Decimal | Name | Description |
80 | seekErr | Track number wrong |
81 | sectNFErr | Sector number never found on a track |
82 | fmt1Err | Can’t find sector 0 after track format |
83 | fmt2Err | Can’t get enough sync |
84 | firstDskErr | IO System Errors or verErr: track failed to verify |
85 | clkRdErr | Unable to read same clock value twice |
86 | clkWrErr | Time written did not verify |
87 | prWrErr | Parameter ram written didn’t readverify |
88 | prInitErr | InitUtil found the parameter ram uninitialized |
89 | rcvrErr | SCC receiver error (framing; parity; OR) |
90 | breakRecd | Break received (SCC) |
91 | ddpSktErr | Error in socket number or eMultiErr: Length error ddpLenErr |
92 | ddpLenErr | Data length too big or eLenErr: ENET error codes |
93 | noBridgeErr | No network bridge for nonlocal send |
94 | lapProtErr | Error in attaching/detaching protocol |
95 | excessCollsns | Excessive collisions on write |
96 | portNotPwr | Serial port not currently powered |
97 | portInUse | Driver Open error code (port is in use) |
98 | portNotCf | Driver Open error code (parameter RAM not configured for this connection) |
99 | memROZWarn | Soft error in ROZ or memROZError: hard error in ROZ or memROZErr: hard error in ROZ |
100 | noScrapErr | No scrap exists error |
102 | noTypeErr | No object of that type in scrap |
108 | iMemFullErr or memFullErr | Not enough room in heap zone |
109 | nilHandleErr | Master Pointer was NIL in HandleZone or other |
110 | memAdrErr | Address was odd; or out of range |
111 | memWZErr | WhichZone failed (applied to free block) |
112 | memPurErr | Trying to purge a locked or nonpurgeable block |
113 | memAZErr | Address in zone check failed |
114 | memPCErr | Pointer Check failed |
115 | memBCErr | Block Check failed |
116 | memSCErr | Size Check failed |
117 | memLockedErr | Trying to move a locked block (MoveHHi) |
120 | dirNFErr | Directory not found |
121 | tmwdoErr | No free WDCB available |
122 | badMovErr | Move into offspring error |
123 | wrgVolTypErr | Wrong volume type error [operation not supported for MFS] |
124 | volGoneErr | Server volume has been disconnected. |
125 | updPixMemErr | Insufficient memory to update a pixmap |
126 | mBarNFnd | System error code for MBDF not found |
127 | hMenuFindErr | Could not find HMenu’s parent in MenuKey |
128 | userCanceledErr | |
145 | noMemForPictPlaybackErr | |
147 | rgnOverflowErr or rgnTooBigError | |
148 | pixMapTooDeepErr | |
149 | insufficientStackErr or nsStackErr | |
150 | cMatchErr | Color2Index failed to find an index |
151 | cTempMemErr | Failed to allocate memory for temporary structures |
152 | cNoMemErr | Failed to allocate memory for structure |
153 | cRangeErr | Range error on colorTable request |
154 | cProtectErr | ColorTable entry protection violation |
155 | cDevErr | Invalid type of graphics device |
156 | cResErr | Invalid resolution for MakeITable |
157 | cDepthErr | Invalid pixel depth |
185 | badExtResource | Extended resource has a bad format. |
186 | CantDecompress | Resource bent (“the bends”) can’t decompress a compressed resource |
188 | resourceInMemory | Resource already in memory |
189 | writingPastEnd | Writing past end of file |
190 | inputOutOfBounds | Offset of Count out of bounds |
192 | resNotFound | Resource not found |
193 | resFNotFound | Resource file not found |
194 | addResFailed | AddResource failed |
195 | addRefFailed | AddReference failed |
196 | rmvResFailed | RmveResource failed |
197 | rmvRefFailed | RmveReference failed |
198 | resAttrErr | Attribute inconsistent with operation |
199 | mapReadErr | Map inconsistent with operation |
200 | noHardwareErr | Sound Manager Error Returns |
201 | notEnoughHardwareErr | Sound Manager Error Returns |
203 | queueFull | Sound Manager Error Returns |
204 | resProblem | Sound Manager Error Returns |
205 | badChannel | Sound Manager Error Returns |
206 | badFormat | Sound Manager Error Returns |
207 | notEnoughBufferSpace | Could not allocate enough memory |
208 | badFileFormat | Was not type AIFF or was of bad format/corrupt |
209 | channelBusy | The Channel is being used for a PFD already |
210 | buffersTooSmall | Can not operate in the memory allowed |
211 | channelNotBusy | |
212 | noMoreRealTime | Not enough CPU cycles left to add another task |
220 | siNoSoundInHardware | No Sound Input hardware |
221 | siBadSoundInDevice | Invalid index passed to SoundInGetIndexedDevice |
222 | siNoBufferSpecified | Returned by synchronous SPBRecord if nil buffer passed |
223 | siInvalidCompression | Invalid compression type |
224 | siHardDriveTooSlow | Hard drive too slow to record to disk |
225 | siInvalidSampleRate | Invalid sample rate |
226 | siInvalidSampleSize | Invalid sample size |
227 | siDeviceBusyErr | Input device already in use |
228 | siBadDeviceName | Input device could not be opened |
229 | siBadRefNum | Invalid input device reference number |
230 | siInputDeviceErr | Input device hardware failure |
231 | siUnknownInfoType | Invalid info type selector (returned by driver) |
232 | siUnknownQuality | Invalid quality selector (returned by driver) |
240 | noSynthFound | |
241 | synthOpenFailed | |
242 | synthNotReady | |
243 | bufTooSmall | |
244 | voiceNotFound | |
245 | incompatibleVoice | |
246 | badDictFormat | |
247 | badInputText | |
250 | midiNoClientErr | No client with that ID found |
251 | midiNoPortErr | No port with that ID found |
252 | midiTooManyPortsErr | Too many ports already installed in the system |
253 | midiTooManyConsErr | Too many connections made |
254 | midiVConnectErr | Pending virtual connection created |
255 | midiVConnectMade | Pending virtual connection resolved |
256 | midiVConnectRmvd | Pending virtual connection removed |
257 | midiNoConErr | No connection exists between specified ports |
258 | midiWriteErr | MIDIWritePacket couldn’t write to all connected ports |
259 | midiNameLenErr | Name supplied is longer than 31 characters |
260 | midiDupIDErr | Duplicate client ID |
261 | midiInvalidCmdErr | Command not supported for port type |
290 | smSDMInitErr | Error; SDM could not be initialized. |
291 | smSRTInitErr | Error; Slot Resource Table could not be initialized. |
292 | smPRAMInitErr | Error; Slot Resource Table could not be initialized. |
293 | smPriInitErr | Error; Cards could not be initialized. |
299 | nmTypErr | Wrong queue type |
300 | smEmptySlot | No card in slot |
301 | smCRCFail | CRC check failed for declaration data |
302 | smFormatErr | FHeader Format is not Apple’s |
303 | smRevisionErr | Wrong revision level |
304 | smNoDir | Directory offset is Nil |
305 | smDisabledSlot | This slot is disabled (305 used to be smLWTstBad) |
306 | smNosInfoArray | No sInfoArray. Memory Mgr error. |
307 | smResrvErr | Fatal reserved error. Reserved field <> 0. |
308 | smUnExBusErr | Unexpected BusError |
309 | smBLFieldBad | ByteLanes field was bad. |
310 | smFHBlockRdErr | Error occurred during _sGetFHeader. |
311 | smFHBlkDispErr | Error occurred during _sDisposePtr (Dispose of FHeader block). |
312 | smDisposePErr | _DisposePointer error |
313 | smNoBoardSRsrc | No Board sResource. |
314 | smGetPRErr | Error occurred during _sGetPRAMRec (See SIMStatus). |
315 | smNoBoardId | No Board Id. |
316 | smInitStatVErr | The InitStatusV field was negative after primary or secondary init. |
317 | smInitTblVErr | An error occurred while trying to initialize the Slot Resource Table. |
318 | smNoJmpTbl | SDM jump table could not be created. or smReservedSlot: slot is reserved VM should not use this address space. |
319 | smBadBoardId | BoardId was wrong; reinit the PRAM record. |
320 | smBusErrTO | BusError time out. |
330 | smBadRefId | Reference Id not found in List |
331 | smBadsList | Bad sList: Id1 < Id2 < Id3 …format is not followed. |
332 | smReservedErr | Reserved field not zero |
333 | smCodeRevErr | Code revision is wrong |
334 | smCPUErr | Code revision is wrong |
335 | smsPointerNil | LPointer is nil From sOffsetData. If this error occurs; check sInfo rec for more information. |
336 | smNilsBlockErr | Nil sBlock error (Don’t allocate and try to use a nil sBlock) |
337 | smSlotOOBErr | Slot out of bounds error |
338 | smSelOOBErr | Selector out of bounds error |
339 | smNewPErr | _NewPtr error |
340 | smBlkMoveErr | _BlockMove error |
341 | smCkStatusErr | Status of slot fail. |
342 | smGetDrvrNamErr | Error occurred during _sGetDrvrName. |
343 | smDisDrvrNamErr | Error occurred during _sDisDrvrName. |
344 | smNoMoresRsrcs | No more sResources |
345 | smsGetDrvrErr | Error occurred during _sGetDriver. |
346 | smBadsPtrErr | Bad pointer was passed to sCalcsPointer |
347 | smByteLanesErr | NumByteLanes was determined to be zero. |
348 | smOffsetErr | Offset was too big (temporary error) |
349 | smNoGoodOpens | No opens were successful in the loop. |
350 | smSRTOvrFlErr | SRT over flow. |
351 | smRecNotFnd | Record not found in the SRT. |
360 | slotNumErr | Invalid slot # error |
400 | gcrOnMFMErr | gcr format on high density media error |
410 | notBTree | The file is not a dictionary. |
413 | btNoSpace | Can’t allocate disk space. |
414 | btDupRecErr | Record already exists. |
415 | btRecNotFnd | Record cannot be found. |
416 | btKeyLenErr | Maximum key length is too long or equal to zero. |
417 | btKeyAttrErr | There is no such a key attribute. |
450 | editionMgrInitErr | Edition manager not inited by this app |
451 | badSectionErr | Not a valid SectionRecord |
452 | notRegisteredSectionErr | Not a registered SectionRecord |
453 | badEditionFileErr | Edition file is corrupt |
454 | badSubPartErr | Can not use sub parts in this release |
460 | multiplePublisherWrn | A Publisher is already registered for that container |
461 | containerNotFoundWrn | Could not find editionContainer at this time |
462 | containerAlreadyOpenWrn | Container already opened by this section |
463 | notThePublisherWrn | Not the first registered publisher for that container |
490 | userBreak | User debugger break |
491 | strUserBreak | User debugger break; display string on stack |
492 | exUserBreak | User debugger break; execute debugger commands on stack |
500 | rgnTooBigErr | |
501 | teScrapSizeErr | Scrap item too big for text edit record |
502 | hwParamErr | Bad selector for _HWPriv |
600 | procNotFound | No eligible process with specified descriptor |
601 | memFragErr | Not enough room to launch app with special requirements |
602 | appModeErr | Memory mode is 32bit but app not 32bit clean |
603 | protocolErr | App made module calls in improper order |
604 | hardwareConfigErr | Hardware configuration not correct for call |
605 | appMemFullErr | Application SIZE not big enough for launch |
606 | appIsDaemon | App is BGonly and launch flags disallow this |
607 | bufferIsSmall | Error returns from Post and Accept |
608 | noOutstandingHLE | |
609 | connectionInvalid | |
610 | noUserInteractionAllowed | No user interaction allowed |
617 | threadTooManyReqsErr | |
618 | threadNotFoundErr | |
619 | threadProtocolErr | |
620 | notEnoughMemoryErr | Insufficient physical memory |
621 | notHeldErr | |
621 | notHeldErr | Specified range of memory is not held |
622 | cannotMakeContiguousErr | Cannot make specified range contiguous |
623 | notLockedErr | Specified range of memory is not locked |
624 | interruptsMaskedErr | Don’t call with interrupts masked |
625 | cannotDeferErr | Unable to defer additional functions |
626 | noMMUErr | No MMU present |
800 | rcDBNull | |
801 | rcDBValue | |
802 | rcDBError | |
803 | rcDBBadType | |
804 | rcDBBreak | |
805 | rcDBExec | |
806 | rcDBBadSessID | |
807 | rcDBBadSessNum | Database access error codes |
808 | rcDBBadDDEV | Bad session number for DBGetConnInfo |
809 | rcDBAsyncNotSupp | Bad ddev specified on DBInit |
810 | rcDBBadAsyncPB | Ddev does not support async calls |
811 | rcDBNoHandler | Tried to kill a bad pb |
812 | rcDBWrongVersion | No app handler for specified data type |
813 | rcDBPackNotInited | Incompatible versions |
850 | hmHelpDisabled | Show Balloons mode was off call to routine ignored |
853 | hmBalloonAborted | Returned if mouse was moving or mouse wasn’t in window port rect |
854 | hmSameAsLastBalloon | Returned from HMShowMenuBalloon if menu & item is same as last time |
855 | hmHelpManagerNotInited | Returned from HMGetHelpMenuHandle if help menu not setup |
857 | hmSkippedBalloon | Returned from calls if helpmsg specified a skip balloon |
858 | hmWrongVersion | Returned if help mgr resource was the wrong version |
859 | hmUnknownHelpType | Returned if help msg record contained a bad type |
861 | hmOperationUnsupported | Returned from HMShowBalloon call if bad method passed to routine |
862 | hmNoBalloonUp | Returned from HMRemoveBalloon if no balloon was visible when call was made |
863 | hmCloseViewActive | Returned from HMRemoveBalloon if CloseView was active |
900 | notInitErr | PPCToolBox not initialized |
902 | nameTypeErr | Invalid or inappropriate locationKindSelector in locationName |
903 | noPortErr | Unable to open port or bad portRefNum |
904 | noGlobalsErr | The system is hosed better reboot |
905 | localOnlyErr | Network activity is currently disabled |
906 | destPortErr | Port does not exist at destination |
907 | sessTableErr | Out of session tables try again later |
908 | noSessionErr | Invalid session reference number |
909 | badReqErr | Bad parameter or invalid state for operation |
910 | portNameExistsErr | Port is already open (perhaps in another app) |
911 | noUserNameErr | User name unknown on destination machine |
912 | userRejectErr | Destination rejected the session request |
913 | noMachineNameErr | User hasn’t named his Macintosh in the Network Setup Control Panel |
914 | noToolboxNameErr | A system resource is missing not too likely |
915 | noResponseErr | Unable to contact destination |
916 | portClosedErr | Port was closed |
917 | sessClosedErr | Session was closed |
919 | badPortNameErr | PPCPortRec malformed |
922 | noDefaultUserErr | User hasn’t typed in owner’s name in Network Setup Control Panel |
923 | notLoggedInErr | The default userRefNum does not yet exist |
924 | noUserRefErr | Unable to create a new userRefNum |
925 | networkErr | An error has occurred in the network not too likely |
926 | noInformErr | PPCStart failed because destination did not have inform pending |
927 | authFailErr | Unable to authenticate user at destination |
928 | noUserRecErr | Invalid user reference number |
930 | badServiceMethodErr | Illegal service type or not supported |
931 | badLocNameErr | Location name malformed |
932 | guestNotAllowedErr | Destination port requires authentication |
1000 | noMaskFoundErr | Icon Utilities Error |
1024 | nbpBuffOvr | Buffer overflow in LookupName |
1025 | nbpNoConfirm | |
1026 | nbpConfDiff | Name confirmed at different socket |
1027 | nbpDuplicate | Duplicate name exists already |
1028 | nbpNotFound | Name not found on remove |
1029 | nbpNISErr | Error trying to open the NIS |
1066 | aspBadVersNum | Server cannot support this ASP version |
1067 | aspBufTooSmall | Buffer too small |
1068 | aspNoMoreSess | No more sessions on server |
1069 | aspNoServers | No servers at that address |
1070 | aspParamErr | Parameter error |
1071 | aspServerBusy | Server cannot open another session |
1072 | aspSessClosed | Session closed |
1073 | aspSizeErr | Command block too big |
1074 | aspTooMany | Too many clients (server error) |
1075 | aspNoAck | No ack on attention request (server err) |
1096 | reqFailed | |
1097 | tooManyReqs | |
1098 | tooManySkts | |
1099 | badATPSkt | |
1100 | badBuffNum | |
1101 | noRelErr | |
1102 | cbNotFound | |
1103 | noSendResp | |
1104 | noDataArea | |
1105 | reqAborted | |
1273 | errOpenDenied | Open connection request was denied |
1274 | errDSPQueueSize | DSP ReadWrite Queue Too small |
1275 | errFwdReset | Read terminated by forward reset |
1276 | errAttention | Attention message too long |
1277 | errOpening | Open connection request failed |
1278 | errState | Bad connection state for this operation |
1279 | errAborted | Control call was aborted |
1280 | errRefNum | Bad connection refNum |
1300 | fidNotFound | No file thread exists. |
1301 | fidExists | File id already exists |
1302 | notAFileErr | Directory specified |
1303 | diffVolErr | Files on different volumes |
1304 | catChangedErr | The catalog has been modified |
1305 | desktopDamagedErr | Desktop database files are corrupted |
1306 | sameFileErr | Can’t exchange a file with itself |
1307 | badFidErr | File id is dangling or doesn’t match with the file number |
1308 | notARemountErr | When _Mount allows only remounts and doesn’t get one |
1309 | fileBoundsErr | File’s EOF offset mark or size is too big |
1310 | fsDataTooBigErr | File or volume is too big for system |
1700 | errAECoercionFail | Bad parameter data or unable to coerce the data supplied |
1701 | errAEDescNotFound | |
1702 | errAECorruptData | |
1703 | errAEWrongDataType | |
1704 | errAENotAEDesc | |
1705 | errAEBadListItem | The specified list item does not exist |
1706 | errAENewerVersion | Need newer version of the AppleEvent manager |
1707 | errAENotAppleEvent | The event is not in AppleEvent format |
1708 | errAEEventNotHandled | The AppleEvent was not handled by any handler |
1709 | errAEReplyNotValid | AEResetTimer was passed an invalid reply parameter |
1710 | errAEUnknownSendMode | Mode wasn’t NoReply WaitReply or QueueReply or Interaction level is unknown |
1711 | errAEWaitCanceled | In AESend the user cancelled out of wait loop for reply or receipt |
1712 | errAETimeout | The AppleEvent timed out |
1713 | errAENoUserInteraction | No user interaction is allowed |
1714 | errAENotASpecialFunction | There is no special function for with this keyword |
1715 | errAEParamMissed | A required parameter was not accessed |
1716 | errAEUnknownAddressType | The target address type is not known |
1717 | errAEHandlerNotFound | No handler in the dispatch tables fits the parameters to AEGetEventHandler or AEGetCoercionHandler |
1718 | errAEReplyNotArrived | The contents of the reply you are accessing have not arrived yet |
1719 | errAEIllegalIndex | Index is out of range in a put operation |
1720 | errAEImpossibleRange | A range like 3rd to 2nd or 1st to all. |
1721 | errAEWrongNumberArgs | Logical op kAENOT used with other than 1 term |
1723 | errAEAccessorNotFound | Accessor proc matching wantClass and containerType or wildcards not found |
1725 | errAENoSuchLogical | Something other than AND OR or NOT |
1726 | errAEBadTestKey | Test is neither typeLogicalDescriptor nor typeCompDescriptor |
1727 | errAENotAnObjSpec | Param to AEResolve not of type ‘obj ’ |
1728 | errAENoSuchObject | e.g.: specifier asked for the 3rd but there are only 2. Basically this indicates a runtime resolution error. |
1729 | errAENegativeCount | CountProc returned negative value |
1730 | errAEEmptyListContainer | Attempt to pass empty list as container to accessor |
1731 | errAEUnknownObjectType | Available only in version 1.0.1 or greater |
1732 | errAERecordingIsAlreadyOn | Available only in version 1.0.1 or greater |
1750 | errOSASystemError | |
1751 | errOSAInvalidID | |
1752 | errOSABadStorageType | |
1753 | errOSAScriptError | |
1754 | errOSABadSelector | |
1756 | errOSASourceNotAvailable | |
1757 | errOSANoSuchDialect | |
1758 | errOSADataFormatObsolete | |
1759 | errOSADataFormatTooNew | |
1761 | errOSAComponentMismatch | Parameters are from 2 different components |
1762 | errOSACantOpenComponent | Can’t connect to scripting system with that ID |
1800 | errOffsetInvalid | |
1801 | errOffsetIsOutsideOfView | |
1810 | errTopOfDocument | |
1811 | errTopOfBody | |
1812 | errEndOfDocument | |
1813 | errEndOfBody | |
1850 | badDragRefErr | Drag Manager error codes |
1851 | badDragItemErr | Unknown drag reference |
1852 | badDragFlavorErr | Unknown drag item reference |
1853 | duplicateFlavorErr | Unknown flavor type |
1854 | cantGetFlavorErr | Flavor type already exists |
1855 | duplicateHandlerErr | Error while trying to get flavor data |
1856 | handlerNotFoundErr | Handler already exists |
1857 | dragNotAcceptedErr | Handler not found |
2000 | couldNotResolveDataRef | |
2001 | badImageDescription | |
2002 | badPublicMovieAtom | |
2003 | cantFindHandler | |
2004 | cantOpenHandler | |
2005 | badComponentType | |
2006 | noMediaHandler | |
2007 | noDataHandler | |
2008 | invalidMedia | |
2009 | invalidTrack | |
2010 | invalidMovie | |
2011 | invalidSampleTable | |
2012 | invalidDataRef | |
2013 | invalidHandler | |
2014 | invalidDuration | |
2015 | invalidTime | |
2016 | cantPutPublicMovieAtom | |
2017 | badEditList | |
2018 | mediaTypesDontMatch | |
2019 | progressProcAborted | |
2020 | movieToolboxUninitialized | |
2021 | wfFileNotFound | |
2022 | cantCreateSingleForkFile | Happens when file already exists |
2023 | invalidEditState | |
2024 | nonMatchingEditState | |
2025 | staleEditState | |
2026 | userDataItemNotFound | |
2027 | maxSizeToGrowTooSmall | |
2028 | badTrackIndex | |
2029 | trackIDNotFound | |
2030 | trackNotInMovie | |
2031 | timeNotInTrack | |
2032 | timeNotInMedia | |
2033 | badEditIndex | |
2034 | internalQuickTimeError | |
2035 | cantEnableTrack | |
2036 | invalidRect | |
2037 | invalidSampleNum | |
2038 | invalidChunkNum | |
2039 | invalidSampleDescIndex | |
2040 | invalidChunkCache | |
2041 | invalidSampleDescription | |
2042 | dataNotOpenForRead | |
2043 | dataNotOpenForWrite | |
2044 | dataAlreadyOpenForWrite | |
2045 | dataAlreadyClosed | |
2046 | endOfDataReached | |
2047 | dataNoDataRef | |
2048 | noMovieFound | |
2049 | invalidDataRefContainer | |
2050 | badDataRefIndex | |
2051 | noDefaultDataRef | |
2052 | couldNotUseAnExistingSample | |
2053 | featureUnsupported | |
2054 | noVideoTrackInMovieErr | QT for Windows error |
2055 | noSoundTrackInMovieErr | QT for Windows error |
2056 | soundSupportNotAvailableErr | QT for Windows error |
2057 | unsupportedAuxiliaryImportData | |
2058 | auxiliaryExportDataUnavailable | |
2059 | samplesAlreadyInMediaErr | |
2062 | movieTextNotFoundErr | |
2201 | digiUnimpErr | Feature unimplemented |
2202 | qtParamErr | Bad input parameter (out of range etc) |
2203 | matrixErr | Bad matrix digitizer did nothing |
2204 | notExactMatrixErr | Warning of bad matrix digitizer did its best |
2205 | noMoreKeyColorsErr | All key indexes in use |
2206 | notExactSizeErr | Can’t do exact size requested |
2207 | badDepthErr | Can’t digitize into this depth |
2208 | noDMAErr | Can’t do DMA digitizing (i.e. can’t go to requested dest |
2209 | badCallOrderErr | Usually due to a status call being called prior to being setup first |
2500 | tsmUnsupScriptLanguageErr | |
2501 | tsmInputMethodNotFoundErr | |
2502 | tsmNotAnAppErr | Component result no error |
2503 | tsmAlreadyRegisteredErr | Not an application error |
2504 | tsmNeverRegisteredErr | Want to register again error |
2505 | tsmInvalidDocIDErr | App never registered error (not TSM aware) |
2506 | tsmTSMDocBusyErr | Invalid TSM documentation id |
2507 | tsmDocNotActiveErr | Document is still active |
2508 | tsmNoOpenTSErr | Document is NOT active |
2509 | tsmCantOpenComponentErr | No open text service |
2510 | tsmTextServiceNotFoundErr | Can’t open the component |
2511 | tsmDocumentOpenErr | No text service found |
2512 | tsmUseInputWindowErr | There are open documents |
2513 | tsmTSHasNoMenuErr | Not TSM aware because we are using input window |
2514 | tsmTSNotOpenErr | The text service has no menu |
2515 | tsmComponentAlreadyOpenErr | Text service is not open |
2516 | tsmInputMethodIsOldErr | Text service already opened for the document |
2517 | tsmScriptHasNoIMErr | Returned by GetDefaultInputMethod |
2518 | tsmUnsupportedTypeErr | Script has no imput method or is using old IM |
2519 | tsmUnknownErr | Unsupported interface type error |
2526 | mmInternalError | Drag was not accepted by receiver |
2720 | errASCantConsiderAndIgnore | |
2721 | errASCantCompareMoreThan32k | |
2760 | errASTerminologyNestingTooDeep | |
2761 | errASIllegalFormalParameter | |
2762 | errASParameterNotForEvent | |
2763 | errASNoResultReturned | |
2780 | errASInconsistentNames | |
2800 | fragContextNotFound | CFM error codes |
2801 | fragConnectionIDNotFound | ContextID was not valid |
2802 | fragSymbolNotFound | ConnecionID was not valid |
2803 | fragSectionNotFound | Symbol was not found in connection |
2804 | fragLibNotFound | Section was not found |
2805 | fragDupRegLibName | Library name not found in Frag registry |
2806 | fragFormatUnknown | Registered name already in use |
2807 | fragHadUnresolveds | Fragment container format unknown |
2808 | fragUnused1 | Loaded fragment had “hard” unresolved imports |
2809 | fragNoMem | Unused |
2810 | fragNoAddrSpace | Out of memory for interal bookkeeping |
2811 | fragNoContextIDs | Out of memory in user’s address space for loadable section |
2812 | fragObjectInitSeqErr | No more context idÕs |
2813 | fragImportTooOld | Order error during user initialization function invocation |
2814 | fragImportTooNew | Import library was too old and therefore incompatible |
2815 | fragInitLoop | Import library was too new and therefore incompatible |
2816 | fragInitRtnUsageErr | Circularity detected in mandatory initialization order |
2817 | fragLibConnErr | Boot library has initialization routine |
2818 | fragMgrInitErr | Error connecting to library (error occured in sub prepare) |
2819 | fragConstErr | Error in initailization of this manager |
2820 | fragCorruptErr | Internal inconstistancy |
2821 | fragUserInitProcErr | Fragment container corrupted (known format) |
2822 | fragAppNotFound | User intialization routine did not return noErr |
2823 | fragArchError | No application found in cfrg (for Process Manager) |
2824 | fragInvalidFragmentUsage | Fragment targeted for an unacceptable architecture |
2899 | fragLastErrCode | i.e.: an application’s main fragment had no entry point or an accerated resource had no entry point or it had a termination routine etc… |
3000 | invalidComponentID | |
3001 | validInstancesExist | |
3002 | componentNotCaptured | |
3003 | componentDontRegister | |
3025 | invalidTranslationPathErr | Source type to destination type not a valid path |
3026 | couldNotParseSourceFileErr | Source document does not contain source type |
3030 | noTranslationPathErr | |
3031 | badTranslationSpecErr | |
3032 | noPrefAppErr | |
3101 | buf2SmallErr | |
3102 | noMPPErr | |
3103 | ckSumErr | |
3104 | extractErr | |
3105 | readQErr | |
3106 | atpLenErr | |
3107 | atpBadRsp | |
3108 | recNotFnd | |
3109 | sktClosedErr | |
3150 | kOTBadAddressErr | The specified protocol address was in an incorrect format or contained illegal information. |
3151 | kOTBadOptionErr | The specified protocol options were in an incorrect format or contained illegal information. |
3152 | kOTAccessErr | The user does not have permission to negotiate the specified address or options. |
3153 | kOTBadReferenceErr | The specified EndpointRef or TEndpoint* does not refer to a valid endpoint. |
3154 | kOTNoAddressErr | The endpoint could not allocate an address, or an address was required and not supplied by the client. |
3155 | kOTOutStateErr | The function was issued in the wrong sequence. |
3156 | kOTBadSequenceErr | An invalid sequence number was specified, or a NULL call pointer was specified when rejecting a connection request. |
3158 | kOTLookErr | An asynchronous event has occurred on this endpoint. |
3159 | kOTBadDataErr | The amount of client data specified was not within the bounds allowed by the endpoint. |
3160 | kOTBufferOverflowErr | The number of bytes allocated to hold a result is greater than zero, but not sufficient to store the result. |
3161 | kOTFlowErr | The endpoint is in asynchronous mode, but the flow control mechanism prevents the endpoint from accepting any data at this time. |
3162 | kOTNoDataErr | This endpoint is in nonblocking mode, but no data is currently available. It is also returned by LookupName when no names are found. |
3163 | kOTNoDisconnectErr | No disconnect indication is available. |
3164 | kOTNoUDErrErr | No unit data error indication currently exists on this endpoint. |
3165 | kOTBadFlagErr | An invalid flag was specified. |
3166 | kOTNoReleaseErr | No orderly release indication currently exists on this endpoint. |
3167 | kOTNotSupportedErr | This action is not supported by this endpoint. |
3168 | kOTStateChangeErr | The endpoint is undergoing a transient state change. This error is returned when a function call is made while an endpoint is in the process of changing states. |
3169 | kOTStructureTypeErr | An unsupported structure type was passed in the structType field. This error is also returned when the structType field is inconsistent with the endpoint type. |
3170 | kOTBadNameErr | The endpoint name is invalid. |
3171 | kOTBadQLenErr | The argument qlen when the endpoint was bound with Bind was zero. |
3172 | kOTAddressBusyErr | The requested address is in use, or this endpoint does not support multiple connections with the same local and remote addresses. This result code indicates that a connection already exists. As a return value for a Bind call, it may also indicate that no dynamic addresses are available for protocols or configuration methods that allow dynamic addressing. |
3173 | kOTIndOutErr | There are outstanding connection indications on the endpoint. All other connection indications must be handled either by rejecting them with SndDisconnect, or by accepting them with Accept. |
3174 | kOTProviderMismatchErr | The endpoint that is to accept the connection is not the same kind of endpoint as this one. |
3175 | kOTResQLenErr | When this endpoint was bound (see Bind), the qlen parameter was greater than zero. But to accept a connection on an alternate endpoint, such as this one, the endpoint must be bound with a qlen parameter equal to zero. |
3176 | kOTResAddressErr | The address to which this endpoint is bound differs from that of the endpoint that received the connection request; thus, this endpoint cannot accept this connection request. |
3177 | kOTQFullErr | The maximum number of outstanding indications has been reached for the endpoint. |
3178 | kOTProtocolErr | An unspecified protocol error occurred. |
3179 | kOTBadSyncErr | A call to Sync was made at nonSystemTask time. |
3180 | kOTCanceledErr | An outstanding call was canceled. |
4000 | invalidPickerType | |
4001 | requiredFlagsDontMatch | |
4002 | pickerResourceError | |
4003 | cantLoadPicker | |
4004 | cantCreatePickerWindow | |
4005 | cantLoadPackage | |
4006 | pickerCantLive | |
4007 | colorSyncNotInstalled | |
4008 | badProfileError | |
4009 | noHelpForItem | |
5000 | afpAccessDenied | |
5001 | afpAuthContinue | |
5002 | afpBadUAM | |
5003 | afpBadVersNum | |
5004 | afpBitmapErr | |
5005 | afpCantMove | |
5006 | afpDenyConflict | |
5007 | afpDirNotEmpty | |
5008 | afpDiskFull | |
5009 | afpEofError | |
5010 | afpFileBusy | |
5011 | afpFlatVol | |
5012 | afpItemNotFound | |
5013 | afpLockErr | |
5014 | afpMiscErr | |
5015 | afpNoMoreLocks | |
5016 | afpNoServer | |
5017 | afpObjectExists | |
5018 | afpObjectNotFound | |
5019 | afpParmErr | |
5020 | afpRangeNotLocked | |
5021 | afpRangeOverlap | |
5022 | afpSessClosed | |
5023 | afpUserNotAuth | |
5024 | afpCallNotSupported | |
5025 | afpObjectTypeErr | |
5026 | afpTooManyFilesOpen | |
5027 | afpServerGoingDown | |
5028 | afpCantRename | |
5029 | afpDirNotFound | |
5030 | afpIconTypeError | |
5031 | afpVolLocked | Volume is ReadOnly |
5032 | afpObjectLocked | Object is MRDW inhibited |
5033 | afpContainsSharedErr | The folder being shared contains a shared folder |
5034 | afpIDNotFound | |
5035 | afpIDExists | |
5036 | afpDiffVolErr | |
5037 | afpCatalogChanged | |
5038 | afpSameObjectErr | |
5039 | afpBadIDErr | |
5040 | afpPwdSameErr | Someone tried to change their password to the same password on a mantadory password change |
5041 | afpPwdTooShortErr | The password being set is too short: there is a minimum length that must be met or exceeded |
5042 | afpPwdExpiredErr | The password being used is too old: this requires the user to change the password before login can continue |
5043 | afpInsideSharedErr | The folder being shared is inside a shared folder OR the folder contains a shared folder and is being moved into a shared folder OR the folder contains a shared folder and is being moved into the descendent of a shared folder. |
5044 | afpInsideTrashErr | The folder being shared is inside the trash folder OR the shared folder is being moved into the trash folder OR the folder is being moved to the trash and it contains a shared folder |
5500 | envNotPresent | Returned by glue. |
5501 | envBadVers | Version nonpositive |
5502 | envVersTooBig | Version bigger than call can handle |
5550 | gestaltUnknownErr | Value returned if Gestalt doesn’t know the answer |
5551 | gestaltUndefSelectorErr | Undefined selector was passed to Gestalt |
5552 | gestaltDupSelectorErr | Tried to add an entry that already existed |
5553 | gestaltLocationErr | Gestalt function ptr wasn’t in sysheap |
6220 | kDMGenErr | Unexpected Error |
6221 | kDMMirroringOnAlready | Returned by all calls that need mirroring to be off to do their thing. |
6222 | kDMWrongNumberOfDisplays | Can only handle 2 displays for now. |
6223 | kDMMirroringBlocked | DMBlockMirroring() has been called. |
6224 | kDMCantBlock | Mirroring is already on canÕt Block now (call DMUnMirror() first). |
6225 | kDMMirroringNotOn | Returned by all calls that need mirroring to be on to do their thing. |
6226 | kSysSWTooOld | Missing critical pieces of System Software. |
6227 | kDMSWNotInitializedErr | Required software not initialized (eg windowmanager or display mgr). |
6228 | kDMDriverNotDisplayMgrAwareErr | Video Driver does not support display manager. |
6229 | kDMDisplayNotFoundErr | Could not find item (will someday remove). or kDMNotFoundErr: Could not find item. |
6230 | kDMDisplayAlreadyInstalledErr | Attempt to add an already installed display. |
6231 | kDMMainDisplayCannotMoveErr | Trying to move main display (or a display mirrored to it) or kDMNoDeviceTableclothErr: obsolete |
8960 | codecErr | |
8961 | noCodecErr | |
8962 | codecUnimpErr | |
8963 | codecSizeErr | |
8964 | codecScreenBufErr | |
8965 | codecImageBufErr | |
8966 | codecSpoolErr | |
8967 | codecAbortErr | |
8968 | codecWouldOffscreenErr | |
8969 | codecBadDataErr | |
8970 | codecDataVersErr | |
8971 | codecExtensionNotFoundErr | |
8972 | codecConditionErr | |
8973 | codecOpenErr | |
8974 | codecCantWhenErr | |
8975 | codecCantQueueErr | |
8976 | codecNothingToBlitErr | |
9400 | noDeviceForChannel | |
9401 | grabTimeComplete | |
9402 | cantDoThatInCurrentMode | |
9403 | notEnoughMemoryToGrab | |
9404 | notEnoughDiskSpaceToGrab | |
9405 | couldntGetRequiredComponent | |
9406 | badSGChannel | |
9407 | seqGrabInfoNotAvailable | |
9408 | deviceCantMeetRequest | |
9994 | badControllerHeight | |
9995 | editingNotAllowed | |
9996 | controllerBoundsNotExact | |
9997 | cannotSetWidthOfAttachedController | |
9998 | controllerHasFixedHeight | |
9999 | cannotMoveAttachedController | |
10000 | errAEEventFailed | |
10001 | errAETypeError or telBadTermErr | Invalid TELHandle or handle not found |
10002 | errAEBadKeyForm or telBadDNErr | TELDNHandle not found or invalid |
10003 | errAENotModifiable or telBadCAErr | TELCAHandle not found or invalid |
10004 | errAEPrivilegeError or telBadHandErr | Bad handle specified |
10005 | errAEReadDenied or telBadProcErr | Bad msgProc specified |
10006 | errAEWriteDenied or telCAUnavail | A CA is not available |
10007 | errAEIndexTooLarge or telNoMemErr | No memory to allocate handle |
10008 | errAENotAnElement or telNoOpenErr | Unable to open terminal |
10009 | errAECantSupplyType | |
10010 | errAECantHandleClass or telBadHTypeErr | Bad hook type specified |
10011 | errAEInTransaction or telHTypeNotSupp | Hook type not supported by this tool |
10012 | errAENoSuchTransaction or telBadLevelErr | Bad volume level setting |
10013 | errAENoUserSelection or telBadVTypeErr | Bad volume type error |
10014 | errAENotASingleObject or telVTypeNotSupp | Volume type not supported by this tool |
10015 | errAECantUndo or telBadAPattErr | Bad alerting pattern specified |
10016 | errAELocalOnly or telAPattNotSupp | Alerting pattern not supported by tool |
10017 | telBadIndex | Bad index specified |
10018 | telIndexNotSupp | Index not supported by this tool |
10019 | telBadStateErr | Bad device state specified |
10020 | telStateNotSupp | Device state not supported by tool |
10021 | telBadIntExt | Bad internal external error |
10022 | telIntExtNotSupp | Internal external type not supported by this tool |
10023 | telBadDNDType | Bad DND type specified |
10024 | telDNDTypeNotSupp | DND type is not supported by this tool |
10030 | telFeatNotSub | Feature not subscribed |
10031 | telFeatNotAvail | Feature subscribed but not available |
10032 | telFeatActive | Feature already active |
10033 | telFeatNotSupp | Feature program call not supported by this tool |
10040 | telConfLimitErr | Limit specified is too high for this configuration |
10041 | telConfNoLimit | No limit was specified but required |
10042 | telConfErr | Conference was not prepared |
10043 | telConfRej | Conference request was rejected |
10044 | telTransferErr | Transfer not prepared |
10045 | telTransferRej | Transfer request rejected |
10046 | telCBErr | Call back feature not set previously |
10047 | telConfLimitExceeded | Attempt to exceed switch conference limits |
10050 | telBadDNType | DN type invalid |
10051 | telBadPageID | Bad page ID specified |
10052 | telBadIntercomID | Bad intercom ID specified |
10053 | telBadFeatureID | Bad feature ID specified |
10054 | telBadFwdType | Bad fwdType specified |
10055 | telBadPickupGroupID | Bad pickup group ID specified |
10056 | telBadParkID | Bad park id specified |
10057 | telBadSelect | Unable to select or deselect DN |
10058 | telBadBearerType | Bad bearerType specified |
10059 | telBadRate | Bad rate specified |
10060 | telDNTypeNotSupp | DN type not supported by tool |
10061 | telFwdTypeNotSupp | Forward type not supported by tool |
10062 | telBadDisplayMode | Bad display mode specified |
10063 | telDisplayModeNotSupp | Display mode not supported by tool |
10064 | telNoCallbackRef | No call back reference was specified but is required |
10070 | telAlreadyOpen | Terminal already open |
10071 | telStillNeeded | Terminal driver still needed by someone else |
10072 | telTermNotOpen | Terminal not opened via TELOpenTerm |
10080 | telCANotAcceptable | CA not “acceptable” |
10081 | telCANotRejectable | CA not “rejectable” |
10082 | telCANotDeflectable | CA not “deflectable” |
10090 | telPBErr | Parameter block error bad format |
10091 | telBadFunction | Bad msgCode specified |
10101 | telNoTools | Unable to find any telephone tools |
10102 | telNoSuchTool | Unable to find tool with name specified |
10103 | telUnknownErr | Unable to set config |
10106 | telNoCommFolder | CommunicationsExtensions Ä not found |
10107 | telInitFailed | Initialization failed |
10108 | telBadCodeResource | Code resource not found |
10109 | telDeviceNotFound | Device not found |
10110 | telBadProcID | Invalid procID |
10111 | telValidateFailed | TelValidate failed |
10112 | telAutoAnsNotOn | AutoAnswer in not turned on |
10113 | telDetAlreadyOn | Detection is already turned on |
10114 | telBadSWErr | Software not installed properly |
10115 | telBadSampleRate | Incompatible sample rate |
11000 | pictInfoVersionErr | Wrong version of the PictInfo structure |
11001 | pictInfoIDErr | The internal consistancy check for the PictInfoID is wrong |
11002 | pictInfoVerbErr | The passed verb was invalid |
11003 | cantLoadPickMethodErr | Unable to load the custom pick proc |
11004 | colorsRequestedErr | The number of colors requested was illegal |
11005 | pictureDataErr | The picture data was invalid |
13000 | pmBusyErr | Power Mgr never ready to start handshake |
13001 | pmReplyTOErr | Timed out waiting for reply |
13002 | pmSendStartErr | During send pmgr did not start hs |
13003 | pmSendEndErr | During send pmgr did not finish hs |
13004 | pmRecvStartErr | During receive pmgr did not start hs |
13005 | pmRecvEndErr | During receive pmgr did not finish hs configured for this connection |
20000 | unknownInsertModeErr | There is no such an insert mode. |
20001 | recordDataTooBigErr | The record data is bigger than buffer size (1024 bytes). |
20002 | invalidIndexErr | The recordIndex parameter is not valid. |
23000 | ipBadLapErr | Unable to initialize the local network handler. |
23001 | ipBadCnfgErr | The manually set address is configured improperly. |
23002 | ipNoCnfgErr | A configuration resource is missing. |
23003 | ipLoadErr | Not enough room in the application heap (Macintosh 512K enhanced only) |
23004 | ipBadAddr | Error in getting an address from a server or the address is already in use by another machine. |
23005 | connectionClosing | A TCPClose command was already issued so there is no more data to send on this connection. |
23006 | invalidLength | The total amount of data described by the WDS was either 0 or greater than 65,535 bytes. |
23007 | connectionExists | The TCP or UDP stream already has an open connection. |
23008 | connectionDoesntExist | The TCP stream has no open connection. |
23009 | insufficientResources | 64 TCP or UDP streams are already open. |
23010 | invalidStreamPtr | The specified TCP or UDP stream is not open. |
23011 | streamAlreadyOpen | An open stream is already using the receive buffer area. |
23012 | connectionTerminated | The TCP connection was broken; the reason will be given a terminate ASR. |
23013 | invalidBufPtr | The receive buffer area pointer is 0 (nil). |
23014 | invalidWDS | The WDS pointer was 0 (nil). |
23014 | invalidRDS | The RDS refers to receive buffers not owned by the user. |
23015 | openFailed | The connection came halfway up and then failed. |
23016 | commandTimeout | The specified command action was not completed in the specified time period. |
23017 | duplicateSocket | A stream is already open using the local UDP port or a TCP connection already exists between the local IP address and TCP port, and the specified remote IP address and TCP port. |
23032 | ipDontFragErr | The pack is too large to send without fragmenting and the Don’t Fragment flag is set. |
23033 | ipDestDeadErr | The destination host is not responding to address resolution requests. |
23035 | icmpEchoTimeoutErr | The icmp echo packet was not responded to in the indicated timeout period. |
23036 | ipNoFragMemErr | Insufficient internal driver buffers available to fragment this packet on send. |
23037 | ipRouteErr | No gateway available to manage routing of packets to offnetwork destinations. |
23041 | nameSyntaxErr | The <> field had a syntax error. The address was given in dot notation (that is, W.X.Y.Z) and did not conform to the syntax for an IP address. |
23042 | cacheFault | The name specified cannot be found in the cache. The domain name resolver will now query the domain name server and return the answer in the callback procedure. |
23043 | noResultProc | No result procedure is passed to the address translation call when the resolver must be used to find the address. |
23044 | noNameServer | No name server can be found for the specified name string. |
23045 | authNameErr | The domain name does not exist. |
23046 | noAnsErr | None of the known name servers are responding. |
23047 | dnrErr | The domain name server has returned an error. |
23048 | outOfMemory | Not enough memory is available to issue the needed DNR query or to build the DNR cache. |
32615 | fontNotOutlineErr | Bitmap font passed to routine that does outlines only |
32640 | svDisabled | Reserve range 32640 to 32768 for Apple temp disables. |
32767 | dsSysErr | General system error |
32768 | svTempDisable | Temporarily disable card but run primary init. |