is invalid.
120030x00002EE3ERROR_SXS_ASSEMBLY_NOT_FOUNDThe referenced assembly is not installed on your system.
120040x00002EE4ERROR_SXS_MANIFEST_FORMAT_ERRORThe manifest file does not begin with the required tag and format information.
120050x00002EE5ERROR_SXS_MANIFEST_PARSE_ERRORThe manifest file contains one or more syntax errors.
120060x00002EE6ERROR_SXS_ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_DISABLEDThe application attempted to activate a disabled activation context.
120070x00002EE7ERROR_SXS_KEY_NOT_FOUNDThe requested lookup key was not found in any active activation context.
120080x00002EE8ERROR_SXS_VERSION_CONFLICTA component version required by the application conflicts with another component version already active.
120090x00002EE9ERROR_SXS_WRONG_SECTION_TYPEThe type requested activation context section does not match the query API used.
120100x00002EEAERROR_SXS_THREAD_QUERIES_DISABLEDLack of system resources has required isolated activation to be disabled for the current thread of execution.
120110x00002EEBERROR_SXS_PROCESS_DEFAULT_ALREADY_SETAn attempt to set the process default activation context failed because the process default activation context was already set.
120120x00002EECERROR_SXS_UNKNOWN_ENCODING_GROUPThe encoding group identifier specified is not recognized.
120130x00002EEDERROR_SXS_UNKNOWN_ENCODINGThe encoding requested is not recognized.
120140x00002EEEERROR_SXS_INVALID_XML_NAMESPACE_URIThe manifest contains a reference to an invalid URI.
120150x00002EEFERROR_SXS_ROOT_MANIFEST_DEPENDENCY_NOT_INSTALLEDThe application manifest contains a reference to a dependent assembly which is not installed.
120160x00002EF0ERROR_SXS_LEAF_MANIFEST_DEPENDENCY_NOT_INSTALLEDThe manifest for an assembly used by the application has a reference to a dependent assembly which is not installed.
120170x00002EF1ERROR_SXS_INVALID_ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTEThe manifest contains an attribute for the assembly identity which is not valid.
120180x00002EF2ERROR_SXS_MANIFEST_MISSING_REQUIRED_DEFAULT_NAMESPACEThe manifest is missing the required default namespace specification on the assembly element.
120190x00002EF3ERROR_SXS_MANIFEST_INVALID_REQUIRED_DEFAULT_NAMESPACEThe manifest has a default namespace specified on the assembly element but its value is not "urn:schemas - microsoft - com:asm.v1".
120200x00002EF4ERROR_SXS_PRIVATE_MANIFEST_CROSS_PATH_WITH_REPARSE_POINTThe private manifest probe has crossed the reparse - point - associated path.
120210x00002EF5ERROR_SXS_DUPLICATE_DLL_NAMETwo or more components referenced directly or indirectly by the application manifest have files by the same name.
120220x00002EF6ERROR_SXS_DUPLICATE_WINDOWCLASS_NAMETwo or more components referenced directly or indirectly by the application manifest have window classes with the same name.
120230x00002EF7ERROR_SXS_DUPLICATE_CLSIDTwo or more components referenced directly or indirectly by the application manifest have the same COM server CLSIDs.
120240x00002EF8ERROR_SXS_DUPLICATE_IIDTwo or more components referenced directly or indirectly by the application manifest have proxies for the same COM interface IIDs.
120250x00002EF9ERROR_SXS_DUPLICATE_TLBIDTwo or more components referenced directly or indirectly by the application manifest have the same COM type library TLBIDs.
120260x00002EFAERROR_SXS_DUPLICATE_PROGIDTwo or more components referenced directly or indirectly by the application manifest have the same COM ProgIDs.
120270x00002EFBERROR_SXS_DUPLICATE_ASSEMBLY_NAMETwo or more components referenced directly or indirectly by the application manifest are different versions of the same component which is not permitted.
120280x00002EFCERROR_SXS_FILE_HASH_MISMATCHA component's file does not match the verification information present in the component manifest.
120290x00002EFDERROR_SXS_POLICY_PARSE_ERRORThe policy manifest contains one or more syntax errors.
120300x00002EFEERROR_SXS_XML_E_MISSINGQUOTEManifest Parse Error : A string literal was expected, but no opening quote character was found.
120310x00002EFFERROR_SXS_XML_E_COMMENTSYNTAXManifest Parse Error : Incorrect syntax was used in a comment.
120320x00002F00ERROR_SXS_XML_E_BADSTARTNAMECHARManifest Parse Error : A name was started with an invalid character.
120330x00002F01ERROR_SXS_XML_E_BADNAMECHARManifest Parse Error : A name contained an invalid character.
120340x00002F02ERROR_SXS_XML_E_BADCHARINSTRINGManifest Parse Error : A string literal contained an invalid character.
120350x00002F03ERROR_SXS_XML_E_XMLDECLSYNTAXManifest Parse Error : Invalid syntax for an XML declaration.
120360x00002F04ERROR_SXS_XML_E_BADCHARDATAManifest Parse Error : An invalid character was found in text content.
120370x00002F05ERROR_SXS_XML_E_MISSINGWHITESPACEManifest Parse Error : Required white space was missing.
120380x00002F06ERROR_SXS_XML_E_EXPECTINGTAGENDManifest Parse Error : The character '>' was expected.
120390x00002F07ERROR_SXS_XML_E_MISSINGSEMICOLONManifest Parse Error : A semi colon character was expected.
120400x00002F08ERROR_SXS_XML_E_UNBALANCEDPARENManifest Parse Error : Unbalanced parentheses.
120410x00002F09ERROR_SXS_XML_E_INTERNALERRORManifest Parse Error : Internal error.
120420x00002F0AERROR_SXS_XML_E_UNEXPECTED_WHITESPACEManifest Parse Error : White space is not allowed at this location.
120430x00002F0BERROR_SXS_XML_E_INCOMPLETE_ENCODINGManifest Parse Error : End of file reached in invalid state for current encoding.
120440x00002F0CERROR_SXS_XML_E_MISSING_PARENManifest Parse Error : Missing parenthesis.
120450x00002F0DERROR_SXS_XML_E_EXPECTINGCLOSEQUOTEManifest Parse Error : A single or double closing quote character (\' or \") is missing.
120460x00002F0EERROR_SXS_XML_E_MULTIPLE_COLONSManifest Parse Error : Multiple colons are not allowed in a name.
120470x00002F0FERROR_SXS_XML_E_INVALID_DECIMALManifest Parse Error : Invalid character for decimal digit.
120480x00002F10ERROR_SXS_XML_E_INVALID_HEXIDECIMALManifest Parse Error : Invalid character for hexadecimal digit.
120490x00002F11ERROR_SXS_XML_E_INVALID_UNICODEManifest Parse Error : Invalid Unicode character value for this platform.
120500x00002F12ERROR_SXS_XML_E_WHITESPACEORQUESTIONMARKManifest Parse Error : Expecting white space or '?'.
120510x00002F13ERROR_SXS_XML_E_UNEXPECTEDENDTAGManifest Parse Error : End tag was not expected at this location.
120520x00002F14ERROR_SXS_XML_E_UNCLOSEDTAGManifest Parse Error : The following tags were not closed: %1.
120530x00002F15ERROR_SXS_XML_E_DUPLICATEATTRIBUTEManifest Parse Error : Duplicate attribute.
120540x00002F16ERROR_SXS_XML_E_MULTIPLEROOTSManifest Parse Error : Only one top level element is allowed in an XML document.
120550x00002F17ERROR_SXS_XML_E_INVALIDATROOTLEVELManifest Parse Error : Invalid at the top level of the document.
120560x00002F18ERROR_SXS_XML_E_BADXMLDECLManifest Parse Error : Invalid XML declaration.
120570x00002F19ERROR_SXS_XML_E_MISSINGROOTManifest Parse Error : XML document must have a top level element.
120580x00002F1AERROR_SXS_XML_E_UNEXPECTEDEOFManifest Parse Error : Unexpected end of file.
120590x00002F1BERROR_SXS_XML_E_BADPEREFINSUBSETManifest Parse Error : Parameter entities cannot be used inside markup declarations in an internal subset.
120600x00002F1CERROR_SXS_XML_E_UNCLOSEDSTARTTAGManifest Parse Error : Element was not closed.
120610x00002F1DERROR_SXS_XML_E_UNCLOSEDENDTAGManifest Parse Error : End element was missing the character '>'.
120620x00002F1EERROR_SXS_XML_E_UNCLOSEDSTRINGManifest Parse Error : A string literal was not closed.
120630x00002F1FERROR_SXS_XML_E_UNCLOSEDCOMMENTManifest Parse Error : A comment was not closed.
120640x00002F20ERROR_SXS_XML_E_UNCLOSEDDECLManifest Parse Error : A declaration was not closed.
120650x00002F21ERROR_SXS_XML_E_UNCLOSEDCDATAManifest Parse Error : A CDATA section was not closed.
120660x00002F22ERROR_SXS_XML_E_RESERVEDNAMESPACEManifest Parse Error : The namespace prefix is not allowed to start with the reserved string "xml".
120670x00002F23ERROR_SXS_XML_E_INVALIDENCODINGManifest Parse Error : System does not support the specified encoding.
120680x00002F24ERROR_SXS_XML_E_INVALIDSWITCHManifest Parse Error : Switch from current encoding to specified encoding not supported.
120690x00002F25ERROR_SXS_XML_E_BADXMLCASEManifest Parse Error : The name 'xml' is reserved and must be lower case.
120700x00002F26ERROR_SXS_XML_E_INVALID_STANDALONEManifest Parse Error : The standalone attribute must have the value 'yes' or 'no'.
120710x00002F27ERROR_SXS_XML_E_UNEXPECTED_STANDALONEManifest Parse Error : The standalone attribute cannot be used in external entities.
120720x00002F28ERROR_SXS_XML_E_INVALID_VERSIONManifest Parse Error : Invalid version number.
120730x00002F29ERROR_SXS_XML_E_MISSINGEQUALSManifest Parse Error : Missing equals sign between attribute and attribute value.
130000x000032C8ERROR_IPSEC_QM_POLICY_EXISTSThe specified quick mode policy already exists.
130010x000032C9ERROR_IPSEC_QM_POLICY_NOT_FOUNDThe specified quick mode policy was not found.
130020x000032CAERROR_IPSEC_QM_POLICY_IN_USEThe specified quick mode policy is being used.
130030x000032CBERROR_IPSEC_MM_POLICY_EXISTSThe specified main mode policy already exists.
130040x000032CCERROR_IPSEC_MM_POLICY_NOT_FOUNDThe specified main mode policy was not found.
130050x000032CDERROR_IPSEC_MM_POLICY_IN_USEThe specified main mode policy is being used.
130060x000032CEERROR_IPSEC_MM_FILTER_EXISTSThe specified main mode filter already exists.
130070x000032CFERROR_IPSEC_MM_FILTER_NOT_FOUNDThe specified main mode filter was not found.
130080x000032D0ERROR_IPSEC_TRANSPORT_FILTER_EXISTSThe specified transport mode filter already exists.
130090x000032D1ERROR_IPSEC_TRANSPORT_FILTER_NOT_FOUNDThe specified transport mode filter does not exist.
130100x000032D2ERROR_IPSEC_MM_AUTH_EXISTSThe specified main mode authentication list exists.
130110x000032D3ERROR_IPSEC_MM_AUTH_NOT_FOUNDThe specified main mode authentication list was not found.
130120x000032D4ERROR_IPSEC_MM_AUTH_IN_USEThe specified quick mode policy is being used.
130130x000032D5ERROR_IPSEC_DEFAULT_MM_POLICY_NOT_FOUNDThe specified main mode policy was not found.
130140x000032D6ERROR_IPSEC_DEFAULT_MM_AUTH_NOT_FOUNDThe specified quick mode policy was not found.
130150x000032D7ERROR_IPSEC_DEFAULT_QM_POLICY_NOT_FOUNDThe manifest file contains one or more syntax errors.
130160x000032D8ERROR_IPSEC_TUNNEL_FILTER_EXISTSThe application attempted to activate a disabled activation context.
130170x000032D9ERROR_IPSEC_TUNNEL_FILTER_NOT_FOUNDThe requested lookup key was not found in any active activation context.
130180x000032DAERROR_IPSEC_MM_FILTER_PENDING_DELETIONThe Main Mode filter is pending deletion.
130190x000032DBERROR_IPSEC_TRANSPORT_FILTER_PENDING_DELETIONThe transport filter is pending deletion.
130200x000032DCERROR_IPSEC_TUNNEL_FILTER_PENDING_DELETIONThe tunnel filter is pending deletion.
130210x000032DDERROR_IPSEC_MM_POLICY_PENDING_DELETIONThe Main Mode policy is pending deletion.
130220x000032DEERROR_IPSEC_MM_AUTH_PENDING_DELETIONThe Main Mode authentication bundle is pending deletion.
130230x000032DFERROR_IPSEC_QM_POLICY_PENDING_DELETIONThe Quick Mode policy is pending deletion.
138010x000035E9ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_AUTH_FAILIKE authentication credentials are unacceptable.
138020x000035EAERROR_IPSEC_IKE_ATTRIB_FAILIKE security attributes are unacceptable.
138030x000035EBERROR_IPSEC_IKE_NEGOTIATION_PENDINGIKE Negotiation in progress.
138040x000035ECERROR_IPSEC_IKE_GENERAL_PROCESSING_ERRORGeneral processing error.
138050x000035EDERROR_IPSEC_IKE_TIMED_OUTNegotiation timed out.
138060x000035EEERROR_IPSEC_IKE_NO_CERTIKE failed to find valid machine certificate.
138070x000035EFERROR_IPSEC_IKE_SA_DELETEDIKE SA deleted by peer before establishment completed.
138080x000035F0ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_SA_REAPEDIKE SA deleted before establishment completed.
138090x000035F1ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_MM_ACQUIRE_DROPNegotiation request sat in Queue too long.
138100x000035F2ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_QM_ACQUIRE_DROPNegotiation request sat in Queue too long.
138110x000035F3ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_QUEUE_DROP_MMNegotiation request sat in Queue too long.
138120x000035F4ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_QUEUE_DROP_NO_MMNegotiation request sat in Queue too long.
138130x000035F5ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_DROP_NO_RESPONSENo response from peer.
138140x000035F6ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_MM_DELAY_DROPNegotiation took too long.
138150x000035F7ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_QM_DELAY_DROPNegotiation took too long.
138160x000035F8ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_ERRORUnknown error occurred.
138170x000035F9ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_CRL_FAILEDCertificate Revocation Check failed.
138180x000035FAERROR_IPSEC_IKE_INVALID_KEY_USAGEInvalid certificate key usage.
138190x000035FBERROR_IPSEC_IKE_INVALID_CERT_TYPEInvalid certificate type.
138200x000035FCERROR_IPSEC_IKE_NO_PRIVATE_KEYNo private key associated with machine certificate.
138220x000035FEERROR_IPSEC_IKE_DH_FAILFailure in Diffie - Helman computation.
138240x00003600ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_INVALID_HEADERInvalid header.
138250x00003601ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_NO_POLICYNo policy configured.
138260x00003602ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_INVALID_SIGNATUREFailed to verify signature.
138270x00003603ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_KERBEROS_ERRORFailed to authenticate using Kerberos.
138280x00003604ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_NO_PUBLIC_KEYPeer's certificate did not have a public key.
138290x00003605ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_PROCESS_ERRError processing error payload.
138300x00003606ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_PROCESS_ERR_SAError processing SA payload.
138310x00003607ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_PROCESS_ERR_PROPError processing Proposal payload.
138320x00003608ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_PROCESS_ERR_TRANSError processing Transform payload.
138330x00003609ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_PROCESS_ERR_KEError processing KE payload.
138340x0000360AERROR_IPSEC_IKE_PROCESS_ERR_IDError processing ID payload.
138350x0000360BERROR_IPSEC_IKE_PROCESS_ERR_CERTError processing Cert payload.
138360x0000360CERROR_IPSEC_IKE_PROCESS_ERR_CERT_REQError processing Certificate Request payload.
138370x0000360DERROR_IPSEC_IKE_PROCESS_ERR_HASHError processing Hash payload.
138380x0000360EERROR_IPSEC_IKE_PROCESS_ERR_SIGError processing Signature payload.
138390x0000360FERROR_IPSEC_IKE_PROCESS_ERR_NONCEError processing Nonce payload.
138400x00003610ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_PROCESS_ERR_NOTIFYError processing Notify payload.
138410x00003611ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_PROCESS_ERR_DELETEError processing Delete Payload.
138420x00003612ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_PROCESS_ERR_VENDORError processing VendorId payload.
138430x00003613ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_INVALID_PAYLOADInvalid payload received.
138440x00003614ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_LOAD_SOFT_SASoft SA loaded.
138450x00003615ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_SOFT_SA_TORN_DOWNSoft SA torn down.
138460x00003616ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_INVALID_COOKIEInvalid cookie received..
138470x00003617ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_NO_PEER_CERTPeer failed to send valid machine certificate.
138480x00003618ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_PEER_CRL_FAILEDCertification Revocation check of peer's certificate failed.
138490x00003619ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_POLICY_CHANGENew policy invalidated SAs formed with old policy.
138500x0000361AERROR_IPSEC_IKE_NO_MM_POLICYThere is no available Main Mode IKE policy.
138510x0000361BERROR_IPSEC_IKE_NOTCBPRIVFailed to enabled TCB privilege.
138530x0000361DERROR_IPSEC_IKE_FAILSSPINITFailed to obtain security function table dispatch address from SSPI.
138540x0000361EERROR_IPSEC_IKE_FAILQUERYSSPFailed to query Kerberos package to obtain max token size.
138550x0000361FERROR_IPSEC_IKE_SRVACQFAILFailed to obtain Kerberos server credentials for ISAKMP/ERROR_IPSEC_IKE service. Kerberos authentication will not function. The most likely reason for this is lack of domain membership. This is normal if your computer is a member of a workgroup.
138560x00003620ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_SRVQUERYCREDFailed to determine SSPI principal name for ISAKMP/ERROR_IPSEC_IKE service (QueryCredentialsAttributes).
138570x00003621ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_GETSPIFAILFailed to obtain new SPI for the inbound SA from Ipsec driver. The most common cause for this is that the driver does not have the correct filter. Check your policy to verify the filters.
138580x00003622ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_INVALID_FILTERGiven filter is invalid.
138590x00003623ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_OUT_OF_MEMORYMemory allocation failed.
138600x00003624ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_ADD_UPDATE_KEY_FAILEDFailed to add Security Association to IPSec Driver. The most common cause for this is if the IKE negotiation took too long to complete. If the problem persists, reduce the load on the faulting machine.
138610x00003625ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_INVALID_POLICYInvalid policy.
138620x00003626ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_UNKNOWN_DOIInvalid DOI.
138630x00003627ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_INVALID_SITUATIONInvalid situation.
138640x00003628ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_DH_FAILUREDiffie - Hellman failure.
138650x00003629ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_INVALID_GROUPInvalid Diffie - Hellman group.
138660x0000362AERROR_IPSEC_IKE_ENCRYPTError encrypting payload.
138670x0000362BERROR_IPSEC_IKE_DECRYPTError decrypting payload.
138680x0000362CERROR_IPSEC_IKE_POLICY_MATCHPolicy match error.
138690x0000362DERROR_IPSEC_IKE_UNSUPPORTED_IDUnsupported ID.
138700x0000362EERROR_IPSEC_IKE_INVALID_HASHHash verification failed.
138710x0000362FERROR_IPSEC_IKE_INVALID_HASH_ALGInvalid hash algorithm.
138720x00003630ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_INVALID_HASH_SIZEInvalid hash size.
138730x00003631ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_INVALID_ENCRYPT_ALGInvalid encryption algorithm.
138740x00003632ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_INVALID_AUTH_ALGInvalid authentication algorithm.
138750x00003633ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_INVALID_SIGInvalid certificate signature.
138760x00003634ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_LOAD_FAILEDLoad failed.
138770x00003635ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_RPC_DELETEDeleted via RPC call.
138780x00003636ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_BENIGN_REINITTemporary state created to perform reinitialization. This is not a real failure.
138790x00003637ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_INVALID_RESPONDER_LIFETIME_NOTIFYThe lifetime value received in the Responder Lifetime Notify is below the Windows 2000 configured minimum value. Please fix the policy on the peer machine.
138800x00003638ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_QM_LIMIT_REAPSA reaped because QM limit was reached.
138810x00003639ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_INVALID_CERT_KEYLENKey length in certificate is too small for configured security requirements.
138820x0000363AERROR_IPSEC_IKE_MM_LIMITMax number of established MM SAs to peer exceeded.
138830x0000363BERROR_IPSEC_IKE_NEGOTIATION_DISABLEDIKE received a policy that disables negotiation.
138840x0000363CERROR_IPSEC_IKE_QM_LIMITReached maximum quick mode limit for the main mode. New main mode will be started.